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Posts posted by AndyJoy

  1. It will get better, but my 13-month-old still naps on me! He just won't sleep deeply enough during the day to nap without my presence.


    For his first 3 months we slept in an armchair rather than my bed because he wanted to be propped up to sleep (though he never had reflux).


    However, he does sleep 10 hours at night in his crib now and goes down with little fuss so it will work eventually!


    The way we transitioned him out of my arms was to lay him down cradled in a Leachco Cuddle-U (like a Boppy, but with a harness) with a blanket tucked over him and under the pillow. He rolled over fairly late, so this may not work for you if you have a roller, but it might be worth a try.

  2. We are charged $15 a month for a large, "one-size-fits-all" recycling bin, whether we want it or not. A single senior citizen living alone is charged the same fee as a family of 8. This doubled our trash bill every month.

    We are no longer allowed to self-haul to the dump that our property taxes fund. We are forced to pay the trash company to haul our trash and recyclables on top of the taxes that pay for the dump.

  3. Are there other people out there, like me, who have to pay MORE for recycling? If we'd like to recycle, there is an extra fee.


    And our city wonders why the percentage of recyclers is lower than the national average. :glare:


    We are FORCED to pay 2x the amount we used to pay for just trash now that mandatory recycling has been added. No opting out, no hauling your own trash to the dump that your property taxes pay for allowed. You MUST pay $62 for one trash can and one recycling bin every other month. Extras cost more. There is a huge uproar in our town right now over this including recall of city council petitions, protests, people not paying bills, etc.

  4. I totally understand what you mean about gift-giving being a love language! That is totally me too. The best compliment my dad gives me is when he tells me I pick or make the perfect gift for him!


    I think your idea is a good one, though it doesn't feel as satisfying as being able to just get the "perfect gift". What if you were to phrase it slightly differently like, "We know you've been really wanting and saving for an IPod touch, so we thought we'd contribute X amount toward that, or if you change your mind while you are saving the rest of the money for it you could purchase something else with the money or save it for something bigger." That way it gives them the opportunity to feel responsible and wise with their saving/decision making.

  5. It's my birthday!


    It's 76 degrees without a cloud in the sky (though I miss wearing a fuzzy sweater on my birthday).


    My little guy slept until 7:30 this morning (rather than 6:00 like usual). Unfortunately for him, he has a cold, but it just makes him sleepier and cuddlier, which I like, of course.


    I shared an ooey-gooey mozzarella-covered serving of lasagna with him from my favorite restaurant that my husband doesn't like.


    I got some adult conversation because a friend and her daughters took me out for coffee.


    My little guy fell asleep on the way home from coffee and is still napping in his stroller 1 hour later, though he usually fights/skips the afternoon nap!

  6. I'm attending a 75th birthday party/softball game/potluck BBQ tomorrow and need a suggestion for a side. The main dish is ribs, tri-tip, and chicken. I am making an Asian cabbage salad but need a 2nd idea. It needs to be something fairly quick and easy I can make tonight after I put the baby to bed that won't need to be heated. It will need to be in the car (in an ice chest) for 5 hrs. Anyone have any suggestions?

  7. In my town large groups of senior citizens hang out at McDonald's to drink cheap coffee and gossip about other senior citizens. It's pretty hilarious to overhear some of their conversations about who is dating who. If you read a transcript rather than hearing their voices, you'd think you were in the high school cafeteria!


    I frequently interact with senior citizens at the grocery store because my 1-year-old is a flirt and most senior citizens can't resist stopping to chat with him and tell me how cute he is. Senior citizens are the majority of the pre-9 am grocery shoppers.


    I have found senior citizens more willing than the average person to just strike up a conversation with a stranger in the grocery store while waiting in line or looking at the same coupon or sale item.

  8. That is actually a good question. I often wonder that about my son in particular. He gets rather annoyed in group settings because people don't pick up things like he does and is easily bored because he is so quick to master things. He will have to learn patience with others and how to endure monotony.


    Don't worry--this isn't unique to homeschoolers. My dh sat through 12 years of PS, 3 years of college, and 2 years of graduate school still has this problem. He's found ways to cope that don't involve detention or angry phone calls home anymore :D.

  9. I've been making white sauce since I was about 12 because it was the base for "chipped beef gravy on toast" in our family. My mom grew up poor and this was a cheap easy "comfort food" that used up stale bread.


    I make biscuits and gravy for dh fairly regularly.


    Last week I made some loaded baked potato soup with white sauce as its base.


    I have been meaning to tweak my husband's childhood mac 'n cheese recipe to replace the canned soup, so now I'm definitely inspired.

  10. I never talk badly about him to anyone (except him, when he needs to hear it!:tongue_smilie:)


    I find ways to help him graciously bow out of things he doesn't want to do or escape from social situations when he is overloaded since he is an introvert.


    He protects me by noticing when I'm near my breaking point with frustration and takes care of the little guy and brings me coffee.


    He protects my sanity by going to social gatherings so I can refuel emotionally since I'm an extrovert, even though he is an introvert and would rather not go.


    He once "defended my honor" physically by punching a guy in the nose when the guy made a "sour grapes"-fueled inappropriate untruthful comment about me.

  11. I commented on the other thread that I'd never tried brussel sprouts. In my case it's not a case of avoidance--I've just never been served them by anyone and haven't taken the initiative to cook them for myself yet. Maybe I'll try them this week. Anyone want to tell me how to prepare them?:bigear:


    Eggplant is the only other "mainstream" thing I can think of that I haven't tried (for the same reasons as above).

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