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Punks in Ontario

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Posts posted by Punks in Ontario

  1. Donna Ward's highschool program looks promising: https://www.donnaward.net/shop.php?area=item&sku=9781927474006

    That's the one I used last time.  It was okay, but I had to keep a close eye on things because it was a bit loose with the scheduling.  I keep hoping there is something better.


    For my oldest, I did a text book method, but it took a lot of work and wasn't at thorough as I would have liked.

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  2. I've used omni 1 for 7th and we're using omni 2 for 8th right now.  We don't use the whole thing - more likely 1/2 to 3/4 of the selections.


    I tried the first one for my oldest, but found I didn't have the time to set it up well, and it didn't go great.  With my current student, it's going quite well, but he is more than willing to chase me down for the discussions which he enjoys.  It is challenging, but can be tweaked for most students.  I'll be adding in ds12 next year.


    Because we're Canadian, Omni 3 is less relevant, and we will need more Canadian content next year.  Between this and my ds's strong interest in science, I'll be using less of this omni than the current one.  I'm planning to stretch Omni 2 and 3 into 3 years to accommodate this.


    I still gag over supporting Doug Wilson, but I haven't found anything comparable to replace this with, and haven't noticed anything amiss within the books other than slight differences of belief since I'm not Presbyterian.  I can live with that.

  3. After an hour of searching to find it again.  Check this out: http://civicschannel.com/textbook.html


    Now, I'm going to add it to my Pinterest board so I can find it when I need it!


    Thanks.  I haven't seen this resource before.  May help for civics.


    By HS, I like to have most items fairly structured so the student can complete without me most of the time.  This is what I'm looking for.

  4. I don't think we do things quite like you're doing.  I keep records in a bookkeeping program on the computer, so I know what we spend per week/month on just about any category I want.  This is what I budget with.  BTW, dh leaves most of the budgeting up to me since I'm the chief bookkeeper and procurement officer.  It's not that he's disinterested, just a division of labour.


    I do keep track of grocery prices in an app on my ipod (no I don't have an iphone) which I update regularly.  If it is totally up to date it will tell me what the grocery list will cost.  It never is that up to date.


    If dh was upset about how much I was spending, I would likely kindly tell him to show me how to manage within his expectations.  IOW he could do the groceries for a couple of weeks.  If he could do better then me, it could become his job.  Dh knows waaaay better than to try this!

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  5. My guys got one for me for Christmas last year.  I mainly just use in in the carpeted areas of the house - not the kitchen.  Because she uses a random vacuum pattern, I don't think she would get all the crumbs you're dealing with, plus she's rather noisy to listen to twice a day unless you can be somewhere else while she's running.  


    I don't have crumby young ones anymore, but when I did, I found the mess was also mixed with gooeys which I don't think would pick up well.  We've gone to a dust mop similar to this instead of a broom.  http://smile.amazon.com/O-Cedar-Dual-Action-Microfiber-Surface/dp/B008HVHJDA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1449596270&sr=8-3&keywords=dust+mop  It's much quicker than a broom, and if it goes through a slimy patch, you just throw it in the laundry.

  6. I have a couple of guys that want to learn about the stock market, and follow a some stocks that our investment adviser recommended.  While I have some knowledge, I don't have a good enough grasp to teach them well.


    Two things I'm looking for:


    1. a website/book with very easy explanations.


    2.  a website or method for them to shadow some stocks/mutual funds


    Thank you sooo much for your help.

  7. A few days ago, I saw a video on facebook with a dad who had told his daughter to clean her room.  She memorized his words in 3 languages, and had a focus group on what it would look like clean and did nothing.  She was very proud of herself.


    Does anyone know where I can find it?  I want to show it to my junior high group.


    • Like 1
  8. I've always used the rule of thumb that 8-12 hours/week helps a student to prioritize and focus which could in fact improve marks.  Much more than 15 would depend on the student.  

    My one guy that has worked about 30 hours of week had his school suffer.  It was a good thing he was almost a year ahead.  After missing most of a semester due to a concussion, he's had to cut back a lot to finish school well.

  9. Frankly, google translate https://translate.google.ca/#auto/fr/ is likely quicker, better and more flexible.  I own a couple of dictionaries including one that is very comprehensive.   I never use them.   I use this site http://la-conjugaison.nouvelobs.com/  for conjugations.  I do find that it's often better to print or write out common conjugations that you want to refer to regularly.


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  10. Not sure how much this applies to your dd, but with our guys, we've told them well in advance that this is the expense scale for them.  They have all worked casually in the summers and during the school year so they have spending money.


    Grade 9:  We pay basic clothing, all youth group fees and general fuel amounts.


    Grade 10:  They receive $500 for clothing (assuming their clothes from last year still fit, but are worn) or more if they've grown too much,  3/4 of youth group fees, and fuel.  They are responsible for all entertainment costs.


    Grade 11:  By now they've been working.  We pay $250 for clothes, 1/2 youth group fees.  They pay fuel only for driving to and from work.  The rest of fuel is on us to a reasonable point.  They've also been in school at this point and have one free ride to school per month.  After this they pay a $5 rate per trip.


    Grade 12:  They buy all their clothes and pay all their extra fees.  By this point they have paid all expenses on their vehicles (either theirs or ours).


    ETA:  They've all been able to save for post secondary school each year even with these expenses.

  11. At our church, the individual must give consent to be on a prayer list.  This is usually verbal to the one placing in on the chain so it could lead to abuses - accidental in the case of an overzealous member, or if the one putting it on the chain doesn't check.


    I agree with Marbel that you will have to address confidentiality with your family.  I would likely try to do so before the next issue, but I get that this could be extremely uncomfortable.

  12. Sounds like you've had lots of great ideas to try all ready.


    One more may be to increase the level of physical activity - especially activities that involve lots of strength - not as a punishment, but recognizing that he needs more physical outlet as a young teen.  I would do this with him when you can.  Around here that could mean splitting wood for the family, moving lumber and weed eating.  I realize most people may not  have much like this to do, but my guys just needed something physically challenging each day.  It settled down some of the crazies.

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