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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I read The Little Book of Skin Care - 3 Stars - As a former esthetician, I love anything about skin care. I always hear about the Korean skin care routine, but to be honest, ten steps is far too high maintenance for me. My morning routine consists of three steps, and my nighttime is two if I’m good. I’ve tried some Korean sheet masks and decided that they really didn’t do much for me. The author has a website where she sells Korean products. I’ve tried some of them. The sunscreens are among my favorites. Some of the items are a bit gimmicky, but that’s to be expected with Korean and Japanese products it seems. They’re fun, but certainly not essential This book was okay. It’s informative to those who know very little about Korean skin care. The graphics are cute and adorable. At times I felt that it was more of a travelogue of the author’s time in Korea, and not so much about skin care. It may be inspirational to those who love skin care or are in the mood for a change in their routine. Here's a link to my Good Reads review if you would like to see some images. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  2. Chris, it's not necessarily racism per se, but oftentimes there's an elitist/class-type mentality to be found among some environmentalists. Having lived in an undeveloped small island for almost four decades, I can honestly say that the environmental problem is more of a, for lack of a better term, first-world problem. The average person here who lives paycheck to paycheck, is not thinking of rising sea levels and so forth. They're thinking how to make money to feed their five kids. They don't the luxury or time to even think about the environmental problems. This article may be of interest. Yes, most of the extreme environmentalists that I know are against having children. Ironically, they're also the ones who travel a lot more than anyone I know, a heck of a lot more. When I was pregnant with our second child, one of these friends asked me why am I overpopulating the earth and that I should be concerned about all that. As far as factories and all that go, I read that "just 100 companies across the globe are responsible for 71% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Without any significant changes in the way these companies operate, there will be no noticeable change or 'cure' to the current state of the environment."
  3. Not Covid-19, but I like this anyway.
  4. When you're serious about the 6-foot rule.
  5. This is my first JAWM post! On Facebook and on some other sites, I have been seeing posts and memes about how wonderful Covid-19 has been for the environment and climate change and all. These posts have irritated me to say the least. I thought that I would share what I posted the other day. When I told my daughter about it. she found me a bunch of memes making fun of all this. You can see them on Page 17 of the Covid-19 memes thread. Anyway, here's my post. I'm sharing for anyone who may be interested. -- My dear Facebook friends and family, I have been seeing many posts about the supposed silver lining of Covid-19, specifically about the positive impact that this virus has had on the environment. Many of the memes are untrue. No, Venice has not had a rise in dolphins! Those memes are hoaxes. These posts are laughable, and I will be sharing some of them soon. Other posts are insensitive and quite frankly, stupid. I have seen posts stating things such as, “No rape cases, no murders!” and so on. Yes, rape cases and murders may be down, but has any one thought about: • women going through domestic violence? • children who are fearful in their own homes? • children who go hungry and maybe their only meal of their day is at school? Yes, this is a thing in the country where we live, and I’m sure that it’s a problem in many places People are worried about loss of income, paying their bills, how to pay rent, and so on. Small businesses have had to close down (our own business included). People have lost their jobs, and then I see this nonsense on Facebook, about how fabulous this is for the environment. I read this somewhere: “There’s a darker — if unintended — side to claims that nature is better off without humans. It’s not only misanthropic to turn a blind eye to human suffering in the service of conservation; it also echoes some of the dark, racist strains of the environmentalist movement.” I’m only pointing this out on my own timeline, since I believe that some people must either be living in their own bubble and suffering from sort of tunnel vision, or that they’re plain out insensitive. The irony is that some of them have small businesses also. One would think that they would be more considerate. If this nightmare drags on, I know that their own businesses will be heavily impacted. I no longer wish to get into arguments on Facebook. Although I see these posts on my feed, I scroll down, but these posts bother me. As a good friend of mine once said, “I try to adopt a non-confrontational aspect when I comment or interpret comments on my posts. I dislike arguments and carping on social media so here is my classification: If I love or respect a post I will always try and say so. If I dislike a post, I tend to say nothing, or no ‘like’.”
  6. Glad that they got a good laugh. My daughter shared them with me and we laughed so much also! There's actually a bit of a serious story behind it. My daughter found those memes for me since I was feeling so irritated by some Facebook posts that have been saying how wonderful Covid-19 has been for the environment and all. These memes make fun of those posts. I have needed them! In case you or anyone is interested, here's a post I wrote on Facebook just the other day. I had to get it out of my system. -- My dear Facebook friends and family, I have been seeing many posts about the supposed silver lining of Covid-19, specifically about the positive impact that this virus has had on the environment. Many of the memes are untrue. No, Venice has not had a rise in dolphins! Those memes are hoaxes. These posts are laughable, and I will be sharing some of them soon. Other posts are insensitive and quite frankly, stupid. I have seen posts stating things such as, “No rape cases, no murders!” and so on. Yes, rape cases and murders may be down, but has any one thought about: • women going through domestic violence? • children who are fearful in their own homes? • children who go hungry and maybe their only meal of their day is at school? Yes, this is a thing in the country where we live, and I’m sure that it’s a problem in many places People are worried about loss of income, paying their bills, how to pay rent, and so on. Small businesses have had to close down (our own business included). People have lost their jobs, and then I see this nonsense on Facebook, about how fabulous this is for the environment. I read this somewhere: “There’s a darker — if unintended — side to claims that nature is better off without humans. It’s not only misanthropic to turn a blind eye to human suffering in the service of conservation; it also echoes some of the dark, racist strains of the environmentalist movement.” I’m only pointing this out on my own timeline, since I believe that some people must either be living in their own bubble and suffering from sort of tunnel vision, or that they’re plain out insensitive. The irony is that some of them have small businesses also. One would think that they would be more considerate. If this nightmare drags on, I know that their own businesses will be heavily impacted. I no longer wish to get into arguments on Facebook. Although I see these posts on my feed, I scroll down, but these posts bother me. As a good friend of mine once said, “I try to adopt a non-confrontational aspect when I comment or interpret comments on my posts. I dislike arguments and carping on social media so here is my classification: If I love or respect a post I will always try and say so. If I dislike a post, I tend to say nothing, or no ‘like’.”
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