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Everything posted by harris

  1. Just in case any other laminator newbies are curious: I ran them through a couple times again while it was heating up, and then a few more on the "cool" setting once it was hot. They look much better! The super ripply ones still show their waves if you catch them in the light the right way, but they all lie flat on the table now.
  2. Thanks! I only saw the manual mention "curling," which I suppose could be the same thing I'm calling "wavy." Mine was more like ripples. I'll play around with it some more and try letting it cool a bit, or not letting it warm up so long. Let us know how the random sheets work for you! I always wonder when companies say to use only their stuff if it's really necessary. ;)
  3. Thanks! I bought one today. As it's my first laminator ever, I have some questions: 1. Can you use any brand of pouches in it? It takes 3mil and 5mil hot, as well as cold pouches. 2. The 2 sheets of magazine cutouts I laminated came out wavy at the end. Google says this happens when the temp is too high. I'm pretty sure I had it set correctly for the 3mil sheets. Is it because magazine paper is so thin? Now what? Can I get it unwavy somehow? I've already cut them apart. Will it hurt them or the machine if I run them through again? Thank you!
  4. Thanks! I'm excited about using them! On my printer, I just printed the single version on individual index cards. I did have to create a custom paper size in my printer settings - 3"x5" - and it prints out perfectly. The 4up version should be good if you want to print on regular letter-sized paper or cardstock & then cut into 4.
  5. This is an amazing thread! Thank you for all your ideas! Wow! I played around a bit there and just uploaded my own version of a lesson planning card. http://www.diyplanner.com/node/8873 I'll probably be printing out one color for each subject for the week...not sure yet how many lessons I'll be able to fit on there, but I just have a Kindergartener so far, so I don't need much. :) Hopefully some of you can get some use out of it, too. It prints fine on my printer, but let me know if there are any glaring problems & I'll see what I can do. Edit: Shoot, I just tried my link after logging out of the diyplanner site, and it said access was denied. Maybe there's some kind of review process before it's live? Sorry! Is it possible to attach pdfs in this thread? I'll check back later to see.
  6. Mine feels sticky for a few days, especially when wet. It's the old shampoo breaking down. Yuck!
  7. The Elementary Spanish videos from Discovery Education might be a good match. I haven't started using them myself, but have watched parts of a few and skimmed the teacher guides. There are a few activity sheets and a number of 20-30 minute videos. They show the spoken words on the screen a lot, too.
  8. I always check out http://kids-in-mind.com/ for stuff like that.
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