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Mom in High Heels

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Posts posted by Mom in High Heels

  1. Oh, goodness there have been so many. One of my all time favorite though came after he saw the Wizard of Oz for the first time. He said something to the effect of "Hey, how come that girl isn't going to jail? She killed 2 witches and there's no punishment? That's just wrong." About a year later it was on TV and he called out to me "Hey mom! It's that movie with the girl who kills witches and doesn't get in trouble!" I laughed so hard. He thinks Dorothy is a serial killer.

  2. I would not trust the RAST test. I have allergies to a billion things (at least it feels that way) and half of them don't show on the RAST. The skin prick test is often a better indicator, though it does show things that you may not react to as allergies. My doc said that means you are technically allergic, but you don't react in a typical fashion. He said it can just keep your body in a sensitive state and make your reactive allergies worse. Most of my non-reactive allergens are foods. I do have foods I react to (all oral allergies that make my lips swell or the back of my throat itch like mad), but there are several that I show no reaction to. I have found that if I cut those foods out of my diet though, my reactions do seem to be less.

    Children can grow out of allergies (I out grew many-thank goodness), so it is possible that he is no longer allergic to birch, but the only way to know for sure is a prick test or exposure.

    Best of luck to you and your son. Allergies are so difficult to live with.

  3. World War has to involve not only major countries, but also be fought on multiple fronts. Afghanistan is not considered a WW because it's fought IN Afghanistan. Iraq is fought only in Iraq. They are also considered separate wars by the military. Afghanistan and Iraq are not allied against the powers fighting them. Even if they were though, I still don't think it would considered a WW because none of the fighting takes place on the soil of the countries fighting against them. Does that make sense?


    BTW, I just ran this thought by dh, who is a military officer and analyst and he said I'm right. Well, duh. If only he'd understand that I'm always right, his life would be so much better. :D

  4. Back in April, I let Indy watch Oprah's Earth Day special. He was INDIGNANT over the lack of recycling in America, the trash circles in the ocean and the killing of the dolphins in Japan. He was hopping mad. He said he needed to write someone to let them know that this was wrong. He decided that he needed to write the "most powerful person in the world" (his words), Obama. He dictated his letter to me and I wrote it on the wipe board and he copied it down and we mailed it off.

    Yesterday we had a package slip in our box and it was for a big envelope. It had Indy's name on it and the return address of the White House. Indy was overjoyed! There was a nice letter from Obama (on embossed Presidential paper), thanking Indy for his letter and for his concern about the future of our nation and the world and stating that it was children like Indy who gave him great hope. It was a pretty standard type response, except at the end it thanked Indy and his family for our sacrifice and service to the country. It was signed with a pen, not a stamp. There was also a signed (again pen, not stamp) photo of Obama, an information sheet about the White House (including a color map) and what it's like to be President. Indy was crazy excited, but what really, really excited him was a photograph of Bo, the dog. LOL! On the back of the photo was a bit of information about Bo. He loves this one the most.

    I was really surprised that he got a response. I agreed to his writing the letter because he needed to do something and this was what he wanted, plus it was a great time to discuss the parts of a letter AND practice good handwriting and grammar. Look at all the school work involved! Bonus! He wants us to frame the photo and letter for him so he can "have it forever." He also has a birthday note and coin (it's an Army thing) from a 4 star general he wants framed. He's certain they're all now friends. :001_smile: Dh and I are thinking these could make really good recommendations if he wants to go to West Point. :D

    I'm going to scan and post my copy of his letter plus the letter from the President and put them on my blog. I'll let you know when they're up so you can see them if you like.

  5. We study it because we live in Germany. Dh is military and we've lived in Germany 3 times now (97-99, 01-04 and 08-??). Indy was born here and wants to learn it. We encounter it every single day. Even though we'll move at some point in time, I think it's a good language for Indy because almost everywhere we've visited in Europe, people can speak German. This makes communication so much easier. I drove to France one weekend for a HUGE flea market (OMG, it was amazing) and my French is sketchy at best. I was able to bargain with every singe seller though because I asked them if they spoke German and they all did! Hurrah! Even in Spain and Italy, we've been able to communicate in German. Most Europeans do speak English (bless them for that) , but a lot of the older ones don't. They do speak German though.

    I have to admit that German is not the prettiest of languages (seriously, the guttural sounds are something), and the words can be crazy long (though one long word can replace several English words), but it's close enough to English, that if the speaker is slow enough (Sprechen Sie langsamer bitte or Langsamer sprechen Sie bitte) we can figure out what they mean.

    Indy is also really good at ordering in restaurants. "Schnitzel mit Pommes und Sauce in eine becher Bitte!" (Schnitzel with fries and gravy in a bowl please!)

  6. Yeah, I think it was the curtain wire. I just redid Indy's room from Pirates to Explorer/Adventure and used something similar for his gazillions of postcards/photos from all the places we've been. I used twine! I put a nail in the wall at either end of where I wanted it and then 2 other nails midway between (to keep the line from drooping from the weight) and wrapped the twine and tied it. I used mini clothes pins to clip up postcards, photos, ticket stubs, light weight souvenirs, etc and it looks awesome. You could do it with any kind of wire and nails or screw hooks.

  7. My youngest handles math much better with a timer. I started her off with doing just 15 minutes.


    She had been taking more than an hour to do a single exercise and moaning and groaning and complaining about it the whole time. Once she knew that 15 minutes was all that she had to do, she started flying through math. .


    Yes to all of this. We had the same problem. Indy would take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to do math until I put him on a timer. I gave him 1 minute for each problem on the sheet at first and then slowly decreased the time per problem. Whatever he doesn't get finished during the time, he has to finish during his play time after we're finished with school. He flies through his math. He gets them right too. He knows if they're wrong he'll have to redo them during play time. He hates the timer, but it's effective.

  8. I only have 1 child and the first year, I didn't use a plan and I was a mess. I was so stressed out trying to figure out what we would be doing the next day. After that, I became a planner. I have our entire next year planned out. It's such a relief to know that I know what we'll be doing every day.


    DH and FIL will let them watch Spongebob, Phineas and Ferb (16 year old likes that too and can sing the whole theme song), Scooby Doo, Garfield, Tom and Jerry....


    See, I won't let Indy watch Tom and Jerry because it's so very violent and mean.


    Zack and Cody I have no problem with. I like how they've handled Cody and Bailey's relationship (they're 16/17 so it's not exactly middle school). They're ridiculously cute and the only time they ever kiss it's a very short peck. Mostly it's kisses on the cheek and hand holding. I also like that they (the twins) usually learn something or see consequences of their actions. London is just, well, she's just there for comic relief IMO.

    I do allow Indy to watch Disney XD (all the commercials are in Swedish for us, so they don't bother me).

    We all love Phineas and Ferb. It's hilarious and they make so many references to things most kids wouldn't get ("just like Beggar's Canyon back home"). Whenever the Doofenshcmirtz song comes on we always sing it. Sadly, I too know the entire theme song.

    Indy can watch Songebob, but no other shows on Nic because I don't like them and he is not allowed to watch Cartoon Network at all. Their shows are horrible.

  10. Yeah....but Daniel Craig is an awesome James Bond. :tongue_smilie:


    Sweet baby Hercules, yes he is. When he came up out of the water in that swimsuit, I swear my mouth went dry. I'm not usually into light haired men (I like dark hair), but good golly. We went to Monaco back in May and I was looking around hoping I'd see him. :D



    BTW, I just got back from seeing Eclipse and oh, how I loves me some Robert Pattinson. I'm not old enough to be his mom, so it doesn't make me a cougar. That is one good looking young man. I'm not in the screaming Jacob camp (Taylor Lautner) because I am old enough to be his mom (if I were a young mom), plus, he'll always be SharkBoy to me. Edward/RPattz though, yummy.

  11. What an interesting thread. I have to say in the States I would say absolutely inappropriate. However, we live in Europe and it's very different over here. I hear the term colored often and no one seems to think anything of it and black people are certainly not called African-American for obvious reasons. In fact the black people I know (who are European), think it's silly for African-Americans to want to be called this. One of my friends (who is black) thinks it's degrading. She said it waters down their American heritage. I'm not sure I believe that, but being Caucasian, I don't think it's my right to argue.

  12. JMO but it's her child and she can do (or not do) as she pleases. It would drive me absolutely batty, but....


    The only situation I find very problematic is the one where he left the house. I know VERY few people who really think about leaving the room when they have a 4yo, but the child needs to have clear safe boundaries (go outside only when he's asked or has an adult to go with him).


    Well, not that I don't consider the rest problematic, just that, again, she has the right to do as she pleases with her kid and you will likely only progress in tearing down the relationship to address it.


    Sorry, I'd LIKE to tell you to have the discussion and she'll step up and parent well, but that probably isnt' the case. Sorry.


    :iagree: When Indy was 4, I would never have thought to announce I was leaving the room so someone else could watch him. At 2, and maybe even 3, but not by 4, especially if there were other people in the room. If I were leaving the house, I would (and make sure it was okay that I left him), but not just to leave the room.

    I would question how the child got out if he was at your house and make sure there was a lock that the he couldn't open out of his reach.

    You may not agree with her parenting style, but he is her child, not yours. I really think the only thing you can do is set a good example. As long as the child is not in any danger, I think you should stay out of it.

  13. Well, dh is military, so we move all the time. All. the. time. In the 14 years he's been in, we've moved 10 times. I could move in my sleep. :) Organization is the key. We did a trans-Atlantic move with 4 weeks notice, including shipping cars and pets. Of course the military sends people to pack us out, but it is still soooooo much work. For me. Dh is hopeless at moving. Probably on purpose so he can get out of it. :sneaky2:

    Why might you be moving?

  14. We were pulling for the Netherlands. :( It was such a loooooong game with little action except for players beating up on each other. Holy cow. The foot to the chest made us all groan (we had a bunch of friends over to watch). The ref really, really liked pulling our those cards, some of them for crazy things and then no cards on other things that were so obvious. We weren't pulling for them, but still congrats to Spain on their first WC.


    We can't wait for Brazil 2014!!!!!

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