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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I have a general idea of what we will do next year but nothing concrete. We are not finished with school. We've had extended family activites almost every weekend a funeral, confirmation, bridal shower.


    Oldest dd has Sr Banquet next week, and is graduating two weeks later. I have a party to plan, invitations to send out.. etc. ,another bridal shower, and a wedding. Ok I'm tired.


    Plans for next year will wait! Lol!

  2. I feel your pain. I spent many years homeschooling with toddlers that didn't want to cooperate. Things that works for me were, games that toddler could play in the highchair (example Cheerios, shaving cream, finger painting with pudding). I put together special activities toddle could do at table with us or on the floor. I think I had a book called Preschooler Activities in A Bag with lots of ideas. I would team older children up with toddler and rotate. That way toddler always had a playmate and I could do some one on one with each child.


    I also picked things like audiobooks that we could all participate in it together. Toddlers always had a safe area to play - gated. I made sure that toddlers got my attention first each day.


    Some days chaos ruled and I just tried to deal with each crisis as it came up. Experienced moms told me to remember that homeschooling is a marathon not a sprint. Just keep swimming! One day at a time. Take a break, go to the park, play, sometimes we would "mop the floor" (everyone in socks with a bit of water on the kitchen floor). Find the joy in each day. Don't give up!

  3. Read your update. Under those circumstances, yes, I would bring work, games, and projects. I would also bring toys and videos. You will be setting up a home-like environment in someone else's home. Whatever I could bring to help keep the kiddos busy while I helped with baby would be beneficial. I would just lower expectations. The change in environment would make for lots of distractions.

  4. Typical of how things are done here in Nj. When asked if you want to have your walk/ driveway shoveled you would ask "how much?" Then you could decline the offer or haggle.


    If you don't wish to pay then you tell them no thanks.


    If they're doing it for free, typically they just do it.


    Rude would be shoveling and then knocking and asking for payment.


    But I'm from New Jersey, it has been said we can be a bit ride.

  5. Mamajudy, you are right about the trend. I have to say that most of my circle are at the end of their hsing journey. They are moms of large families hsing their youngest children.


    I wonder what it will be like when my youngest are high schoolers. Things are changing, as hsing becomes more and more mainstream it seems to have the potential become less recognizable.

  6. Pantry moths! Check your cabinets and all your spices and boxed items in your cabinet. They lay eggs in the flaps of cardboard boxes. They eat through plastic and they love chocolate.


    Check everything. We had a terrible infestation that spread to our basement when we were on vacation. It was a nightmare!

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