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Posts posted by Kissy

  1. So I need advice. For my younger son I want him to have a good fun year. This year we have loosely preschooled him and really did a lot of letting him lead us. He is 4 now but has a December birthday so will not be 5 in August when we start school. However, he can count to 20 and recognize those numbers on paper. He can write all of his alphabet by himself and is writing words some short words on his own but for longer words he asks us to spell them and he writes them. He knows all his letter sounds and can read although not very good yet. He is still beginning reading like 3 letter words and not all of them yet. We will continue working on his reading with Funnix through this spring and summer. He has done the horizons workbooks and will finish them this spring too. Considering all of this which core would be better for him? Is it too early to decide? We normally buy curriculum for next year with tax money so I need to figure out what to do if I can. For those of you who have used these cores could we do the p4/5 and add in the readers K or would that be enough to help him progress to the next level? Also the workbooks with the prek would they be too little for him? Right now he loves school and I don't want to mess up.

  2. I worked while I was in high school and plan to allow my son to work as well. When I was 15 I worked on weekends only for 9 hours; 3 on friday, 6 on Saturday. Then at 16 I worked about 20 hours a week. At 17 I went to high school half a day and worked half a day so it went up to 30 hours a week. I got a coop credit for working it was considered part of my schooling. I had block scheduling and would have 2 classes a semester when I was working 30 hours. I would say no to over 20 hours a week with a full load but if she doesn't want to graduate early and doesn't have many classes to finish high school maybe she could do like me and go part time hours and work the rest for a credit of some sort.

  3. Did you do Town or Voyage level first? I am very impressed with the punctuation exercises in Paragaph Town and Essay Voyage. . . I suspect that my dc are going to be master punctuators (is that a word? lol), and I know my own punctuation has improved just by working through Town with them!


    We did Essay Voyage last year. I know punctuation is covered but for us it didn't seem that it was stressed throughout the practice. On our end of year test though he performed so much better than ever on usage and expression after working through Voyage.

  4. We are on Magic Lens 1 this year and I love it. I will be picking up a workbook though for punctuation because I think my student needs to see the rules daily and practice them and he does not with MCT. However, he can do the 4 level analysis on any sentence and truly knows the parts which is hard to accomplish. I didn't get some of the stuff he gets until college. He scores fantastic on the end of year test on grammar he only scored bad in punctuation and capitilization. Which are easy to fix.

  5. I think that depends on what you believe. We are Christian and big believers but I do not use "Christian" science curriculum because it is all young earth and we are not. I think a lot of people fall away from God in college and it has nothing to do with science or classes. It can be peers too. I think kids should be exposed to different theories. My son is well aware of young earth beliefs as well as our own so I don't think science will be an issue in college for him. Unfortunately I can't say he won't turn away from some other issues though. My great grandmother used to always say that if you start your kids believing they will always come back. So far for everything I have ever seen in my life this has been true.

  6. God's power and love is beyond anything we can understand. If this was happening to your child would you forgive them? Would you take them back and still love them? If you are truly sorry and you sound like you are then I believe God will forgive you. The hardest part is forgiving yourself. We have a wonderful and merciful God that loves us. His love knows no bounds. I hope that you find peace in knowing this and can move past your sin. Do not feel embarassed to share your problems with your pastor. In most cases pastors take their position because they have been there and done that or have seen someone else they care about go through it and they truly want to help. A pastor is not there to judge you because only God can and they should be filled with the love that Jesus had for his people.

    1. Wait.

    2. Wait.

    3. Wait some more. Labor will start.(How many women do you know who are 12 months or more pregnant?)

    4. While you are waiting, do not answer the phone. Direct any online inquiries to this website: http://www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com/

    5. Do some more nesting. Cook a couple more meals for your freezer, have your husband take some beautiful photos of your belly, and any other things that you didn't think you'd have time to do.

    6. Pretend you are French: your baby won't know otherwise (I have been advised that French women are not officially "overdue" until they pass 42 weeks).

    7. Plan something interesting or fun for each day. This will take your mind off how "overdue" you are.

    8. Try any natural remedy you fancy, as long as it doesn't have side effects. It might work, and if it doesn't, at least you'll feel as though you're doing something.

    9. Think of this as good practice: we all know that parenting demands endless reservoirs of patience.

    10. And did I mention wait?



    Love that website.

  7. I don't know how I would feel if a dr did that to us. My son is 12 and we went to the dr last year and none of that was asked and there was no form like that to fill out. My son knows what sex is and how we feel because he has lots of public school friends and they learned sex ed at school in 5th grade. I wanted my son to know it from me and not them so I told him. I trust our dr so I would say if he asked then that would be ok with us but again until it happens you never really know how it would affect you.

  8. I am not sure about smoothies. Most kids like bananas so maybe you can make monkey smoothies because monkeys eat bananas. Here are a few other ideas for snacks though:


    animal crackers (of course)

    monkey bread

    ants on a log (raisins on peanut butter spread on celery)

    little debbie zebra cakes

    you can research what different safari animals eat and make a yummy trail mix

  9. Thanks ladies.


    Maureen your story is very encouraging. We are starting a class here at our house for other middle schoolers next year and are joining another homeschool group locally for some more activities that would be geared specifically to his age group. I am hoping this will help him get to know more kids who homeschool and hopefully they like it. I think the neighbor is a big influence right now. He is a good kid and obviously likes going to public school. I just want to make a more balanced time in his friendships. Hoping next year he will love homeschooling.

  10. Just curious - have you made it through Essay Voyage yet? (I see it on your list :)). We're not getting there till next year, but I see it has a puncutuation as a function of grammar lesson in every chapter - is it these he's having a hard time with, or just applying it in his writing?


    I used Punctuation Puzzlers from Critical Thinking Press when my kids were in 5th - there are a couple of different levels, up to 8th grade. There are two books per level, one that focuses on comma usage, and one that focuses on run-on sentences. They give you a sentence that can have two different (usually very amusing) meanings based on the way it's punctuated, to drive home that punctuation matters. :) I used the books, but it looks like there's also software.


    I also use Editor in Chief also from CTP, which is editing, but you have to find the punctuation (and spelling, grammatical, etc.) errors in someone else's writing.


    We are through Essay Voyage and it goes over rules but he can't seem to remember to use them. No matter how many times I get him to edit and I edit his papers he still needs more actual practice using the punctuation. He does really well with the 4 level analysis but can't seem to add the punctuation. So I guess mainly I am looking at workbooks to help him practice with finding errors and learning to add them.

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