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Posts posted by OhM

  1. OK, for VBS, I asked dh to help us make a boat bottom out of cardboard that we could suspend from the ceiling in a classroom to add to the “under the water†theme for the room. (There will also be pipecleaner fishhooks dangling from the ceiling with gummy worms, fish swimming around, etc.)


    So I’m thinking bend some cardboard and paint lines on it; slap it up there.


    No – he actually BUILT A BOAT! Out of cardboard. Just the bottom, but it has structure – framework and ribs, and cardboard “planks†over the structure to make up the bottom.


    If he were to waterproof it, I think it would float. And hold weight.


    The man is insane.:lol:

  2. Similar to a conversation I had w/dd:


    She and her sister walked around the department store so as not to risk being seen with me buying bras. I couldn't locate them when I was finished and the offending items were safely hidden in a shopping bag. I know! I'll call her brand new cell phone and find out where they are hiding!


    It goes to voice mail. :glare:


    When I find them 10 minutes later, I ask, "Why didn't you answer your phone?"


    "I don't have it with me."


    "Why not?"


    "I already used up all my texting."




    Yeah, that's why we agreed to pay the extra gazillion dollars a month - not so Mom and Dad can reach you; so that you can text your friends!

  3. I didn't vote - you didn't list the obligatory "other"!!:D


    I would mark "love it" - as long as it's the Big Apple Circus. We don't have many opportunities to see it here in Ohio, but on the odd occasion when they come around - we don't miss it. It's truly a work of art.


    Barnum & Bailey? Not so much. ;)

  4. My daughter has been known to finish the hand-sewing (hems, buttons) on the way to the competition. :driving:


    Our events day is in March, this year my 15yo sewed a bright orange trench coat (fully lined, with inset pockets) and a Project Runway dress. She has used the outfit since as business attire at teen court.


    I do not help her unless she asks for advice (almost never), she prefers to figure it out for herself.


    I am always astounded at what she makes and flabbergasted that she meets the deadline.:lol:


    Your dd sounds so talented! This is my dd's (11yo) 3rd sewing project. I've seen tremendous improvement in her skills each year. I hope she can get to where your 15yo is!

  5. Joint meeting with girls AND parents and school administration. With that many voices, action would be taken quickly. Be willing to meet also with coach, admin AND girls and parents. You have to be willing to say it in front of everybody so coach can't deny things because there will be several other witnesses there. Then, girls together should demand another coach. If this coach remains in position, my DD would quit. I would not let her continue in this kind of abusive stress. Life's too short.


    BTW: quiting because the coach is abusive is okay. It's not the same as quiting because your lazy or uncommitted.


    This advice is great. And abusive is the correct word - not "tough", "strict" or even "mean". This is well beyond that.


    And a Christian school, no less. That lady needs to get her priorities straight, and the kids should not be subjected to her.


    Too bad you can't rent out Remudamom!

  6. The school is modelled after the TWTM and has one teacher with other teachers helping for 1st to 8th grade.


    When I ready the thread title, I was prepared to tell you all about my extremely shy (debilitatingly so) daughter who has really flourished since we took her out of ps to homeschool. (The problem now seems to be her friends' parents who just can't let her drop the "shy" label, even though she's nothing like that now - but that's another story.:D)


    But your situation seems completely different, and the option you have sounds FANTASTIC! Even before considering homeschooling, I had wished for a one-room school opportunity for my kids. I like the idea on so many levels, and to find one based on TWTM would be awesome.


    It sounds like a great opportunity. I would probably try it for a semester and make a decision from there.

  7. Um, did you try calling your phone and asking for it back? Or if it's the guy's roommate, couldn't you talk to him and have a place be setup to give it back?


    DH lost his phone once too, someone picked it up, we called it, and the person was quite nice about giving it back, we had it a couple hours later (after realizing it was lost.)


    This happened to me recently after I left the phone on a bench outside the local rec center. The guy sounded embarrassed to be caught with my phone, but was quite nice about dropping it back at the rec center the next day. (He had picked it up after the center was closed.)


    You can even greet the guy by name now. And if he's not cooperative, go ahead and mention the possibility of the police report. I'm betting the phone will materialize in the store's lost and found pretty quickly.

  8. Hi! I saw your messages on INCHES (where I don't post much, but read the digest daily.)


    I think you have a great idea (unfortunately, I'm on the way wrong side of town to join you all - maybe a good excuse to start something in our neck of the woods.)


    I just wanted to suggest that you talk to the activities director of the facility you're planning to visit. When we take girl scouts for caroling at Christmas time, the activities person always has great suggestions for things we can do. A regular games time might be fun, or if you have a lot of older kids, maybe reading aloud.


    Best of luck with your venture!

  9. During my marriage we had issues with porn. I don't have a big issue in general with men viewing porn within reason, often we viewed it as a couple. OUr trouble was actually deeper seated and the porn was just one way it came out. He would come home from work, head straight for our office, and lock himself in to look at porn for 6-8 hours a night without even acknowledging me and the children existed. If that had been the only issue I think with counselling we could have worked it out BUT it wasn't, we had many issues going on. The porn viewing was hurtful to me, because he would make comments about how my body wasn't like those women etc. He would get angry if I couldn't or wouldn't do some of the stuff they did. The final straw in our marriage was when he raped me.


    In his case there were other issues going on, including alcoholism, adultery, etc. The porn was not the major factor in the failure of our marriage but it did contribute to it. I still don't have a probelm with grown men viewing porn particularily if the man and woman are viewng it together to extra stimulation etc in their own sex lives. But when it starts taking over their lives then there is a major problem to be addressed. I do think it can be worked through and over come with counselling if it is the only issue, but if it is just one of many I do think the marriage will fail.


    This thread got a lot more (ahem) *interesting* in the interim, but my response to the OP's question - I had very similar issues to Swellmomma in my first marriage. Like her, it wasn't the only factor, but a contributing factor, and like her, the final straw was rape.


    So, not surprisingly, when I met dh, porn was a *major issue* to me. It was and remains a non-negotiable item. It does not matter to me one bit whether that's reasonable or logical, it just is.


    So to the original question - it's a deal-breaker for me, because of my past experience.

  10. Wow - great post! Thanks for asking!


    If and The God of the Copybook Headings were already mentioned, as well as Captain, My Captain.


    I don't think Ozymandias (by Shelley) has been mentioned.


    I met a traveller from an antique land

    Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

    Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown

    And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.

    And on the pedestal these words appear:

    `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'

    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

    The lone and level sands stretch far away".

  11. Every time I hear of a story like this, I say a little prayer of thanks and "there but for the grace of God go I"! I can completely imagine how exhaustion or a change in routine could have led to this, especially when I was still working, and I'm thankful that I stayed diligent enough at the right times to prevent it.


    I grieve for that family. How hard that must be.


    ETA: I really should read other posts before commenting! Kim - glad I'm not the only one.

  12. RAMONES!


    Love the Ramones.


    And I need to get some XTC. My Echo and the Bunnymen music is around here... somewhere.


    I showed him The Cramps yesterday... poor kid.





    I heard an XTC song the other day and remembered how great they are!


    And you are really taking me back to my college days - we had a great music hall right off campus where we saw all of these bands!

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