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Mom in High Heels

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Posts posted by Mom in High Heels

  1. Wow, I can't believe how much people pay for health insurance. Dh is in the Army and one of the factors for him going in was health insurance. We don't pay for it at all and are completely covered. The only thing we have to pay for is dental for me and Indy, which is $28/month. A lot of military spouses gripe about our medical care, but we've never had a problem and are just grateful to have it. I've had lots of health problems and been hospitalized a few times and never had to pay a dime. When I was pg I went into pre-term labor at 6 months and had such amazing care.

  2. Interesting question. I can understand American's learning more about US history than any other single country, but it drives me crazy how school in the US teach US history almost exclusively. We are American (though currently living in Europe) and will study the basics, but I don't think we'll spend an entire year on it. There's sooooo much history that doesn't include the US and it's so interesting. As an American, of course I'm proud of my country (most of the time), but I think children should be exposed to far more than just the history of their own country. Indy knows basic info right now, and that's okay with me. When he's older, if he shows a marked interest in US history we may study it a little more in depth, but I will make sure to keep it in context of the world as a whole.

  3. What a great trip! Your pics are fantastic. We live about 5 hours from Paris is it is one of my all time favorite cities to visit. I have to say fall is my favorite time to visit. We were there in Dec last year and it snowed and was crazy cold. On the up side we have beautiful photos of a snow covered city. :)

    What wonderful memories you guys will have. We'll be studying the middle ages next year and I want to go to the Da Vinci house.

  4. Let me clarify, I don't think they should study grammar all year, every year (sorry if it came across that way), but I do think kids should have some sort of grammar every year, even if it's just a review. In my hs, about every 6 weeks or so, we did a unit of grammar. It was to reinforce what we'd learned earlier. Things like using a colon, comma, semi-colon properly; subject/verb agreement; using concrete language; proper modifier placement and usage, etc.

    It may be true about the speaking and grammar, but I have many friends with kids in hs and I've proofread several of their paper. The grammar mistakes are horrible and these are not slacker kids (pretty good kids actually), they simply don't always know how to make subject and verb agree, how to properly use punctuation or keeping the narration in the same tense. This is why we will continue grammar in some form every year, even if it's just a quick review every few weeks.

  5. Indy is only 7, but we will teach grammar the entire time we hs. One of my biggest gripes is that high school students don't seem to have any grasp of basic grammar. Have you listened to kids talk? Are they not taught word tense? I swear there are days when if I hear another person say "I seen" I'm going to go ten kinds of crazy on them.

    I went to a private girls school and we did grammar all the way through 12th grade. When I got to college it was really helpful in writing essays with proper grammar. A lot of people don't see the value in being able to diagram a sentence, but really, if you do know how then you know how to fit the parts of a sentence together and it makes writing a whole lot easier. My parents both said when they were in school they had grammar all the way through along with literature. I don't know when the focus moved to just literature.

  6. I'm jumping on the MCT band wagon (I'll expect my welcome packet soon) but have some questions before I order. I see that in the hs basic pack it only includes the teacher books because you can get the exercises from them. How does that work though? Are the worksheets there with the answers or are there blank worksheets too? I'm confused. Can someone please help me out before I order? TIA!

  7. I read through a lot of this thread and I got to thinking about used workbooks on major sites like Amazon and went to look them up. Guess what? There are thousands of USED workbooks for sale. Look up any workbook and there is an option to buy used. Amazon is a HUGE corporation. If there's a real issue with this shouldn't they be stopping this too?

  8. OMG, I have this problem so badly! Dh is a major packrat. It drives me mad. Our biggest issue is our Re-use it center. It's a recycling center that has a little store inside where people can drop off usable items that can be taken away for free. This is dh's favorite place to go. He's always dragging something home that we don't need, but he gets it because it was free. He goes every Saturday and I hate it. Half the time I refuse to let him bring it in the house.

    It has gotten much better recently though. I made him go to the doctor because he was very irritable all the time (along with other things) and I was tired of dealing with it. The doc put him on Wellbutrin and he's so much calmer and focused. He even cleaned out our storage room one day! He still drags crap home, but if we have no use for it, it's much easier to get him to get rid of it. Oh how I love his :chillpill:.

  9. Before dh got transferred I worked for big oil. I was a Sr. Land Agent who bought right-of-way tracts for a new oil pipeline coming down from Canada (it is currently under construction. I got paid a lot of money (six figures), but I did my job well (and worked long hard hours) and I was very respectful to all my land owners. It was not an easy job because people didn't like me before I ever met with them. I used my stunning wit and charm though to turn them around. :D

    I do think big oil is easy to hate. They make money (lots of it), but provide a necessary product. I can't hate them for that. In a perfect world everything would be fair and even, but we don't live in a perfect world. If people don't like it, they can stop driving. Gas prices are awful (around $7/gallon here in Germany), but there's not a whole lot to be done. I think people just need something to grumble about.

  10. Wow, your kids stay up late! Indy is in bed around 8:30pm, which is hard now that the sun doesn't go down until 11pm and gets up around 8:30am. There are mornings he's up as early as 7am, but usually he sleeps for a full 12 hours (bless his sweet heart). During the winter he's usually in bed at 8pm at the latest, but the sun is down here at 4pm, so he's ready. Even then though, he's not up until 8 or 8:30am. I try to get school going around 9:30 at the latest.

  11. Haha! And here I thought *I* was single handedly keeping Amazon from folding. I swear if it weren't for the military community overseas Amazon would have folded. Every time I go pick up our mail there a shelves full of packages with the little Amazon swoop on them. I'm impatiently waiting for the books I ordered to go along with History Odyssey to show up.

    What WP program are you going to do? We did CATW this year and loved it. I was going to do S&S this year until I came to this board and started reading TWTM. Gah!

  12. I remembered what she said, in some interview last winter - that she was planning to finish it,but she wanted to wait until people had forgotten about it. She said something along the lines of "I want people to stop buzzing about it. Once it falls of the radar and people aren't asking anymore, then I can refocus on it. I want a good two years of quiet about Midnight Sun, and then I'll pick up writing it again and surprise everyone." Two years of quiet? um..... I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. So please, let's stop talking about it to help out! :lol:


    To a PP - no, Fred did not appear in Breaking Dawn. Although if he did, would anyone have noticed him anyways? :lol:


    Well, it's been 2 years since it was leaked (June 2008), so I expect it to be available before Christmas. That's reasonable, right? :thumbup:

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