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Posts posted by mykdsmomy

  1. Grrrrrr that is very frustrating!!! My son has been on both and I can tell you there is NO WAY that my pharmacy would have given him one if the other wasn't available.


    They are two DIFFERENT medications. They are "similar" in how they work but they are not identical.


    I would put in a formal complaint with the head pharmacist if I were you. So sorry you are dealing with this :grouphug:

  2. Does anyone use a poster board size or larger for a main schedule? I would like to have something laid out that includes everyone's schedule (including dh's and mine) so we are all aware of what is coming up on any given day.


    I don't want to have different schedules posted for homeschool and family. I would like it to be combined. So for instance, a month at a glance would include both boys therapies, appts for mom and dad, dr.'s appts for whoever, co op classes, household chores and school assignments and deadlines.


    I can put together something in google calender to print but it's too small. I'd like something super large for the wall (not taking up more than a large poster board size) Any ideas?

  3. Thanks everyone! I have been feeling so good about all of this. It is definitely freeing!


    WhooHoo! I have cleaned out my lower cabinets in my kitchen! I took everything (almost) out and put in a huge pile all those things I don't use.....I am a bit of a kitchen gadget freak, so I have a lot of gadgets I don't even use anymore.


    I listed them all on a local moms board and whatever isn't picked up by next Friday is GONE to Goodwill on Saturday.


    I started with the upper cabinets but most of that needs to be tossed and because of the storm our trash wasn't picked up last Monday and is piling in the garage at the moment.....think I will wait until Tue to start that.




    The kitchen is such a huge job. Good for you! I also have trash piled up outside because I've filled our two cans plus our recycling :001_huh: Our trash doesn't come til Tues. but that's why contractor bags are so cool. They are black and thick so you can't see what you've just thrown away and they can keep outside for a few days without worrying about getting ransacked by bugs or other creatures :)



    Great job! Isn't it freeing?

    I took my junk into the clothing drop and thrift store this week. I also redid some of the frames of dd's pictures to all the same frame. I had different ones fore each picture. So now I have frames I don't know whether to keep/store. :001_huh: Here we go again. But her pictures are now easy on the eye and look a lot less cluttered.


    I have mismatched frames too. Although some of the frames I have, I've had for so long that if I threw them away, it would almost be like throwing the pictures away too :( I do plan on getting a matching set though. Plus I need to update some of them. They are all pics of when the kids were babies.

  4. See this is what guys don't get. Mine comes home from work, eats, does more work, we run around cleaning up after kids and getting them to bed, and when we finally drop into bed exhausted he's all ready to go. Really? This is the first time all day that I am not being asked to do something for someone and here you are ASKING ME FOR ANOTHER THING!!!!:glare: Rant over.


    :iagree: But then for me the guilt sets in.....like I know he has needs .....but I just want to be left alone :( Or yes, the back rub does feel good...but I know you're not rubbing my back out of the kindness of your "heart" ;)

  5. Those symptoms sound like low thyroid to me. It can be a little more tricky then getting your TSH checked, and sometimes borderline TSH levels can really be signaling a problem. It sounds like you don't really have a physician you trust--sometimes your ObGyn will order tests, and frankly, you might want to check with an ObGyn anyway.


    You do have a lot of stresses in your life right now, but sometimes a nice cup of tea can be just the ticket to relaxation and sleep ;), so I would follow up with the medical thing.


    :iagree: It can be a combination of several things too. Thyroid, stress, hormones, etc. I agree with the pp's about taking supplements too. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D and/or Zinc too. Good luck!

  6. I'm so glad this thread is still going ...I thought I had killed it :001_huh:


    I need to find a copy of Simplicity Parenting. It sounds like what I need to be absorbing right now.


    I cleaned out the majority of our bedroom closet and moved ALL of DH's electronics/tools/stuff that fixes stuff but I have no idea what it does stuff to his designated hall closet. Now our room looks much better! Tomorrow I would like to tackle the other hall closet....which is really scary. It's one of those closets seen in movies where you open it and it's just packed to the gills with junk and you don't even know where to start :confused:


    If anyone is interested, I'll take before and after pics :D it helps keep me motivated!

  7. You have all been so helpful, thank you!!!!! When we had foster babies, and my kiddos were younger, I would schlep them all down to Starbucks and this was when we didn't live close to a drive through. I would have a baby on my hip, a carseat in my other hand and still manage to carry out my Venti Iced water and my Venti quad iced espresso with kids trailing behind me.


    I've been making other changes in my life lately too. I've lost over 50 lbs since last August, I'm slowly becoming a minimalist, and now this. I think it will all pay off in the end :D


    I simply cannot go near a Starbucks for a looonngggg time. If I go once, it will spiral out of control.

    I bought some supplies tonight (including a french press) to make some fun drinks. Right now I'm sipping on some Starbucks Via (the instant stuff) with some tangerine syrup and white mocha. I love orange flavored coffee but Starbucks discontinued their Valencia syrup a few years back.


    I'm rambling now...but it helps to talk through it :001_huh: (did I just say that?)


    Thanks again everyone!!!


    (Bill~ I've tried making the concentrate before but it always tastes stale....I'm probably doing it wrong though :tongue_smilie: )

  8. Starbucks has been my guilty pleasure for 12 years now. I go 2 times a day. I have tried to quit in the past but honestly, I have never been able to duplicate my drink at home (it's complicated). I get a quad iced espresso in a Venti cup with 3 pumps of mocha, 1 pump of raspberry , ice to the top and whipped cream. It makes me so happy! I literally go to bed happy thinking that in the morning I get to go get my drink. After 12 years, we still have the passion ;)


    Unfortunately WE CANT AFFORD IT. I just need to suck it up and deal with it. I'm spending beyond my means and while it makes me happy, it's just not practical.


    I bought a coffee maker today but I'm probably going to return it and get an aeropress or french press instead. I'll still buy the espresso beans from Starbucks since I really love the flavor but the rest of the supplies I'll get at Smart and Final.


    Has anyone quit cold turkey? Any suggestions for staying on the wagon? It's already hurting :(

  9. Do you know if his birth mother drank alcohol during her pregnancy? This could be a contributing factor which complicates getting proper treatment and help :(


    Most physicians don't know how to diagnose Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder so it goes untreated/undiagnosed.


    It sounds like they haven't found a good combo of meds yet either.


    (((hugs))) when ds6 was 4 we were facing the possibility of committing him and it was torture for us. We wound up not doing it and he's doing much better now BUT....we did have to move the younger foster child in our home and that was horrible. We were intending on adopting her :(


    I agree with others that your family's safety is top priority. This little guy needs more than you can give him right now and that is not your fault in any way. (((Hugs))) again and good luck!

  10. I worked on the boys room today. I captioned the pics. I have a long ways to go because their room needs to be painted/etc....BUT...I have reduced their room to their beds, a nightstand with their lamp and clock and that's it! Their closet has shelves that will hold their clothes and I will add a basket for books but no more toys in their room. Now my dining area looks like Toys R Us threw up in it....but I'll be able to keep a better handle on their toys and hopefully teach them to take care of them and keep them in their proper places so they can enjoy them more! ;)



    Minimalist and frugality AND eco-friendly are hand in hand. Google upcycle and you'll open a whole new world for yourself.


    I need to learn how to sew so I can take advantage of this. Thanks so much. I'm learning a lot!!


    I think the thing with minimalism is that its not about having those clear, magazine like homes with no clutter. It's not about image. It's about a mindset that is the opposite of hoarding and collecting "just in case". It's the opposite of a poverty mentality- even if you do have minimal means.

    It is an abundance mentality. Letting go of "holding on" so tight to possessions. I think people take it to mean its about having a clean and tidy house with beautiful, expensive possessions, bare walls etc but I think that is really only a superficial aspect of it- a good one for those who can afford it, but it's not where minimalism is really, in its heart, coming from. It's about letting go of materialism, altogether, really. Realising we just dont need so much stuff to live good lives. It's about freeing up our time and energy from dealing with "stuff" so we can spend more time with people, with doing things that matter, with our deepest values.

    Of course we are all going to have to work that out for ourselves and we are all at different places on the continuum between hoarding materialism and 50 personal possessions or a carry on luggage bag only.

    The stuff itself, however, is not really the issue- it's our attitude. Its teh letting go, the detachment from deriving personal worth and value through possessions.


    So for me, I like to keep a list of what I want to replace. If I had a curtain I wanted to replace, I would write it down and then look out for one- a 2nd hand one. I enjoy that though. I found 2nd hand cast iron saucepans to replace my stainless steel ones- but dh woudlnt let go of the stainless steel ones so I kept one in the saucepan cupbaord and the rest are in a top cupboard, out of the way.

    I feel its more about creating a flow in my life. I let go of outdated clothes- Flylady calls it "blessing others" with them- just pass them on. I sold some more books on the weekend at teh markets- made $80. I buy new 2nd hand clothes whenever i need something. ANd I let more go. I have a lot of health books...I am agonising over trimming them back more now. What if I go into practice? What if I need any of them? Never mind I havent cracked most of them since the time I first read them years ago.


    I just think if you know why you are doing it...(for yourself- your perception might be different from mine) - it might be easier to discern how to proceed. I have homeschool books I am not ready to let go of- TWTM, and all 4 SOTWs and Activity guides. Really. I hav efinished homescholing my 2. I want to homeschool my grandkids (never mind what my kids want :) ) I am having issues here, but I am not ready to let them go :)


    Just do it gently as you are ready, and replace things as it becomes possible.


    You need to write a book :D I love how you define minimalism!

  12. Thank you all for the great responses! I had a bit of a rough day because our toilets backed up into our shower and made for a disgusting clean up and wasted time :(


    I have been trying to figure out the boys' room and it's killing me. To get rid of the dressers that take up the very limited space they have in their room or hang on to them? Sometimes it's the big decisions that will stall progress. :glare:


    I liked the idea that "ugly" clutters the mind. It's soooo true! For the sake of frugality, I will often just make due with something but I don't like it. I don't cherish it, so I tend to lose respect for it and it winds up getting replaced with yet another inferior product just to have a change!


    I think another key to minimalism is really cherishing the few items that you do have.

  13. I am getting into the minimalist mindset and have my eye on The Joy of Less


    However, as I go through my home to try and downsize, I realize that if I were to get rid of some things, I may be shooting myself in the foot. One of the concepts I'm learning from minimalism is to acquire higher quality rather than quantity. Well what if you can't afford to go buy a higher quality item so you have to make due with the tablecloth makeshift curtain in your kitchen? Do you take down the unsightly curtain and go without until you can afford the nice one you really want or do you just accept the inferior choice for the sake of frugality?


    What about the homeschool curriculum that you may use someday for the little ones but is just taking up space right now?


    We need to be as frugal as possible and not get rid of things we can't afford to purchase again later BUT....we simply do not have room to store "stuff". So how do you reconcile the two? Is there a good checklist somewhere? Sorry for making this more difficult than it probably needs to be :tongue_smilie:

  14. Dd 11 woke up barfing this morning so this may slow me down a bit :glare: My anxiety SKY ROCKETS when someone is sick with a tummy bug.


    I'm keeping dd confined to her room for now to hopefully cut down on cross contamination but we'll see.


    Which brings me to another point about minimalist/simple living. I always feel more in control when things are picked up. When someone gets sick or things get hectic and my house is upside down, it increases my stress tenfold.


    I'll try and post more pics later but I did add captions and another after pic to my set :tongue_smilie: Here's the link again:


  15. I can relate! :lol: BTW, if you rearrange, please post photos. I love to see before/after stuff for great ideas. :001_smile:


    Mostly, I'm posting, though to tell you that your dog is so cute in that last photo (looking at you over the back of the couch).


    Thank you! She's a nut. We still haven't figured out if she's really a dog or some mix of hamster/dog/rabbit :lol: She is very sweet. We adopted her about a month ago. She's around 13 weeks old now and spoiled as all get out ;)


    The first several pics I took were the before. I just posted a few after (the one with Lyla on the back of the couch is an after) but nothing is picked up, etc. I will get the room all spic and span and then post some more :) It's much easier to work when the kids and dh are gone...but I fear they will be home soon :001_huh:

  16. http://picasaweb.google.com/richsgrl1/20110108?authkey=Gv1sRgCPbc24jyqd76Zw#


    I added a few more. Both ends of the room are shown plus one when you first walk in our front door. It's pretty awful right now, I know. My dh took the kids to my mil's for a bit and I"m supposed to be cleaning but I'm sitting here staring at my mess....:001_huh:


    Alilac~ I wish you lived closer!!!!!

  17. A couple things stand out. Curtains are way too small for the windows. Were they tied in the middle as purely decor that they fit strangely?


    No, I just couldn't afford to buy enough to cover them :blushing:


    The mirror next to the door is too long for the wall. Your pictures with the forever quote are so awesome, but look too high to enjoy. They should be at eye level or a little higher. I don't want to be disrespectful, but sometimes these things that are visually odd, add to clutter.


    Not disrespectful at all. I really appreciate the honesty :)


    If that is the front door, I'd be more apt, to switch sides. When you walk in I think you should see a couch and a side table, not all the electronics. It would also solve your window glare issue. It would also make the couch more cozy in feel.


    I agree. The problem is the cables for the tv come from the computer that's in the corner (on the red desk). So if I put it on the other side of the room under the window (it's been there before), I have to run the cable across the front door :(


    I can't tell what is on the dark wall in the table area next to the bookshelf.... I can't tell enough by the picture, but there's a couple scenarios. I'd put the computer in the corner back by the table area and if it fits, possibly put the table crosswise. Is that possible? That could free up walking space, although it could be funky. I'm also not sure what is opposite of the entire room that I can see. Could you put the couch crosswise as well as to divide the room in half or is there no wall in that section I can't see.


    The dark thing is our piano. There's no room in the other corner where the easel is. It's a very tiny corner. I've had the tv on the wall where you mentioned but it felt like it divided the room up too much. Although I'm seriously considering putting it back there for a change. I'd like to have an area for the toys too.


    You could use short shelving instead of tall. Do you have more pictures?


    I do have more pictures but I feel like the walls are so cluttered right now so I didn't want to add more. Maybe I should?


    Thanks so much for the input. I really really appreciate it. I wish I was one of those people who could just set up their house and not feel like things always have to be better or more efficient. I just want to get it right so I can stop spending time and energy stressing over it :(

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