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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Kindle book on sale today - autobiography/memoir/self-help/parenting
  2. I'm envious of the fact that you can speak and read Spanish. I hope you enjoy the book.
  3. I read Barcelona Snapshot - 1 Star - This book is not worth bothering with. If you are planning a trip to Barcelona, you would be better served with either his entire Spain book, a current edition, of course; or the Barcelona Pocket Guide, which has a detailed suggested daily plan, as well as color photos, which is a rarity with Rick Steves’ books. Cathedral of the Sea - 4 Stars - I probably wouldn’t have even heard of this beautiful story, had it not been for a review that I saw on Trip Advisor of all places. I was looking at places to visit for our upcoming trip to Barcelona, deciding on whether or not to visit Santa Maria del Mar, a cathedral in Barcelona. One of the reviewers highly recommended reading this book first. I’m a sucker for reading travel-related books and I have to say that I’ve been hard-pressed to find much that truly interests me when it comes to books that are set in Spain. I am becoming a bit more selective and no longer want to read a travel-related book just because we’re headed there. It has to be good also. Anyway, I am so grateful to that reviewer and I wrote and told him so. The story, set in 14th century Barcelona, is well-written with some edge-of-the-seat turns. If you enjoy medieval fiction, such as “Pillars of the Earth”, you may like this one. I enjoyed “Pillars of the Earth” more, but this was lovely also. The story was compelling. Like most historical fiction, you love some of the characters and hate a few others also. There were some parts that bored me, but those are easy to skim through. One word of warning for those who may be a bit on the conservative side, it does get a bit graphic at times, but not too often. Finally, the book is thoroughly researched. I really enjoyed the final pages of the book, where the author explains the parts of the story that are true. I hope that we have time to visit this fascinating cathedral during our short stay in Barcelona. Some of my favorite quotes: "The past does not exist. There is nothing to be sorry for. Today is when we start to live. Look ... look at the sea. The sea has not past. It is just there. It will never ask us to explain. The stars, the moon are there to light our way, to shine for us. What do they care what might have happened in the past? They are accompanying us, and are happy with that; Can you see them shine? The stars are twinkling in the sky; would they do that if the past mattered? Would not there be a huge storm if God wanted to punish us? We are alone, you and I, with no past, no memories, no guilt, nothing that can stand in the way of ... our love. " “From the beginning, Santa Maria de la Mar church was built by and for the common people.” “Santa Maria de la Mar is without doubt one of the most beautiful churches to be found anywhere. It may lack the monumentality of others built at the same time or later, but its interior is filled with the spirit with which Berenguer de Montagut sought to infuse it: the people’s church, built by the people of Barcelona for Barcelona, is like an airy Catalan farmhouse. It is austere, protected, and protecting, and the light of the Mediterranean sets it apart from any other church in the world.” “According to the experts, the great virtue of Santa Maria is that it was built over an uninterrupted period of fifty-five years. This means it benefits from a unified architectural style, with few elements added on, making it the leading example of Catalan Gothic.” MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  4. Robin, thank you, as always, for this wonderful thread. I read Humans of New York: Stories - 4 Stars - This book was better than the first one. The stories have more depth to them and are longer. Some of the stories were heartbreaking and almost brought me to tears, while others brought so much joy and hope. Reading this took me back to when I lived in New York back in the mid 1990’s. Although I love visiting New York, I’m relieved that I no longer live there. As the lyrics to the sunscreen song go, “Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.” Here is one of my favorite quotes. I have a few other favorites, but since they include photos, I cannot share them here. They're in my Good Reads review. “’If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?’ ‘Try your best to deal with life without medicating yourself.’ ‘You mean drugs?’ ‘I mean drugs, food, shopping, money, whatever. I ain't judging anybody, either. I was hooked on heroin for years. But now I’ve learned that every feeling will pass if you give it time. And if you learn to deal with your feelings, they'll pass by faster each time. So don't rush to cover them up by medicating them. You've got to deal with them.’” MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  5. Kindle books on sale today. All Change (Cazalet Chronicles - Book 5 - historical fiction) Remembering
  6. Robin, just seeing this. Keeping you all in my prayers.
  7. I have been a huge ABBA fan since I was a kid. Robin, have fun! I wish I could be there with you. I read Evergreen - 5 Stars - I never gave it much thought, but I now realize how much I love family sagas and a good story. This one completely enveloped me. I cared about the characters and felt that I knew them. Now that I’ve finished this book, I’m already missing the characters. Whatever I read next, will likely pale in comparison. If you decide to read this, two words of caution: do not get the Kindle version. The grammatical errors are annoying. Do yourself a favor and get the hard copy. Also, the protagonist/s are not perfect. I'm talking about their values, here and there. It's a wonderful book, but if you get bothered by a bit of immorality, this may not be for you. Nothing graphic, however. Some of my favorite quotes: “Look out there at that sky, at that world with all the sparkle! It’s gorgeous, and you sit closed in here, mourning because it’s not exactly what you wanted! Do you think even lucky people ever get all of what they want? Who are you that you shouldn’t have a burden of some sort to carry, even one of your own making? So many of our burdens are of our own making, anyway.” “I owe everything I am to this country that took me in. Fools like you who were lucky enough to have been born here don’t know how lucky you are.” “It struck me funny that when we are poor in Europe we think only about getting to America so we can get rich enough to go back to Europe.” “I stand and listen to people speaking French in the stores and on the street. It’s such a pert, crisp language, elegant as rustling taffeta. I wish I could speak it. Another one of my many wishes!” “Do you know, if I could be reincarnated for a few days, I would like to be a countess or a princess in Vienna and go whirling in a marvelous white lace dress, waltzing under the crystal chandeliers. But only for a day or two. It must have been a very silly, useless life.” MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  8. Kindle books on sale today - books 2 and 4 in the Cazalet Chronicles series (historical fiction) Marking Time Casting Off
  9. Happy to hear that you liked it! I read "The Poisonwood Bible" a few years ago and liked it very much. One of the daughters, the shallow/pretty one, I believe, cracked me up every time the chapter was about her. I laugh at things like that. Mind you, I laugh at pretty much anything!
  10. Thank you so much, as always. You are so kind and considerate to always share this important info. Mine are fine.
  11. I read Rick Steves Spain 2019 - 5 Stars - Helpful Rick again, in preparation for our trip to Spain in May. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  12. Kindle book on sale today - the second book in the Dublin Murder Squad series
  13. Thank you. I hope that you enjoy the book. You're far more knowledgeable on all that than I am! I would have loved to have been a student in your class. We were never taught world history in any school that I attended. Kathy, me too. I feel the exact same way. Laura, I hope that you enjoy it.
  14. I agree with you about dropping books that do not interest you. Life is too short to read books that don't engage or appeal. I LOVED "The Scarlet Pimpernel" books and read them many years ago. I also liked "A Grief Observed" - read that a few years ago. I look forward to reading more books by C.S. Lewis. So many books to read!
  15. it may look like I read a lot, but I'm finally caught up with all my reviews. Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood – 4 Stars - I used to read Derek Hunter’s columns quite regularly. Lately, for whatever reason, being busy, I suppose, I haven’t been doing so. This was a good reminder for me to read them once again. I enjoy his perspective and wit. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, those who need to read this sort of book won’t. Most of us are a bit guilty of reading things that reconfirm what we already believe. I know that I am! The conclusion is an important one. He says: “It’s not my desire that you stop consuming news, it’s my hope that you will consume more of it, from as many sources as you can from all sides.” Here are some of my favorite quotes. I am sharing a few here since I don’t want to make it too long. There are more quotes on my Good Reads review. “They’re well versed on who was the first of each configuration of human being to accomplish something without ever realizing that the accomplishment itself doesn’t need the qualifier. There are 7 billion people on the planet; only a handful have ever flown on a space shuttle. Therefore, flying on the space shuttle is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself. Yet leftist professors and students look not at the accomplishment itself as something worthy of celebration but at the race of the person. Guion Bluford was the first African American to go into space and to fly on a space shuttle. He did so in 1983, in the early years of the program. Bluford is not remarkable because he’s a black guy who went to space or flew on the space shuttle; he’s remarkable because he went into space. You haven’t flown on a space shuttle, have you? See? To focus on a person’s race for an accomplishment is to cheapen the accomplishment. ‘See, even a (whatever type of person) can do this’ is the mentality. Well, why wouldn’t every type of person be able to do that? Why is it extra special that one person did it? SJWs don’t realize it, but the patronizing attitude of ‘You can do it, too’ toward various configurations of people implies that they believe it is special that the others did it, as if they or the world didn’t think they could. This mentality stems from college grievance majors. Many programs started decades ago, when there were real problems to be addressed. Ironically, as the problems were solved, instead of terminating the courses or refocusing them as historical studies, the departments grew even larger and more powerful. So they needed to create new problems.” “’TMZ’ and ‘People’ magazine are expected to be fluff, ‘Time’ is expected to be news. You’d be hard pressed to spot the difference between them now.” “… for the love of God, have some fun. Politics is important, certainly, but living beats it in a walk.” How to Find Love in a Bookshop - 4 Stars - This book was an absolute delight. Yes, the story may have felt a bit predictable at times, but sometimes that’s what we need. This is the first book that I’ve read by Veronica Henry, and I look forward to reading more. It’s set in a quaint and lovely village in the Cotswolds, my favorite place in all of England – atmospheric and heavenly. We visited there a few years ago and I spent some time in a small bookshop that seemed similar to the one described in this story. I wish that there was a bookshop like that near me. I wouldn’t mind owning one. Some of my favorite quotes: “After all, a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.” “… happy people don’t try to make other people feel bad.” “There’s a book for everyone, even if they don’t think there is. A book that reaches in and grabs your soul.” “You have to have cake while you’re reading. It’s the law.” “’Books are more precious than jewels.’ She truly believed this. What did a diamond bring you? A momentary flash of brilliance. A diamond scintillated for a second; a book could scintillate forever.” The Truth About Style - 1 Star - I feel bad for rating this one star. I like Stacy London and used to love watching her show, “What Not to Wear”. This book didn’t teach me anything useful. I was hoping for more. I did like one quote: “A whole life can go by being too busy and waiting for ‘when.’ Living in the future means barely existing in the present. If you can’t enjoy things now, when will you magically develop the tools to enjoy things in the future?” Forces of Our Time: The Dynamics of Light and Darkness - 4 Stars - This book is most suitable for Baha’is, or, at least, as the book says, “to an audience with a basic familiarity with Bahá’í scriptures and institutions.” It’s certainly not a light read. There were countless parts that had me pausing to think and going back to re-read them. Published in 2008, it’s all about the situation of the world today. While there were some parts that were rather disheartening, the more that I read, the more I was reminded that there is hope. The author is someone that I follow on You Tube. His talks are among my favorites. Many years ago, I had a friend who served at the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, Israel. She would attend the study sessions that he held for youth. The way that she would describe these sessions, had me quite envious, wishing that I could have attended. Here are some of my favorite quotes. I am sharing a few here since I don’t want to make it too long. There are more quotes on my Good Reads review. “Far more than holy scripture to be read and left upon a page, the Word of God is the source of light and life, and separation from it is darkness and death.” “The life energy of every person comes from God but the choice of how to use it is left to each human soul.” “Just as the sun is the source of physical existence, the Word of God is the source of human life and civilization.” “… whoever turns towards God is blessed and whoever denies Him is beset by woe.” MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  16. Classical Stretch and/or Essentrics
  17. What a sweet gift to give to your mom. I hope that she enjoys it. I wasn't too interested about the battle/war/military details, but all the rest of it made up for those parts. Yes, their murder in a Siberian cellar was heartbreaking. It happened all those years ago and I'm surprised at how much it upset me. I felt such a connection to this family.
  18. That would be ideal also. I wish that some health care professional would notify consumers.
  19. I checked and mine are fine. I do wish that pharmacists would have a list and contact consumers who have the ones that are recalled. Checking mine every time there's yet another recall, and there are quite a lot these days, is a bit of a pain. I know that it's not possible, but I guess I can wish. Thank you again, so much, for keeping us updated.
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