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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Use natural sun protection (with SPF of 15 or higher) that blocks UVA and UVB radiation. Always allow hot beverages to cool at least to body temperature to avoid facial flushing Above all, treat your skin very gently: Don’t rub or touch your face too often. Avoid facial products containing alcohol or other irritants. Use only those labeled non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores. The American Academy of Dermatology has found topical creams with green tea helpful for rosacea, and another study has shown that topical vitamin B3 (niacin) improves this condition. According to research at the University of British Columbia, a natural cream with azelaic acid is as effective as topical metronidazole in treating pimples—and slightly better at reducing redness without encouraging the growth of fungus or drug-resistant bacteria. Go on a 24-hour detox and take the herb cleavers to help to get the lymph moving in order to carry the toxins more efficiently out of the body. Follow this with a couple of days of just broths, raw foods, and veggies juices. Avoid facials with steaming. It sometimes makes things worse. Take up yoga or meditation to aid relaxation and deal with stress. Doctors often prescribe oral antibiotics (because they work faster than topical drugs) for their anti-inflammatory properties. Even so, you may need to take these meds for a month or so before you see results—and they can cause diarrhea and other digestive distress.
  2. B Vitamins is particularly deficient in almost every case of rosacea, particularly riboflavin (B2) – take a B Complex A good fish oil, such as Carlson’s Milk Thistle helps liver function • Helps detox the liver (even in cirrhosis and nonalcoholic liver disease) • Encourages regular bowel movements • Reduces toxic accumulation and protects liver cells from toxic chemicals and drugs • Regenerates liver cells • Enhances glutathione production in the body • Calms inflammation and has anti-inflammatory effects • Antioxidant effects • Used to reverse liver damage from exposure to toxic chemicals • Also used for heartburn, loss of appetite, and gallbladder complaints • Used also for: hangover, diseases of the spleen, prostate cancer, malaria, depression, uterine complaints, increasing breast milk flow, and starting menstrual flow • Helpful for rosacea Take 250-300 mg up to 3 times daily or 750-900 mg per day Milk thistle (silymarin) has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels. Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from milk thistle PLANT might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use these extracts. In contrast, the more commonly used milk thistle SEED extracts do not seem to act like estrogen. Nettle Tea – drink this at room temperature – a good source of the B Vitamins Herbal Tinctures of Red Clover and Astragalus can help. Make sure they are alcohol-free. Burdock has traditionally been used for rosacea. It works on the liver, which is often sluggish. Agnus Castus may help to regulate any underlying hormonal imbalance exacerbating the problem. Research has linked rosacea to low stomach acid. For most people, hydrochloric acid (HCl) or stomach acid, which knocks out dangerous bacteria—but not friendly flora—appears to work as a natural antibiotic, without causing the unwanted side effects of these medicines—including drug-resistant “superbugs.” Unless you have ulcers or have been diagnosed with a pre-ulcerative condition, you might want to test for HCl, the good stomach acid. Take 500 to 550 mg of betaine with HCL before your next few meals and carefully observe how you feel. A burning belly or face probably means that you already have sufficient stomach acid—and may, instead, benefit from taking digestive enzymes with pancreatin with or at the end of your meals to support nutrient absorption. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are anti-inflammatory
  3. EAT LESS OR AVOID Dairy products worsen the condition Refined foods with artificial food coloring, preservatives, and MSG White sugar, pastries, pies, cakes, sugary cookies Aspartame and NutraSweet cause noticeable flushing in many people with rosacea Margarine, shortening, fried foods, trans-fatty acids If you show signs of rosacea, record what you’re eating and drinking to help identify your own triggers. Cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, nightshade family veggies (eggplant and tomatoes), and seafood (lobster and shrimp) worsen this condition in some people. Get tested for food intolerances if still necessary.
  4. Drink a cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning and last thing at night to alkalize your system Blackberries, blueberries, and cherries are vascular constrictors that assist in reducing redness Flavonoid-rich cranberries tonify blood vessels and help reduce the redness of rosacea – try to get organic, unsweetened cranberry juice Cabbage, cauliflower, sprouted broccoli seeds, celery, kale, seaweed – rosacea is often a sign of liver toxicity – these foods are all helpful to the liver Fiber, raw foods, and fresh vegetable juices to prevent constipation Pineapple and papaya are a good source of food enzymes that aid digestion Brown rice, lentils, beans, dates, wheat germ, beets, green veggies like spinach, almonds, and sunflower seeds are all sources of B vitamins – most with roscaea are deficient in B vitamins Take 2 teaspoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar before main meals to aid digestion – if you feel that this is needed
  5. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and pimples on the chin, cheeks, forehead, and particularly the nose. It can hurt, much the way burning, stinging, and sunburned skin does. Anyone between the ages of 20 and 60 may develop this condition. Peela said this a while back: “All skin conditions (except an outright rash related to poison ivy sort of thing) originate from an internal condition, especially relating to the liver. The liver is our detoxifier, and if it struggles, toxins are expressed through the skin (that is a simplification, but generally true). In naturopathy, you go to the liver and help it along if you want to deal with skin issues. Considering all the trans fats and chemicals in our modern diet, (and how they affect the liver) and the quality of many people's diets, I would say most skin conditions are definitely related to our modern day environmental and dietary conditions.”. Causes Alcohol Caffeine Corticosteroids Dairy Products (some) Deficiency in B Vitamins Drugs that dilate the blood vessels (including some blood pressure meds) Fair skin Family history Food Intolerances Hormonal Imbalance Hot baths and saunas Hot foods and beverages Lack of digestive enzymes Low Stomach Acid (one of the main causes) Parasites and Organisms Poor Digestion Pork Sluggish Liver and Lymphatic Function Spicy foods Strenuous exercise Stress (particularly anger or embarrassment) Sunlight Temperature extremes
  6. I know that you're very good with your diet and disciplined overall. My tips are probably things that you already know. No. I don't have rosacea. I think that most from my culture (Persian) don't either. We have other problems and concerns :lol:. Turmeric can tint the skin temporarily, particularly when left on for too long or if too much is applied. Best not to do it before going someplace special, or you might end up looking a bit like an Oompa Loompa :lol:.
  7. Not true. Homeopathic is legal. :) Doesn't feel like starvation at all. In fact, I feel healthier than ever each and every time. As I and others here have said, most of us (at least not me) have no intention or desire to be skinny. None whatsoever. I actually believe that allowing weight to accumulate is a worst thing to do to one's body and a worst message to send to young girls. I have no problems with my dd seeing me on this diet. I have a homeschooling friend whose teen daughter has always struggled with her weight. Nothing was working for her and she was miserable regardless of all the inspiring and encouraging talks that she's great regardless of how much she weighs or what size her clothes are, etc. All the Zumbas, Curves, eating as little as everyone else ... none of that was working for her. Poor thing. She made her own choice to try hhcg and has done great. She's lost so much weight and feels far more confident (a key issue with teens as we all may recall). She's happy. :party: More power to her, I say. For teens and young adults, it's usually about looks and that is completely normal. For us older folks, health is far more of a concern, or at least it should be. With all due respect, your dd is still very young. I had the same, how should I say it, rather idealistic thoughts about weight, diets, and body image, when my dd was your age. The word "diet" and "weight" was taboo in our household. Shelter, shelter, shelter her from all that - were my beliefs. But you know what? I can only shelter her for so long. She's now 13 and is an individual in her own right. She is exposed to all the media and all the messages. The secondary culture (outside influences) now start to take over. I tell her repeatedly that even if she was 300 pounds, I would love her regardless. She knows that, of course. But if she needed to lose weight, and chose to diet, I would allow her to. I mean, good grief, there are far worse problems in the world than dieting and weight loss efforts. Far worse things she could do. Many might say that working out excessively or for more than 30 minutes a day is sending a negative and horrible image to our young girls. Ask most Europeans or most of the non-U.S. world - and they would for the most part agree - that Americans tend to go rather overboard, when it comes to gyms and working out. Wendy, I'm no big fan of those horrible charts ;). In fact, I despise them. Yes, being a little overweight is beneficial. But from what I have read, not too much. My "desirable" weight range is 106 (not happening :lol:) to 139 (very, very hard to do, in fact, I find it almost impossible. But 12 pounds over is 151. Between 139 and 151 is when I feel my best. Interesting. I feel lighter, more energetic, no knee pain, you name it. And I look better. But that's a shallow reason. I also feel less monthly bre@st tenderness and pain when I'm lighter. Simple as that. Being in that range is not underweight or skinny. It's what "they" call "marginally overweight", but I call "ideal". So, as you can see, I don't even plan on being in the "desirable" range, "marginally overweight" will be just fine with me. My dh prefers me that way. I do also. And again, hcg is not starvation. Not when done correctly. Thank you for that, Lisa. I knew it, but it's good to hear it once again. :iagree: Yes, I've read that. :hurray: So happy for you! Hmmm ... I wonder why? Envy and jealousy, perhaps ;)? I have experienced the same exact thing. That's okay. You're doing it for YOU. :grouphug:
  8. Not true. Homeopathic is legal. :) Doesn't feel like starvation at all. In fact, I feel healthier than ever each and every time. As I and others here have said, most of us (at least not me) have no intention or desire to be skinny. None whatsoever. I actually believe that allowing weight to accumulate is a worst thing to do to one's body and a worst message to send to young girls. I have no problems with my dd seeing me on this diet. I have a homeschooling friend whose teen daughter has done great on it. Nothing was working for her and she was miserable regardless of all the inspiring and encouraging talks that she's great as she is, etc. All the Zumbas, Curves, eating as little as everyone else ... none of that was working for her. She's lost weight and is doing great. She feels confident and happy. :party: More power to her, I say. For teens and young adults, it's usually about looks. For us older folks, health is far more of a concern. Wendy, I'm no big fan of those horrible charts ;). In fact, I despise them. Yes, being a little overweight is beneficial. But from what I have read, not too much. My "desirable" weight range is 106 (not happening :lol:) to 139 (very, very hard to do, in fact, I find it almost impossible. But 12 pounds over is 151. Between 139 and 151 is when I feel my best. Interesting. I feel lighter, more energetic, no knee pain, you name it. And I look better. But that's a shallow reason. I also feel less monthly bre@st tenderness and pain when I'm lighter. Simple as that. Being in that range is not underweight or skinny. It's what "they" call "marginally overweight", but I call "ideal". So, as you can see, I don't even plan on being in the "desirable" range, "marginally overweight" will be just fine with me. My dh prefers me that way. I do also. And again, hcg is not starvation. Not when done correctly. Thank you for that, Lisa. I knew it, but it's good to hear it once again. :iagree: Yes, I've read that. :hurray: So happy for you! Hmmm ... I wonder why? Envy and jealousy, perhaps ;)? I have experienced the same exact thing. That's okay. You're doing it for YOU. :grouphug:
  9. :hurray: You've done great. Your post is a fabulous one. Yes, everyone is different. I would never dream of bashing someone else's choice with regards to pretty much anything - curriculum, diet, you name it. We're all adults here and responsible for ourselves. It's our own choice how we go about trying to get healthy and lose weight. :chillpill: I honestly don't think it's anyone else's business. If I'm not interested in a certain plan, or if I don't believe in it, I certainly wouldn't post negative comments about it, particularly if I had no experience with it or had little to no knowledge about it. I know. I keep seeing this. It's funny to me. I thought I was the only one who noticed. I observed the same exact thing on one of the news sites. Most who had tried it, had good things to say. Most who had not tried it, or, better yet, those who knew VERY little about it ;), bashed it. Reminds me of homeschooling. ;) :D Great job! Well, if it is a fraud, it certainly worked for me and helped me lose LOTS of weight, made me feel and look better than ever. I love it. :party: :grouphug: Hang in there. Exactly. This is where reading and research come into play. :)
  10. I agree. The moderators here are fabulous and much appreciated. Thank you all. This morning was quite bad with all the spam ... My question is: can they get a hold of our contact info, our emails, etc? :confused:
  11. With all due respect, and really I am being curious and need clarification, can someone please give me a link to the FDA website where they say that homeopathic hcg pellets are illegal? I searched and searched the FDA website and have seen no ban. Maybe I'm searching wrong. :confused: When I google it, I come up with articles referring to a press release from the FDA - yet I cannot find that on their own official website.
  12. http://www.squidoo.com/breast-cancer-recipes http://www.scribd.com/doc/41468095/Cancer-A-Special-Report-1-12-09 http://www.compassionateacupuncture.com/breast%20health%20&%20diet.htm
  13. Anyone will regain weight (and more) if they return to their previous habits. For those who follow the true hcg protocol - P3 and then P4 - they don't regain. It really is as simple as that. Yes, those who are prone to gallbladder problems, have said that hcg was problematic. But most of us don't have that problem. At least I don't. I feel healthier than ever when I'm on it. I am rather offended. I might not agree with certain diets or health approaches, but I would certainly not call them "stupid". That is a bit harsh. Homeopathic hcg is not illegal or ineffective. I'm certainly not starving. You're not meant to starve on the hcg diet. It does help to read up on this and to have an open mind. Hcg does not say "no exercise". That's simply not true. He recommends exercise in moderation. And no, we do not live on lettuce. Although that does sound quite healthy! It hasn't been hard on my body and on countless others - many of whom I know from other boards as well as here. None of us have died yet. I lost over 20 pounds in about a month. I have felt better than ever - incredible, actually - far more energy, better sleep, great-looking skin. It actually does encourage very healthy eating habits. I also find your comment about why some people are obese a bit offensive. Not that I am obese. But I was, and it was not due to lack of exercise or due to eating an unhealthy diet. Some sympathy and kindness would be appreciated. I never said that I would like to fit into a size zero. That would be rather unappealing. :lol: I don't even care what size I am. I would just like to lose some pounds. :iagree: Sing it, sister. :D You have a good point. But it's not as simple as that. I was super-healthy and super-strong. But the weight would not budge. Worked out like a maniac. Did it all. BTDT. Then I realized that my bre@st estrogen levels were a bit of a concern. Not too much. But somewhat. I have read time and time again, that in order to reduce estrogen levels, never mind for overall health, it really is a great deal about BMI and weight. Sad, but true. I could workout till kingdom come, but if those pounds don't budge, my health will not improve. I feel healthier, lighter, and I know that my estrogen levels are lower when my weight is down. My knees don't hurt. Everything feels better. It's not about looks for me. It's about health and wellbeing. "Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat tissue. Experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn fuel breast cancer. It's hard to lose weight, but it's not impossible. The potential benefit of preventing cancer is worth it. Stay within 12 pounds of your ideal body weight. In many studies, obesity has been correlated with a higher risk of breast cancer. Excess body fat produces estrogen which can then be stored in breast tissue and trigger the growth of cancer cells." As much as for years I have wanted to ignore BMI and numbers on a scale, I know that it's important to overall health. It's not about a dress size. I'm not as shallow as I was in my teens and 20s. I'm no longer in the dating scene, if you get my drift. Lisa, your story is an amazing one and I'm so excited and proud for you. :grouphug: Love your very, very wise post. :grouphug: Brilliant. Some things that come to my mind: 1. Call it what you want, hcg is not a fad diet to me. If done correctly, with real reading and research ;), hcg is designed to be a lifestyle change. 2. On another forum, someone wrote: "My doctor put me on the diet and the first thing she told me was: 'Don't tell anyone you are on this diet. Everyone's a hater and they will tell you it's unhealthy, won't work, etc'.. so I didn't- she was right!" To me, her doctor was a genius. Just like I don't tell many people that we homeschool. Being open-minded, reading, and researching would be quite refreshing. :) The way some react to this approach, you'd think one was attempting to kill cats or something :001_huh:. As Pink would say, "Why so serious?" It's just a different approach to weight loss for crying out loud. Everyone is different. Everyone succeeds on different plans. That's all. If a person doesn't approve of something, don't do it. Just don't bash those that have done it and gotten success. One needs to have an open mind. There is not one single formula for everyone. Simply eating less and exercising more may not work for all. Who cares how others go about it? 3. I am not starving. I have learned about portion size. I am eating very healthy foods. No rubbish. No processed foods. No artificial sweeteners. 4. First, the media gets all upset and cranky when people are overweight and obese. Then when people actually start losing weight from hcg, they realize that they're not making $ from it (authors of different books, programs, etc.). I've seen articles by authors of different diet books bashing hcg. Their knowledge of hcg is diddly squat. But they're boo-hooing since it may affect their beloved book sales and programs. So they get all upset once more. Makes me laugh. They start complaining when people actually do lose weight. You can't win either way! 5. This diet, when followed correctly, has a higher success rate than others. Most diets have a 95% failure rate. This one does not. 30-40% of people have difficulty maintaining with hcg, compared to 95% with other diets.
  14. Us too. We've been taking it for a few years at the first stages of cold or flu. Not the dc, however. Thanks for letting me know about the oregano capsules. I wish it were that easy for my dh. Glad that it cured your dd. Nope, no ACV for dh. Papaya digest enzymes didn't help either. Some said pineapple. That just made things worse. Right now, almond milk at night is really helping him. :D 2 bananas at night helped him for a while also. The local Rastafarian herbalist here helped him immensely. All about food combining, and when to have certain foods, etc. That guy is an absolute genius and has helped so many people. He's in his 60s and looks like he's in his late 20s. Unbelievable! He has a TV show here and drives all the doctors nuts. :lol: I still haven't seen his show, since I watch such little TV. We got a new TV and I don't even know how to turn it on. I hear you about the weight loss. Great job on your loss. This is the candida spit test. I hate it. I loathe the whole concept of candida. One self-test that naturopaths often recommend is the following. Fill a clear glass with water and place it by your bed at night. When you wake in the morning, work up a bit of saliva and spit into the glass of water. It is important that nothing enters your mouth or touches your lips before you do this. Do not drink any water, do not brush your teeth and do not kiss your partner. Immediately make note of how the saliva looks. Check again 2 or 3 minutes later. Check the glass every 15 minutes until you leave for the day. Healthy saliva will be clear, it will float on top and it will slowly dissolve into the water without any cloudiness and without sinking. There are normally some bubbles or foam present. Candida saliva will have one or more characteristics that point to a Candida albicans overgrowth: * Strings traveling down to the bottom of the glass * Cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass * Cloudy specks suspended in the water The more strings and cloudiness there are, and the faster it develops, the greater the Candida albicans overgrowth. I think it's wonderful that you have been cured and got an answer to all your symptoms, etc. It wasn't so great for my dh. Going on this diet just made things worse in many respects. Yes, he felt better in some ways. But he also lost far, far too much weight, and never needed to. He also got some other very, very bad health problem, which almost needed serious surgery (as a result of the candida diet) and which I am not going to go into here. For most, it may work. For some, I think it's pure rubbish. Will have to look more into this. Too many books and too little time and $. Peela, once again, thank you. Peela, I know that you're not, but I really respect and appreciate your help. That's basically it in a nutshell. :D I don't consider you to be treating my dh over the internet. I agree that you are sharing very valuable info. That's what I love about these forums - the sheer amount of collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom. I look forward to getting those books. :iagree: Thanks so much for all the links. Off to do more research and reading. :D :lol: Yep, yours truly.
  15. Peela, you are so kind and so giving on these boards. You're always so incredibly helpful. :grouphug: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm looking at the U.S. website for the Himalaya brand - at their single herbs as well as their herbal formulas. Looks very good. A bit overwhelming as to exactly what to order. But I'm trying. :) When you did the oleation/purgation, did you also do the enema? If so, was that hard to do? The links you gave for the cleanse as well as for the coconut oil/sesame massage did not work. Sorry to bother you again. I know you're busy. I don't usually get overwhelmed with these sort of details. I just want to do it right and try our hardest.
  16. You will get to it. You've come a long way and are doing great! :D Most have stalls for about 10 days or so.
  17. Let me know if you need rosacea tips. :grouphug: I also do the honey mask at times. Plus, my esthetician told me to add a smidge of turrmeric to my masks. Helps with age spots. Love it. Gives an incredible glow. :D
  18. Peela and others, once again, here am I with all my questions. You were right. Dh is vata (mixed with pitta). Been trying to get some reading done on all this. I'm in a bit of a hurry to order supplements (as well as help with dietary changes). I do plan on ordering some Ayurveda books (specifically the ones you recommended), but they'll take a while to get here. Meanwhile, the internet is a lifesaver. :) My specific question is: does anyone know where I can order some good Ayuervedic supplements? Any advice or tips? Thank you. I have highlighted the things that are specific to his dosha. Vata Candidiasis 1. Use hing, ginger, basil ajwan, and garlic to spice your food. (What is hing?) :confused: 2. Boil 1 teaspoon of brahmi and 1 teaspoon of bala down in 1⁄2 cup of water. Add a pinch of black pepper and boil to 1⁄2 cup. Drink this after straining, 3 times per day. 3. Oleation and Purgation. a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoons every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoons. Question: No liquid ghee here. Can I just give solid ghee or can I melt our solid ghee? :confused: b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take 6 teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night. 4. Start each meal with equal parts of ginger juice and honey, and a pinch of lemon juice, salt, and cumin powder. Pitta Candidiasis 1. Mahasudarshan (a churna of triphala (Emblica offcinialis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula); gudduchi (Tinospora cordifolia); kutki (Picorrhiza kurroa); patrpat; nimb (lime), suddha surastraja, bamshalochan; kairat). Take 1⁄2 teaspoon with hot water after meals. 3. Neem tea (Azadirachta indica), 4 cups per day. 4. 1 teaspoon of the following mixture 3 times per day: ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), gudduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and brahmi (Centella asiatica). 5. Oleation and purgation as per vata: a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoonsful every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoonsful. b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take six teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night. The following herbs, listed by Scott Gerson, M.D., have been effective in his treatment of systemic candidiasis: Juniperus communis (Hapusa) powdered berries, 2-3 grams b.i.d.Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf infusion, 2 oz b.i.d.Carum copticum (Yamani) powdered seed, 2-4 grams with 2 oz. pomegranate juice b.i.d.Caloptropis gigantea (Alarka) root bark decoction, 1⁄2-1 oz., t.i.d. I would love to know a good and reliable source as to where to get these. I usually order our supplements from vitacost and amazon, but I know that most of these are not available from them. Thank you. :)
  19. AVOID Limit your intake of sugar Studies show that simple sugars like D-glucose, D-galactose, and so on, move from the fluid in the eyes into the lens, impairing healthy vision. Read food labels and make sure sucrose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, lactose and other sugars are not listed among the first four or five ingredients. Especially steer clear of corn syrup, a high-fructose sugar. Minimize your intake of aspirin. Aspirin reduces the blood's ability to clot. If small blood vessels hemorrhage in the retinal area, aspirin inhibits the body's ability to stop the leak and damages your vision. Exercise Taking a vigorous walk for at least a half hour can temporarily reduce discomfort and pressure in the eyes.
  20. SUPPLEMENTS Fish oil may prevent blindness and age-related macular degeneration, as well as slow its progression Get a good brand, such as Carlson’s Vitamin D3 prevents macular degeneration. As we get older, our skin is less able to convert vitamin D from sunlight. Bilberry prevents vision loss as you age and can even sharpen your vision right now Bilberry Standardized Extract: 80 mg daily Glutathione transports the minerals calcium, potassium and sodium in and out of the lens, protects certain proteins from oxidizing, and slows the breakdown of DNA within the lens. Low levels of glutathione lead to hardened, inflexible lens. You can increase your glutathione level by taking either glutathione tripeptide (500 mg a day) or a precursor of glutathione, N-acetylcysteine (500 to 600 mg a day). To enhance glutathione's effectiveness, take a multivitamin/mineral supplement containing selenium (which is necessary for glutathione to work properly), and at least 1,000 mg of vitamin C (which helps to "recycle" glutathione). Lutein: 12 mg daily Lutein is important to eye health Found in leafy green veggies such as cooked spinach, peas, broccoli, and corn Zeaxanthin: 600 mcg daily Selenium: 200-250 mcg daily Vitamins B1 and B2 (natural): 25 mg each daily Vitamins B6, B12 Folic Acid – Folic Acid and B vitamins reduce levels of homocysteine – an amino acid that, when present in the blood in greater amounts, has been linked to macular degeneration and its progression – and can protect the eye against AMD
  21. Those who are most at risk: • People with a parent with the disease • Caucasians • Women • People over 60 Macular degeneration is really dependent on 2 things: • Heredity • Nutrition Lifestyle choices, including excess weight, high blood pressure, and smoking, can also play a role. NUTRITION Foods rich in omega-3 may prevent blindness and age-related macular degeneration, as well as slow its progression Walnuts Chia Seeds Flax seeds – 4 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily Fatty Fish like salmon, tuna, sardines 1 cup spinach at least 3x/wk protects eyes against macular degeneration Other dark green, leafy veggies also help Leafy greens (including arugula and other salad greens, collards, spinach, and Swiss chard) are high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K, so important to bone health, as well as the phytochemicals, lutein and zeaxanthin, that protect both cardiovascular and eye health. If you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, eating your greens—rich in folic acid—can even fight hot flashes and the blues. And if you’re ready to start a family, folic acid in leafy greens helps prevent neural tube birth defects in the early days of pregnancy. Bell peppers Orange Veggies - carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, pumpkin Eggs Fresh fruits Berries and nuts Seafood Fruits and vegetables help subdue oxygen free radicals. Long-term free radical damage is now recognized as the greatest contributor there is to age-related health problems. The best fruit sources for protecting eyes from free radical damage are prunes, raisins and blueberries. For vegetables, it's kale, raw spinach and Brussels sprouts. Increase your intake of glutathione-rich cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, bok choy, cress, mustard, horseradish, turnips, rutabagas and kohlrabi. Eat foods low on the glycemic index (GI) – spinach, dried apricots, broccoli, red peppers, egg yolks. Nuts and Fish which are rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids slow the progression of AMD.
  22. Of course anyone will lose weight on 500 calories a day. :D The difference is that with hcg, if done correctly, one feels very little to no hunger :hurray:. This fad diet does work ;) - when done right, of course. All diets work if done correctly. I'm not saying this is the perfect diet for everyone. Everyone's body is different. Their goals and lifestyles are different. I might not like this fad diet five years from now. But for now, I love it and am incredibly grateful for it. :D I was very, very skeptical and doubtful about this diet when I first heard about it. I'm so glad that I read up on it and did my research. When I ran out of hhcg drops a few months ago, I continued the 500 calories for about a week. It got very, very difficult. One starts to feel the hunger. Plus, that's the wrong kind of weight loss - you start to lose muscle rather than fat.
  23. Scam or not, it's worked fabulously for me and so many others that I know. :D If it was a scam, there is no way in God's green earth that I could not feel hunger, barely any hunger at all, on 500 calories a day. So, yes, hhcg does work. At least for me and most others that I know who stick to the protocol. And, btw, I never felt like I was starving on hcg. You should not feel that way, otherwise you're doing something wrong.
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