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Mom in High Heels

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Posts posted by Mom in High Heels

  1. Ugh! Our post (Army) is closing in 5 years and for whatever reason they are now letting anyone E7 and above (dh is a CW2) move off post (including those who already live on post). When we first moved here, only O6 and above could live on the economy and everyone else had to live on post. I so want to move! I would love to live on the economy! Dh says no because we only have 18 months left. Who cares??? We currently live in stairwell housing (we're in Germany) in an 1100 sqft apt with 1 bathroom. We live on the 3rd floor. Walk up. With his OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance), we could afford to rent a single family 1900 sq ft house with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 terraces, a garden, garage, our own washer and dryer plus a small studio apt in the basement (which would be WONDERFUL for visiting family) with it's own small kitchen and bathroom. It's 10 minutes max from post and dh says he doesn't want to move. WHAT???? He says it's too much of a pain to set up a house. Guess who doesn't set up the house? Him! I do it! We would have to move ourselves and it would cost us about $1500 to have movers pack us out, but that's not an issue. The house I'm looking at is 150 Euro less per month than his OHA and we'd get more money for utilities than we'd spend (I have friends who live on the economy and they never use their entire utility allowance). I'm so irritated right now. I'm tired of having to haul laundry up and down 4 flights of stairs (the community washers and dryers are in the basement). I'm tired of having to lug groceries to the 3rd floor and walk the dogs up and down the stairs 4-5 times a day. I'm tired of living in a stairwell. I want a house. He's gone all day and usually at least 2-3 weeks out of every month, so he doesn't spend as much time in the apartment that ds and I do. I want some more space. I know it's only for 18ish months (though dh has talked about extending here), but still. Am I being unreasonable????


    Haha. The nurse at the allergist office threatened this after the back test.


    OMG, is that not the worst torture in the world? It's 15-20 minutes of pure agony. I told dh if I were a spy I'd tell everything I know and then start making stuff up just to get that to stop. The last time I had it done, they did 104 tests on my back and 97 of them flared positive. Some so badly they ran into each other and were off the charts. Basically if it grows, moves or produces something, I'm probably allergic to it.

  3. I feel your pain. Literally. I take Allegra, Flonase, Singluair, Zyrtec, and have a prescription eye drop. I have to take both Allegra and Zyrtec because neither last 24 hours and while Zyrtec works better it knocks me out, so I have to take Allegra during the day. I get 4 shots twice a week (8 shots per week). I've been doing this for YEARS. One of the best things I ever discovered though was the Neti Pot. OMG, you need one of these. It's gross to use, but so effective. I use mine in the shower because it's disgusting what comes out of my sinuses and easier to deal with in the shower. I'm not kidding, it will change your life. Get one! I prefer the porcelain kind to the plastic kind WM and CVS sell (they smell weird to me). I got mine at Whole Foods, but you can order porcelain pots on the internet if you can't find one. I've tried the grapefruit oil, but it makes me itch. I have an oral allergy to many fruits (I still eat them) that makes the back of my throat itch for about an hour after I eat them, and unfortunately, grapefruit is one of them. I can handle the back of my throat itching, but it nearly drove me insane to have my sinuses itch.

    Best of luck to you. Dh keeps threatening to put me in a bubble.

  4. We're not Dell fans. Dh had one and it was one problem after another. We've been devoted Toshiba fans for years now. I've had my current laptop (her name is Yuka-she's Japanese) for over 3 years now and never had a problem. I love her. Dh has had 3 Toshiba's, but 2 of them went to Iraq and came back with sand in the drives so we got him a new one. He loves his Toshiba too, but doesn't name them. I think when you name things they work better. :001_smile:

  5. Mine were upgraded a few years ago and I love them. I wore my original rings for 10 years (the gold band for 13 before he upgraded that too) and still have them. Sometimes I pull them out and look at them and remember our wedding day and how it felt to have him slip the ring on my finger and how wonderful our wedding day was. My new set (which was expensive but paid for in cash) is gorgeous and reminds me that he loves me enough to pick out something that he knew I would love. Just looking at them makes me happy. Knowing that he saved for them gives me big warm fuzzies inside. This is the replacement "engagement" ring:




    He knew that I liked marquis cuts (my original ring was a 1/3 c marquis solitaire) and looked for months to find the perfect ring. How could I not want to wear it? How could I not smile when I look at it, knowing how much care went into its selection?

  6. Mr. HH upgraded my engagement ring on our 10th. I went from a 1/3 carat solitaire to a honkin' huge ring with a 1c center stone and and diamonds all over the band totaling 2.5c. I LOVE it. He got a motorcycle. For our 13th, he decided my plain gold $29 Wal-Mart band looked sad and pitiful next to my new ring and bought me a diamond band that matches. It's .75c all together. We're not rich by any means, but he saved and got a really good deal on the big ring.

    I still have my original rings and maybe one day I'll pass them on to Indy when he wants to get married, or maybe I'll pass it on to a grandchild. BTW, dh is on his 5th bands. He broke the first one, lost the second and bent the third and fourth, but they were all cheap bands. For our13th (when he got me the new band), I bought him a really, really nice ring with a warranty. He hasn't had a problem with it yet and it's been 2 years and it doesn't have a dent or scratch on it.


    Now, having said all that, I do not like the band you posted. It's way too masculine IMO. If that's your wife's style, well then, I guess it's okay, but if you just think it's unique, I'd say no. Find out if she's sentimental about her ring first. You could ask her friends to find out, or make something up. Take your ring off and tell her you can't find it. Talk about replacing it with another band. See what she thinks. If she says that's a good idea, then broach the idea of replacing her ring. Casually.


    And FWIW, I know you don't want to hear it, but I think you're very sweet and romantic.

  7. Yes, but I feel like a SUPERIOR Alien. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Just kidding. I do know what you mean though. All of my regular friends (who live near me) send their kids to ps and think we're strange for hsing. Sometimes I get tired of it. I do however take sort of a sick pleasure in hearing them gripe about how horrible the school is and throwing in a "and that's why I homeschool" every now and then. :001_cool:

  8. I'm just a Jew living a more secular lifestyle than a religious one so take my opinion with a grain of salt if you want lol, but I cannot fathom how a day of celebrating our country's independence/freedom is anti-religious at all.


    By the way, I have a brother who will be "celebrating" the 4th of July on deployment in Afghanistan. Keep him in your thoughts, please.



    Well said! We have many, many, many friends who are "celebrating" the 4th in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's only by sheer luck that dh isn't there. He spent two 4ths, several birthdays, and a few anniversaries, as well as hundreds of regular days in the sandbox. You'd better believe we celebrate our freedom.

  9. Are you kidding me? There would BE no USA if it weren't for the Revolution. Not celebrating because it was violent? Why do people acknowledge Good Friday? Doesn't that commemorate the violent act of crucifixion? How about Memorial Day or Veteran's Day? Should we not honor and respect the soldiers who have given their lives? Actually, the 4th does NOT celebrate the war, it celebrates the official adoption of the Declaration of Independence (though the signing wasn't completed until August), not the war. Good grief. IMO, all of us, especially homeschoolers (remember this is illegal in a lot of countries), should show respect and celebrate the fact the we, by sheer luck were born in a country of freedom. There are people all over the world who would give anything to have what we have. Sure, sure, I get that you're free to not celebrate too, but show some respect for those who have fought for those freedoms. Believe me when I tell you that no one hates war more than military families and to not celebrate the founding of our country is a slap in the face to all those who have sacrificed so much.

  10. Exactly.


    I *love* Raiders of the Lost Ark. (Didn't care for any of the sequels.) Imo, it's the best action/adventure movie ever made.



    YES! Indy (whose real name is NOT Indy, but what he prefers me to call him on my blog and message boards since I don't use real names), is obsessed with Indiana Jones. His favorite movie is Temple of Doom, which I don't care for all that much, but he loves because it has kids in it. He first saw Raiders at my mom's house when he was about 3 and decided right then and there that he was going to be an archaeologist. He's almost 8 and from the time he saw that movie has wanted to learn everything he could about ancient history, languages and archaeology. He had an IJ themed birthday party last year (you can see photos here) and had me redecorate his room to an adventure/explorer theme.

    What's awesome about IJ, aside from Harrison Ford in all his open shirted hotness, is that not only is the hero brave and daring (and hot), but he's SMART. He loves books and surrounds himself with them (note his home in the Last Crusade-it's packed with books), and reads as much as he can. He's well versed ancient myths and legends as well as history in general, knows many languages, shows respect for different cultures, has a working knowledge of geography (modern, medieval and ancient), helps people in need, is a well respected member of academia and does it all with style (and occasionally shirtless). What is NOT to like?

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