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Everything posted by Negin

  1. This happens to me on almost every flight that's even slightly bumpy. Landing is the worst for me. The first thing I do when I get on a flight is to check if I have a motion sickness bag. It's awful. My kids are the same. I get it in cars also. I have to either drive or sit in the front. Boats - has to be a very short trip. I used to take Dramamine, but a few years ago I had the scariest reaction on the flight - a panic attack, rapid heart beat. Never taking that again. The natural stuff never works for me. When I'm able to, sitting closer to the front of the plane, car, whatever - helps me. That's pretty much the only thing that seems to work. I think I tried Bonine once and it didn't help. The wrist bands never helped me. Turning on the vent causes me to have a horrible reaction instantaneously. I have to turn it off as soon as I get to my seat.
  2. Went for a lovely swim yesterday. Gorgeous sunset. About to do Ellen Barrett: Live Power Fusion. Kara, great job. BTW, I love your siggy quote. :) Nice that you got to go for a run alone. I just tried out my first Jackie Warner DVD a few weeks ago. Liked it a lot.
  3. Thanks, Heather. I'll move it further up on my wish list. :) And ladies, here's Soman Chainani. :) My dd just read a book by him.
  4. All the Right Moves: Amazing Legs - tough and effective workout. Lisa, Sarah Ivanhoe is so often recommended for the "not weird" yoga fans. :) She has a few DVDs and many like her. I gave the link for what's on offer at Total Fitness DVDs. There are more of her stuff on amazon, I think.
  5. Heather, this has been on my wish list for a while. I loved his other book, "The Geography of Bliss."
  6. Will be doing an Ellen Barrett Pilates DVD later. Read this: Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured. I used to take a weekly Yin Yoga class on the beach. My instructor recommended this DVD to me and I really love it. Both his DVDs are my absolute favorites for yoga. He's a great instructor and you really get your money's worth. Each DVD has about 3 separate workouts. He knows his stuff. He's not annoying or weird - some people are turned off by yoga for that. You can view samples and order from his site or from Total Fitness DVDs - if you do the latter, use their code "10off" for a discount. Mark Laham also has some free videos on his site. :) Yin Yoga DVD has the following, each of which are pretty much an hour. Front Line Sequence Back Line Sequence Hips and Pelvis
  7. On another forum, there was a thread for the best tips for aging gracefully. Someone raved about Facial Exercises. She said that as she has hit her mid-40's, she has seen changes. "Try this, it works. No botox, no skin peeling, no surgery. And if u do it regularly your skin glows, glows, glows from all the refreshed circulation from the workouts. You need to be consistent tho. I do it whenever I am alone in the room, in the bathroom, etc." She recommended this video and this one. A few on the forum said that the exercises have done wonders for the jaw and neck. Since reading about this, I've been going back and forth. I was an esthetician many years ago and I remember them telling us that facial exercises and the exaggerated expressions will increase and exacerbate the chance of wrinkles - think of the lines around the mouth that smokers get from constantly puckering up. So then I emailed Paula's Choice - love their books and products and they emailed me back right away with this: If you do facial exercises to reduce the appearance of wrinkles imagining that you’re building up the muscles underneath you would only be making matters worse. Repetitive facial movements such as smiling, frowning, and raising your eyebrows actually lead to more fine lines and wrinkles in those areas. Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. As skin ages and loses its elasticity and collagen content, the skin stops springing back to its line-free state, and these grooves become permanently etched on the face. Botox works because it paralyzes muscle movement where it is injected, preventing these creases from taking place. Has anyone had experience or known someone to do facial exercises on a regular basis? What are your thoughts? ETA: I have nothing against wrinkles and aging. I think crow's feet/smile lines are actually beautiful. The only wrinkles I'm not particularly in love with are frown lines. I also don't love having a slack jawline, etc. I don't think I would ever do Botox/surgery, etc. Not me at all.
  8. You're most welcome. Hope your day was a great one. :)
  9. :party: :grouphug: :party: So happy to see you back!
  10. Happy Birthday Heather! I posted a birthday message for you earlier today. Hope your day is a lovely one.
  11. Of course not. :) We all have different tastes and different books appeal to us at different times in our lives. Glad you'll be back on the exercise threads. Hope to see you there more often and that you can find them. That can be a pain, I know.
  12. Denise Austin: Power Zone I don't have much time this morning, but I do DVDs. I also have a very nice book which I recently got. I used to go to a fabulous class on the beach.
  13. I could. not. stand. it. :banghead: By the way, I do miss you on the exercise threads. :) :grouphug:
  14. Different moves that I learned from my very first workout book back in the early '80s. I love these moves. Pure nostalgia. :D
  15. Thank you all so much for your helpful replies. I am very skeptical. The MLM that my friend is involved in is product that she networks mainly through Facebook - no shows and parties that I know of. I'm not the pushy sales-person type, particularly through Facebook. She's recently quit her day job. I just googled the brand she's pushing and I saw that the company's being investigated, etc. Trish, love this. :D So helpful and I love the list. A good friend of mine had the exact same experience with PC. We both love the stoneware, but she left PC because she didn't believe in pushing all their other products which are cheaper elsewhere. Laura, no, I don't have a tough shell. And your description of being sarcastic and moody - a girl afte after my own heart. You made me smile with that. Yes, I have a very good friend pushing this same exact product. Same exact posts. I put her posts on "Hide" since the posts drive me bonkers. Dawn, your reply goes along with how I feel, except you know far more about them than I. Hope your son's singing went well. :)
  16. I read The Right Attitude to Rain - 4 Stars. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  17. Lots and lots of yoga. Feels wonderful. Love Roald Dahl. :)
  18. A friend of mine is crazy about the MLM that she joined a few years ago. I know almost nothing about them and am quite skeptical. Does anyone here have any experience with these or know about them? Pros and cons would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
  19. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  20. About to do Self: Bikini Ready Fast - an Ellen Barrett workout.
  21. The No David books have always been amongst our favorites. David is our son to a "t". :)
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