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Posts posted by OhM

  1. I'm almost 42, and feel like I could do another pregnancy (I wish now dh and I wouldn't have "stopped" when we did - but that's another story).


    What I don't feel up to, though, is being 60 when that one graduates from school. Just don't think I can hold out that long!


    But dh's mom did it - she had him at 40, is now 83, and a very active grandparent! (She had told herself that she would never see her grandchildren, and has always been overjoyed to have been proven wrong.)

  2. We were pretty excited to meet new baby Andy at church yesterday! The family has an open adoption arrrangement with another family at church (grandparents attend; mom is in Air Force stationed out of state.)


    We'll be sending a card to the new (adoptive) parents, but I'm wondering if it would be appropriate to send a card to (birth-)mom and grandparents also, and if so, if someone could suggest an appropriate wording? (I'm lousy but can get by at run of the mill occasions; this would require more delicacy than I possess!)


    I'm just so excited for the families - and know that this little guy will bring a lot of joy to so many people! I'm hoping to express that correctly.



  3. It's nice to hear that I'm the only dark brunette that hasn't particularly liked her hair color. I also have very fair skin (and usually red from sunburn in the summer) so the contrast is particularly stark. ETA: (Yeah - forgot you can see for yourself on my avatar now! It's actually a little worse than the picture makes it.)


    Before homeschooling, when I worked full time, I was coloring to mask the grey. My hairdresser used two shades lighter than my natural. Luckily, I didn't have the issues you have w/coloring. (Perming - now that's another story - "like trying to curl concrete" one hairdresser told me.:D)


    When I quit working to hs, that's one place dh and I agreed we'd save money. I found I have more grey than I realized, and had forgotten just how *dark* brown it was! But I don't mind it as much as I used to, or as much as other people seem to (certain "friends", hapless men at church, and my ib [idiot brother] have made a bigger deal out of it than dh or I ever do:glare:).


    One of my grandmothers had pure white hair - I'm hoping that's where I'm headed, though I can't exactly tell yet.

  4. I don't think any NTs believe there is anything "wrong" with them, that's part of our charm (or not, according to exhibit A). ;) I don't see any "blame" here, either. Oil and water don't mix. That doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong.


    Not only do I completely agree (and totally identify) with this post, I have to laugh out loud, because when dh and others find it necessary to point out any of my idiosyncrasies (among them rudeness, bluntness, "coldness"), that's my standard response:


    "It's part of my charm."

  5. Dear Person,


    I wish you well, wholeness in life. It seems you've found a new life in Christ and know that I will continue to wholeheartedly pray that the Holy Spirit walk with you!


    At this time, a relationship with you is not something I am comfortable with. It's not something I will discuss with you or with others.


    In Him,






    Joanne, have you ever considered writing a "Book of Letters for All Occasions"? I saw the response you penned for Erin earlier today, and now this one - hit the nail on the head both times!


    I remember years ago either Dear Abby or Ann Landers published one of these - I think your would be way better and eminently more useful!

  6. Have any of you done the Myers Briggs test? Both my middle daughter and I are INTJ and we always think we are more like males. That is because we are seriously analytical thinkers and also rathr non-emotional. I am trying to break the news gently to my middle that even though she is like this and naturally gravitates towards boys for hanging out, that will have to be changing. I found that out in college where boys I thought could simply be my friends turned out to eventually want more than that.


    Just getting ready to post this same thing.


    I always thought that I just didn't do well in groups of women because I was out of practice - I was one of three in my upper level engineering classes in college, then worked in mostly-male offices and working groups for nearly 20 years.


    Then I found my M-B profile - INTJ - and it all made sense! Being in a male-dominated profession was an indicator, not the cause.


    And not to cast aspersions on anyone here,:D but I have to say that I've seen enought to know that there's another side to "I get along with men better..." I don't know how many times I've heard that from other women and then come to find out it's because they are so much more successful with flirting when the group is primarily men. :lol:

  7. All those wonderful, SUBSTANTIVE education classes we took to get our credentials were mostly drivel, if we're to be honest with ourselves. Our training is in teaching large groups of kids at one time. Take that away and almost anyone who wants to put the effort in (through workshops, great curricula, training, support groups, co-ops, etc.) can teach. Let us not flatter ourselves.



    Thank you for saying this. I came away from my coursework toward teaching certification (after working as an engineer for nearly 20 years) with precisely this impression. So after I started homeschooling, and started to hear certain teachers' arguments that only "trained professionals" can and should teach my children, I had to laugh out loud!


    There are certainly teachers who are more skilled than me at teaching. I imagine nearly all teachers are more qualified than me to handle a classroom of 30 children! But to say that because I lack the training I am unqualified to teach my children is laughable.

  8. Call your local ps! I volunteered with a "Reads" program at our local school when dd's were attending. I was matched with two students, and went to the school at a regular time each week, for an hour. I read with each one for 1/2-hour. I did this for 2 years - and really bonded with those kids! The last year, I had 5th grade boys, and one of them asked if I could do it again next year when he was in the middle school :crying: I saw the other boy I read with that year in the grocery recently and didn't recognize him (he's a high schooler now) until he introduced himself. He thanked me for reading with him all those years ago.


    Anyway - you can tell it was a very meaningful experience! You might see if your ps has a similar program. If not, I would still ask to be referred to a teacher who might like help in this manner.

  9. I use both. Cooking light is one of the best magazine sources, and allrecipes.com is THE best internet source. I get most of my stuff from allrecipes.com simply because of convenience, though I have searched the cooking light website searchable database too.




    You might check the library for Cooking Light's yearbooks. Some of my favorite "keepers" were from the magazine.

  10. Wow - that sounds horrible. DH's (and my part-time) firm just had some squirrely layoffs, too.


    "Dr. Death" (so nicknamed because when he shows up, everyone knows heads will roll!) came in about 9:00. About 11:45 he was ready to meet, but the office manager suggested that several people were on their way out to lunch. Consequently, he took the first group into the conference room at 1:00, after lunch.


    First group was told that they were laid off, with 2 weeks severance pay, and they should leave immediately.


    Group 2 was taken into the conference room at 2:00 and told that they will have jobs for 2 more weeks, and then they will be done; no severance pay. (Yeah - stinks being group 2.)


    Group 3 (including dh) were not told anything. They know the office will close, but nothing about when, or how, or severance, or anything. I think the intention is to have these people leave of their own volition. (So does it stink being group 3 or not? We can't decide.) You'd think they could have some kind of information for this group - "Plans now are to finish up our contracts and close the office in December" or some such - but no - they get complete silence.:001_huh:


    At least they didn't have to play the knock-out game with their co-workers that you were describing!


    Of course, this isn't as bad as the last layoffs - after the entire office attended a mandatory and excruciatingly irritating 4-hour pep-rally event in the morning focusing on our excellent corporate culture, we returned to the office to find Dr. Death. Couldn't he have spared them the propaganda campaign and just let them go first thing? Geesh.

  11. Just bumping to tell you that though I've never been there, dh used to make frequent trips as a college student. I'll ask him about it.


    Though he may not remember any of his trips - he probably had different reasons for going than you are thinking of.:D


    Seriously, we've been talking about taking a family trip there, so I'll pick his brain and get back to you!

  12. Wouldn't be without mine - we get a side of beef every year, and do grocery game, so we usually stock up on stuff - couldn't do it w/o a freezer. Definitely an upright - it's a cinch to find anything, and holds so much more.


    We started with a massive upright freezer my mom gave us - it's awesome - actually pumps coolant in the shelves! But a huge energy hog. We replaced it with a smaller energy star model that I found almost new on Craig's list for cheap! Be sure to check Craigs' list!


    I really miss that old energy hog. We really need to get it out of the garage - but I hate to do that to someone. But really, it's an awesome piece of machinery. Anyone live near central OH who would be interested? I'd take $25 for it - but you'll probably pay that much per month in electricity. :lol:

  13. Ideally, I'm aiming for 10pm and wake at 6am.


    Realistically? I've been watching too much Hulu until midnight or later, and often sleeping until 8am. (Has anyone mentioned that they've been featuring Firefly on the homepage lately? (sigh))


    I've been much better since starting C25K several weeks ago - I like to use the track over at the school, and want to be out of there before school starts at 7:30am! So I'm motivated to be up and out.

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