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Posts posted by BritAnnia

  1. One year my children made snowman cookies from store-bought white covered oreos.

    All you need is a really small amount of melted chocolate and orange coloured white chocolate for decorating. Or you can also use icing instead, something that sets hard such as royal icing.

    Dab a dot for each eye and multiple dots in a curve for the mouth, in the middle put a carrot shape (just a dot that's pulled sideways to a point) for the nose. They were so easy to make and looked great.

  2. When my lot were young I bought art smocks that were based on the backward shirt idea but a plasticky material with knitted cuffs and collar. Paint bled through ordinary shirt fabric when my kids used them. I bought the plastic ones in the UK years ago but I've seen similar things here over the years in school supply stores, online stores and even places like walmart and toysrus from time to time.


  3. Jean, I felt the same way. The book had been sitting on my shelf for years but I avoided it thinking it would be a slog to read. Now I've finished reading I am munching some popcorn and waiting for the show(discussion) to begin.


  4. krazzymommy...

    I am a member on shelfari but haven't ever added my library. (I use librarything). I'm going to try importing my library, then I'll see if I can work out how to find you.


    Frontier Mom & lionfamily... we are reading the same book but we've not started the discussion yet so some of us are also commenting on what else we're reading lately. There's still time for you to read The Woman in White before discussion starts in January :)

  5. Well we *were* gonna have a family gift of a wii system but due to obsessive video game behaviour of a certain few who shall not be named ;) Dh returned the wii a few days ago. We had to laugh at the reaction of the lady at the customer service desk. She just could not fathom someone returning a wii. :blink:


    Now I've gotta start shopping at a time I thought I was done.

    dd(18) Bomber/Puffer jacket

    ds(16) Unsure... probably a new cellphone. He accidently melted his by setting it down on a radiator at a friends home. Oops!

    ds(13) New bike. His bike was stolen a few months ago after he left it out at the front of the house overnight.


    They also each get some sweet treats in their stocking and a book I have chosen for them.

  6. Dell.. because dd's boyfriend works there :D


    Of course we don't actually own a Dell. My dd's laptop is very cheap Acer, mine is an even cheaper Compaq, both were purchased pre-boyfriend. :lol:


    Seriously... we're both happy with our laptops but they're each only a few months old. Is there any other deciding factor, such as software included or where you'll purchase the laptop? (Some offer their own warranty over and above the manufacturer warranty.)

  7. As my dh reminds me each October and Christmas time, I am boring with my wants. They're most often books, sometimes movies, rarely anything else. :D

    Specifically my list this year includes:

    Harpers Magazine either a single issue so I can check it out, or a subscription.

    1001 Books to read... book (on sale at Amazon, good time to buy!)

    HG Wells book (any of the titles I don't already own)

    North & South DVD

    3rd season Hamish Macbeth DVD set

    Foyles War DVD's

    Journey CD


    I would be happy with any one of these items.

    I've even suggested Dh bravely choose me a book/movie/cd he *thinks* I'll enjoy based on things he already knows I like. He almost hyperventilated at that. :lol:

  8. How fun is that, she's really absorbing what she reads.


    I don't know that I do that with books but when I was about 14 I spent a week in Yorkshire with my Grandmother and her extended family. By the end of the visit I was throwing a lot of Aye's and lass's into my speech. *UGH* I just cringe about it now thinking how riduculous I sounded! :blush:

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