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Posts posted by OhM

  1. Ds likes rock, old rock like Ozzy to modern Christian Rock. Dh and I were both into fairly heavy metal as teens so it is funny for us to hear it coming from him now. He really likes about anything except for vulgar rap.


    This sounds a lot like dd14.


    She doesn't seem to have anything more recent than 1990 on her ipod right now! (I take that back - she has some Skillet and some other hard-ish Christian rock).


    Her favs are: AC/DC, Queen, old-old REM, TMBG. She does have quite a bit of Daft Punk - I guess that's more recent. She listens to the Glee version of "Don't Stop Believin'" over and over! (I kind of like it, too, despite a visceral hatred of Journey:D)

  2. I turned in $50 to the service desk of a grocery store. Imagine my surprise a month later when they called to tell me it hadn't been claimed, so it was mine!


    To the original OP - a small amount I would keep, a larger amount try to turn in. But what the cut-off is, I'm not sure. I thought someone would miss $50 and make an effort to back-track and find it. Probably not if it were a $10.

  3. 14yo dd is just now getting her first cell phone.


    We're paying the $10.00/month to add her to our minutes plan (which is just too cheap to leave right now!) She's responsible for the cost of whatever texting plan she gets. She's chosen the $5.00/month for 300 messages for now, but is fretting about how to control people texting her. It could cost up to $15.00/month for unlimited, which she does not want to spend.


    We have had lots of discussions about how friends are using their phones, and what we find inconsiderate about their use. The restrictions we have so far have been joint decisions, and come from those discussions.


    :lurk5: I'm eager to see how this plays out for her!

  4. I'm sorry nephew. I had a lot of things on my mind at the time that we talked about the clubs. But now that I've had a minute to think about it, I've changed my mind. I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll understand.


    :iagree: I have a similar relationship w/my brother - maybe a bit worse - grit-teeth kind of cordial; limited contact.


    He talked me into selling him my motorcycle (for his step-son) on an installment plan. Rec'd a down payment (of 10% of total), hear nothing from him for 2 months, he has a fight with stepson, who takes off on the bike and wrecks it. The bike is impounded when he's picked up for driving w/o a license (my brother called the cops on him after he ran away.)


    My brother calls to tell me they don't want the bike anymore. He's "willing" to get it out of impound for me, but he needs me to drive the title to him (he lives 1 1/2 hours away) for him to do this.


    So I have my damaged bike back. Has he ever offered to fix it for me? Nope. He just avoids me now even more than he did in the past (which at this point it really fine w/me.)


    Dumb-a$$. :cursing:


    Long story short: family harmony and closeness will be better preserved by not loaning the clubs!

  5. I would not assert the boundary with the expectation that they will visit YOU. In fact, that's not a boundary at all, it's an ultimatum. Instead, I'd encourage you to set a healthy boundary of visiting when it suits your family's resources: money, time, emotional, etc. I'd be ready to assert space to be safe in that boundary "We won't be visiting as often since it does not work for our family. That is a non debatable decision. You are, however, welcome here!"


    :iagree: Very well-stated.

  6. How's that for a thread title?


    This is an odd request, and a long shot, but with the range and reach of this group, I bet ya'll can help. :D


    Dh, another couple, and I are driving 10 high school kids from central OH to Colorado for a church youth convention this summer. We're looking for a place to stay in the Kansas City-Topeka-really anywhere in eastern KS along 70 region, preferably a church basement or the like to crash in. Our church association (sort of like a synod) doesn't have many member churches in that area. (In fact, I think there are only 2 in Kansas!)


    If anyone knows of a likely church to contact and ask, or any other creative (yet safe :001_smile:) ideas, could you let me know?

  7. simple instructions and materials to make pom-pom animals with googly eyes! :D You could buy bulk eyes, bulk pom-poms, even bulk feathers and chenille stems for certain animals.




    Oh - we made these for an international fair one time! We glued the pompoms inside small shells and made "shell friends"! They were a huge hit! Thanks for the reminder.


    Artist trading cards?


    If you Google, you will find a lot of information about these.


    You could give mini cards cut to the correct size with colored pencils.




    This reminded me of some of the Dover activity books available (that might have been what you were referring to?) Thanks!


    And thanks for all the other great ideas! We also thought of weaving mats cut into the shape of animals.


    I am not familiar with Mary Stewart????




    Mary Stewart wrote a fantastic series based on the Arthurian legends, centered on Merlin. It was a trilogy when I first read it: The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills and the Last Enchantment. I knew of a fourth written in the 80's - The Wicked Day, but just now when I wiki'd it to check on titles, I learned of a 5th written in 95! - The Prince and the Pilgrim. Something for summer reading!

  9. Our GS troop is working on their Bronze award, and have decided to raise money and supplies to make craft kits for patients at the local Children's Hospital.


    Now for the fun part...


    Can you suggest some fun "in a bag" craft kits that we could put together? I understand that they distribute these to the kids on a cart, so when they pull it off the cart, it has to have all the pieces parts to complete the craft. Coloring pages with crayons are a big hit, as are bead kits, but what else can you creative ladies (and the odd guy) (ha! is that pun intended or not?) come up with?



  10. On my own, however, I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


    Me, too. I still have my copies from back then of two of the three with my name and the date in the front cover!


    To tell the truth, I don't remember anything else I read back then.


    ETA: Now that I've read the rest of the thread, I also remember many that others have mentioned:

    To Kill a Mockingbird, the Mary Stewart books (there were 4, I think) - several times, Bradbury - Farenheit 451 & Something Wicked This Way Comes (I still reread it every October!), Orwell - 1984 & Animal Farm. I also read Christy, and some Herriot books.


    Oddly, I think I read more in 7th-8th grade than at any other time in my life!

  11. Here's a recipe I love from Jane Brody's Good Food Gourmet:


    Minted Sugar Snap Salad



    1 lb sugar snap peas, trimmed

    1/4 c finely chopped red onion

    2 T finely chopped fresh mint leaves



    2 T raspberry vinegar (I've used red wine, rice wine, or 1 T red or rice wine + 1 T balsamic - but the raspberry is good if you have it!)

    1 T olive oil

    1/4 t salt (optional)

    1/4 t freshly ground black pepper

    1/8 t sugar


    1. Parboil peas for 2 min. or until bright green. Rinse immediately under cold water, drain, set aside to cool.

    2. Place cooled peas in salad bowl, add onion and mint, toss ingredients to combine well.

    3. To prepare dressing, combine dressing ingredients in small bowl or jar, and drizzle over the peas. Toss salad again. Serve chilled or at room temperature.




    This cook book is awesome, by the way.


    You were not an idiot! You trusted your husband. You are supposed to trust your husband! That's part of the deal!!! You're supposed to be able to trust him!


    So he's the idiot. Maybe you were naive, but you did nothing wrong here.




    :iagree: I don't even think you were naive. You held up your part of the bargain by trusting him. He's the one who failed here. Don't spend a second of your time or an ounce of your strength kicking yourself.



  13. It sounds like you're in much better shape for the "unforeseens" than we were when I quit to homeschool. We had been thinking about it for 2 years when I finally did it - the impetus was a combination of what you mentioned - realizing the girls were growing up and I was missing the opportunity, and the fact that the company I was working for was coming apart at the seams (and finally did close doors 3 months after I left!)


    We didn't have the savings, and still were carrying credit card debt. I've been fortunate to find a part-time position w/dh's firm to keep my foot in the door (I'm an engineer) and make a little extra $$$. But in the 4 years since I've been "home", we've paid off most of the credit cards, put away a bit of savings (still not 6 months!), and continued to add to our retirement accounts.


    Like many others have mentioned, it's a different kind of life. We haven't completely given up eating out, or taking vacations, but we make different and more careful choices now.

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