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Posts posted by mykdsmomy

  1. Thank you all again for the great ideas/recipes. Honestly, I have just recently taken an interest in cooking. I have always HATED cooking :ack2:

    BUT......recently I've been making some pretty significant life changes and lo and behold, I'm actually finding myself wanting to cook :)


    I just need to really figure this all out. I grew up in a home where my mother cooked every. single. night. She was (is) a great cook but most of what she cooked, I didn't care for. I was made to finish everything on my plate, etc. Plus she was pretty abusive so I equate cooking with her moods/abuse/etc.


    Anyway, I need to find lots of new recipes that sound good to me but also are healthy, nutrient dense, low fat (for my health issues) and frugal.


    I know I've been posting a lot of threads lately :blush::leaving:but I appreciate everyone's input and support :)

  2. Wow...thanks for all the info. I'm wondering what is a psp? The Huckleberry Learning Center looks great. You said the classes are free if you are enrolled in a charter.....would that include CAVA? We are possibly looking into enrolling in K12, but haven't decided for sure.


    Thanks so much!




    Let me know if you have any questions etc. about K12. We have used K12 off and on for several years. My ds10 is still with CAVA but we are going to put him in Sky Mountain soon. I like it much better than CAVA ;)

  3. I've been there! Here's what I suggest. Take a week off with the little ones. The bigger ones can continue some school independently.


    Take this week to focus on your house. If your house isn't in order, you're not going to be productive. Declutter and simplify everything! Start with your room where you're doing school. Are there extra things in there that don't belong? What can you give away or throw away?


    You'll be homeschooling for a long time. One week off is not going to mess up the kids for life. In fact, if things are orderly, you will be less stressed and they will most likely feel less stress too :) :grouphug:

  4. So, I did this a couple days ago and made some bread last night!!! My family was in heaven, and ate all 4 loaves I made :D.


    I had 2 little pieces left over for my breakfast, but my sons got to them first :glare:!!!


    This was so easy!!!


    I haven't had a chance to read the book yet but did you have to wait a few days before you could use the dough or did you just not get to baking it til last night? I just bought a huge pack of yeast last night so I'm all ready :)

  5. of your shopping cart? I am going shopping tonight. I have some basic staples on my list and am tackling my grocery shopping with a new approach. I want to shop the perimeter and really cut my budget but also eat healthier and more from scratch. We have a great store called Sprouts that sells cheap cheap produce so I think I can do pretty well if I knew what veggies to buy and then what to do with them once I have them ;)


    We are not big veggie eaters (that needs to change). I tend to stick with carrots, celery, cukes (for snacking) peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower for cooking and then various lettuce for salads. I love cabbage but have no recipes in which to use it.


    Can you share your veggie recipes (whether they are for main or side dishes) and any sites/magazines where you get your recipes/ideas from? :bigear:

  6. Thank you both for the suggestions! I will look into Concordia although I'm really hoping for something "frugal" as we are on a tight budget.


    Arcticmom~ I have the Book of Virtues by William Bennett and I have yet to crack it open...maybe now is a good time ;)


    I'll look into Keys For Kids again (I had forgotten about that). I am looking for a neutralish Christian perspective. We are not terribly conservative (although it depends on the issue/etc). I try to remove myself as much as possible from the religion side of it all and focus more on following Jesus. However, I find myself lacking in some of the biblical knowledge (history/some of the more obscure stories/etc).

    I also have a hard time with the "just read your bible and you'll get it" opinions (not from anyone here...I get this from church friends). I wasn't raised with bible studies. I learned the big ones and we did study some basics...but I'm finding that I'm missing soooooooooooo much. I don't understand all the context behind some of the books so it's hard to then turn around and teach it, yk? (hope that makes some sense).


    Thanks again :)

  7. I do the same thing. If someone is coming over, we all do the cleaning shuffle and put all the dirty hampers in my room, close all bedroom doors and spray some air freshener so no one smells the dogs!


    I am working on all of that right now because we are re-certifying to be fost-adopt parents again so my house HAS to be clean. It's so hard because it's not something that comes natural to me.


    I've decided that I'm not the type of person to have a house full of stuff. I don't take care of my stuff very well so I'm becoming a minimalist :) The less stuff I have, the easier it is to keep clean!

  8. I hope this is ok to post here. We use a variety of curriculum but it is all secular. I have never been able to easily integrate faith/God/Jesus into our lessons. I know that sounds lame because it seems like a simple idea....but I just don't know "how" to do it. :confused:


    I have tried doing a bible verse a week or bible reading time, etc....but they never last and honestly I have a hard time explaining some of the verses that we have chosen (usually proverbs).


    I have two goals here:


    1. Character building. I want to ingrain in them the golden rule of loving God with all your heart and loving others as yourselves. I want them to live by WWJD?



    2. Study the bible and really know the history behind why we believe what we do so they have a strong foundation in their faith.


    I was raised Catholic but it was old school Catholicism. We went to mass every Sunday, never missed a holy day of obligation, observed lent with more rules than any other Catholic I have ever known! I was raised with a fear of God rather than truly knowing Him. Although our home was very "religious", we were lacking in the whys. My mom was more fire and brimstone both in her parenting and in religion.


    So even though I've been "christian" all my life, I've really just begun to understand the protestant side of things in the last 6 years or so (since we started attending a basic Christian church).


    Long story short, how do you teach biblical principles? Do you use a specific curriculum? Do you do a bible study with your children? Any specific books/guides you use? TIA!


    (and I used to teach CCD classes when we were still Catholic! :001_huh: )

  9. I feel your pain! Have you looked into Myfitnesspal.com? I really like it and they have a tool where you put in your height, weight (and measurements if you like) and answer a few questions about your lifestyle and they tell you how many calories you are burning each day! They also give you nutritional value goals. For me, I'm supposed to eat less than 40 grams of fat (although I try to keep it under 30 for other health reasons) and less than 1200 calories a day (this is the minimum amt. of calories they recommend ...I could go up to 1600 )


    Another thing I've discovered that I really like and is filling is low fat cottage cheese with just a few sprinkles of sunflower seeds. Super yummy!


    Also, buy the finely grated cheddar because I believe 1/4 cup is like 9 grams of fat. I tend to put only 1/8 of a cup or less on my beans/etc and it's more than enough.



  10. I just made the laundry detergent last week. I'd done the "wet" version in the past, but not the dry. The dry is much easier! I love it! The worst part is grating the soap. For some reason, the smell really gets to me.


    I'm planning to try the dishwashing detergent next. I still have quite a bit of boxed stuff left to use first, though. Where did you get your citric acid? I'm thinking I'll have to order it.


    I bought it at our local vitamin store....The owner recommended it for gallstones. I was amazed at how cheap it was but now I can't find the bottle :glare:


    I wound up buying 8 packets of lemon kool aid (the one you add sugar to). It's supposedly mostly citric acid in it anyway....plus we have the benefit of the lemon scent :)


    I just found the citric acid. The brand is NOW Healthy Foods and it was $3.99 for 4 ozs

  11. I HATE our front loader. I curse it every time I use it. I don't think it gets our clothes as clean as our old top loader.


    We bought it almost 4 years ago and we paid more than we would have it we would have just stuck with a top loader :(


    I have tried different detergents and have also added more/less and still I feel like it's not doing the job it's supposed to do.


    Maybe it depends on the brand. Ours is a GE. Oh and it's broken down a few times too :glare:


    That said, I have friends who absolutely love their front loader and would never go back....so maybe it just depends on the machine.

  12. I have been reading and researching for a while now about homemade laundry detergent. (I even searched through old threads here).


    I realize there are mixed reviews out there...but I need to at least try it. I *think* I'm going with the dry version of both. I already have the borax, fels naptha (although I may try Zote instead). I just need to get some washing soda.

    I also have citric acid for my dishwasher detergent (I just need to find it :confused: )


    Any last minute tips/suggestions? We have hard water and a front loader (keeping with our family's true form of doing things the hard way :001_huh: )


    I am determined to bring down our monthly expenses. We spend way too much money on household stuff. This is my first step (any frugal tips not related to laundry soap making are always appreciated :) )

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