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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Not funny, but inspirational/encouraging.
  2. Thank you all so much for the loving and sweet birthday wishes. This was definitely a birthday to remember! Despite all the craziness and surreal feeling everywhere, I feel so blessed and grateful. Here's our dog, Blackie. The second picture is of my dear parents (mom is 80 and my dad will be 90 in a few months). They're self-isolating. We normally see them almost every day. They live a few minutes away from us. Now, we call each other, go on Face Time, and do their groceries. These days, this is the closest that we can get to them. We wave and laugh from the garden, and make Rapunzel jokes. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
  3. Not funny, but inspirational/encouraging.
  4. We're in Grenada. No confirmed cases in Grenada yet, but there are a few in islands nearby. It will be here soon. It may already be. We're acting like it is. The American medical school here, which is the largest employer, has sent all its students back to the U.S. This was major. We always have some students renting from us. We have a small family-run hotel. So far, we've had to let two of our employees go. Everyone else has had cut-backs in days and hours. We anticipate having to close down our hotel and lose all our income by the end of the month. This is the most devastating part. Then we have to dip into our savings and that will be the hard part. It may take several months. It may take a few years. We're headed towards a Depression, I believe. We've been getting cancellations galore. When there's an economic downturn, tourism is the last thing on people's minds. My parents, who live a few minutes away from us, are self-quarantining. We usually see them almost every day, now it's just phone calls and Facetime. We'e worried for our son, since he has viral-induced asthma. On a less important note, we were meant to travel this June. We've canceled that. We lost all our money on the flights, but we can't do anything about that. I worry about the long-term financial impact, not just for ourselves, but for everyone. I get very little sleep and it's all disruptive - full of nightmares. I believe that crime and mayhem will be on the rise in many places. I hope that I'm wrong. The longer this drags on for, the worse it will get. I hate all the selfish people who are out and about and not practicing social distancing. They're the ones who are making it worse for everyone. I am delighted and so proud of my country for issuing a strict travel advisory. God bless them. Everyone arriving to the country will be screened and quarantined for 14 days. This is beautiful. I wish that all countries had started to do this much sooner. Praying for protection for all. We need to trust in God more than ever before.
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