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Everything posted by Negin

  1. We never tire of this one in our household and have been watching it almost every day! "Where are taking all these incontinent dogs?" Ha ha!
  2. This was me yesterday. SEVEN hours of standing in line and waiting. It was insane. I could have almost flown to Europe in that time. Not that I want to these days.
  3. I read The Neverending Story - 2 Stars - My daughter suggested this to me since it’s one of her favorites. Fantasy is not a genre that I care for much at all and I should have known better. Although the book was glacially paced, and just dragged on and on, I read most of it. Then as I started to get truly confused and no longer cared much at all, I just skipped through to the end. There were far too many details and I was starting to lose my mind, which was not helped with all the Covid-19 rubbish these days, I have little time or patience to stick with anything that I don’t care for. Honestly, reading this felt like a never-ending story. This was a case where it’s not the book, it’s me. I’m sure that it’s a wonderful book that would appeal to anyone who loves fantasy and a good fairy tale. The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop - 2 Stars - I was looking forward to reading this, since I love memoirs, and this was one was all about books – what could be a more ideal mix? Well, let’s just say that it didn't blow me away and I didn’t care for the author’s writing style. It lacked warmth and felt a bit detached and unemotional. It just wasn’t all that interesting to me. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  4. Having an income. We've had to close our business down.
  5. Kindle book on sale today - (Christmas/Short Stories)
  6. We canceled our June plans about a month ago. We were planning on going to Europe and NYC. Now, with the economy the way it is and us being out of work, I can't imagine us traveling again for quite a few years.
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