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Posts posted by twinmami01

  1. This may be a silly question, but I'd like to know what others think. I received a gift certificate from my husband for Mother's Day for a spa day. I have not had a chance to use it yet, but I am really excited. I've never done anything like this before, so I'm curious about tipping. Would this be included in the amount of the gift certificate? It's a $250 gift certificate, so I'm assuming it is? What do you guys think?

  2. While I understand the temptation to do this, I don't think it is OK for anyone to deceive their partner in order to have a child. With that said, I do think it is perfectly fair for her to say "I want another child. I understand that you don't, but I will no longer be taking any responsibility for birth control-no charting, no keeping track for NFP, nothing, so if you do not want another, you need to be 100% responsible for that." Then if he asks if he needs protection or not, she should just always answer 'I don't know, I told you I'm not keeping track anymore." If he is lackadaisical about it, he understands that a possible pregnancy could result (and likely will at some point.)


  3. How can this be? I love my son to death. How can it be that we've gotten to this point? His brilliant, honest, funny, handsome, and selfish as all get-out. He's 19 and a straight A pre-med student. He goes to a local college and lives at home. But it's summer now. He has not been able to find a summer job (hardly looked), but he was supposed to be doing other volunteering stuff this summer any way. But now it's summer, and we can't stand having him around. He makes everyone in the house miserable. We've decided that he's going to dorm next September, but we have the whole summer to survive first. We'll probably have him visit an uncle in DC for a few weeks just to get rid of him. Oh my gosh I feel so awful writing that. I hate this. When his last final is turned in by Friday, we may end up kicking him out and sending him to another aunt for the weekend. ugh. Tell me we'll survive this.


    YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS. I know it looks tough, but you will get past it. We were in that place 2 years ago with my stepson. I raised him since he was 5 since his mom wasn't around, so I consider him my son. He is a great kid, an honor student, but he made us miserable. I think its the age, really. He was almost 19. He had just graduated and was getting ready to go away to school 4 hours away from home. Hubby made the decision and I thought it was harsh, but looking back at it now, I know it was the right thing to do. Fast forward two years, he has proven to be very responsible, a hard worker, has done quite well for himself. He's got two years down of college, works full time. He has even went as far as thanking us for showing him tough love. We have a better relationship now than ever before.


    :grouphug: I know its a rough place to be, but I'm hoping that you will have a positive result as well.

  4. FYI-the revised edition is a student workbook that has extra activities, so that takes the place of the student response book. I don't think its absolutely necessary. You can get by with the revised teacher's guide.We bought the dvd just because I want my kids to work on it without me. We have all 3 and you can get it cheaper by buying it as a bundle. Check it out on christianbook.com, timberdoodle.com, or on amazon.com. Just keep in mind that there is a classic edition and a newer revised edition.

  5. Was AWESOME!!!

    That is all. :D


    We have a house full of boys, so the superhero movies are a BIG DEAL over here. It's about the only time we go to the movies and we are really looking forward to it. We are taking this week off of school, so we are going tomorrow while everyone is at work and school. We can't wait!

  6. I wouldn't do FLL 4 with a kid that age with auditory processing issues. FLL is completely dependent on your oral instructions. On top of possibly feeling "dumb" by doing little sister's book, adding a book that depends on the weakest learning style would put *my kids* over the top.


    If she's not ready for AG I'd go with Hake.


    (I have a kids with APD. She's using Rod and Staff's English with great success. The instructions are right there in her text, and she's prepared on her own before we get to the oral part.)



    I have 11 year old twin boys who have struggled with their reading as well as grammar. They also both have auditory processing issues. I've been trying to play "catch up" for the last several years and I finally feel like we re getting somewhere with them since we switched from FLL to Growing with Grammar.

  7. Audrey,


    I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


    It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


    Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




    All of us



  8. Do you think it will be a big deal to skip level 4 altogether?


    We used GWG levels 2 and we're half way through 3. We've worked through these levels pretty quickly, doubling up on lessons. It's taking us about 6 months to work through one level. I'm noticing that there is LOTS and LOTS of review, which really works great for my kids.


    My boys are 11 and have been working behind grade level. I'm really trying to get them "caught up." I'm wondering if you have used these levels, would it be a huge jump from level 3 to level 5?

  9. I plan on using this with the boys in the fall. We are currently using Winning With Writing and in all honesty, it is working. I just feel like we are playing catch up at this point since the boys are working 2 years behind grade level. They have progressed sooooo much in the last year. They have worked so hard and I am so proud of them. It is amazing how much they have progressed since taking them off the seizure meds.


    Right now we are working on WWW level 3. We normally complete 2-3 lessons in a day and completed level 2 in about 6 months. We should complete level 3 by

    August. My original plan was to work thru level 4 by January and then move on to level 5. Technically, the boys have early birthdays, being born in March (they

    just turned 11) so I know that they could possibly be in 4th grade and really

    only 1 year behind. After 6 years of homeschooling, I know I shouldn't be

    concerned with grade levels but I'm starting to look ahead and really don't want

    them to be 19 or 20 when they graduate. I know that many kids with special needs usually catch up by middle school age and I guess that is what I'm hoping for.


    Ok, I know I am rambling now, but back to IEW. I absolutely DREAD teaching

    writing. I worry that I am not or won't be able to properly teach writing. That

    brings me to IEW. I am intrigued by having the writing DVD's that will do the

    teaching for me. I also like the "idea" of IEW not using "grade levels".


    So ladies, what do you think?


    God Bless,


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