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Posts posted by bookfiend

  1. Yes according to taxonomy we are animals. I happen to believe taxonomy "makes an error" here. I do believe there are "religious" implications to classifying humans with animals. I would prefer not to elaborate on that because it will just lead to other hot topics.


    Now I want to clarify, if one is teaching taxonomy and does not point out that humans are classified as mammals "according to taxonomy" they are making an error. But it in a class where a religious perspective is appropriate there is an argument against taxonomy that could be presented.


    Also I just want to note that I am not defending BJU. I have never looked at it, and would likely never use it, i have only heard of it. it does not sound like something i would agree with. I also prefer to use secular curriculum and incorporate a Biblical perspective.


    I really hope this is coming across in the calm matter of fact tone that my mind is in. I am really not trying to argue, just explaining the point of view.


    :iagree: taxonomy is just a classification system and under this classification, I am a mammal. Here is the verse that argues against classifying persons and animals in the same category.


    1Cr 15:39All flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another.




    This is all that I will be posting as I am also not interested in debate tonight.

  2. Okay.....really weird!


    Today, the jeep and van were moved to the street. The RV left, and now he just showed back up with the conversion van from the other day.....only now it doesn't have any plates (it had WI plates on it the other day). He just left in the brown pickup with a bed full of random junk. The only thing I could identify in the bed was a bunch of car batteries (5-6 that I could see)....the rest just looked like scraps of things that were unidentifiable.


    This is the part that lets you know most likely something criminal is going on. You should definitely contact the police.

  3. Perhaps it would help relieve the stress of the decision to consider that nothing has to be a permanent choice. Try things. You can try the medication. If the side effects are too awful or the results aren't what you need, the Dr. can direct you on how to stop. You can try and keep or discard many of the other wise suggestions given here.


    The postive in your post is that you have both the knowledge that change is needed and the energy and drive to try. :grouphug: as you move forward.

  4. Scarily enough, this sounds FAR more plausible to me than any of the more "straight" explanations. Just too many things that feel weird/don't add up. However, I REALLY hope this is not the case. We have a pretty quiet, older, but nice neighborhood. We do not live in an area of town you would expect drugs/crime.


    So have you ever talked to law enforcement about your suspicions?

  5. I don't know how you are correcting the biting issue, but for our GSD, we were trained to hold his muzzle closed - firmly, with a slightly uncomfortable squeeze - look him in the eyes and strongly say NO BITING.


    Also 12-18 months we had to roll him to belly up, straddle over him, get in his face and shout (did this once or twice). That was the dog adolescent year.


    It took 3 yrs before the rambucous dog phase was over. Then he was the best do EVER!


    ETA: I was the primary trainer and probably spent 60-90 minutes most days working with him -- Not all at one time, chunked up over the course of the day.

  6. Oh man I'm sorry! My dentist told me I have a good bite. I have never had orthodontics because I never needed them. It is frustrating because this is all because of one long session of work done.


    I had the same problem as a result of three extended sessions and numerous numbing shots. The dentist didnt' want to believe that was the cause and kept claiming I clench/grind in my sleep. Somthing my DH of 20 yrs never noticed?


    Rather than continue the argument, I sought out ENT with jaw specialty. He quickly said it was ligament inflamation that connects from jaw to hyoid bone. The tell was that there was a spot in the middle the side of my neck that I could point to as intermittent, sharp pain. Eventually the pain was in the jaw joint and left temple, worse at night. A ten day course of prednisone cured me. The second step would have been PT.


    Dentist wanted me to wear night guard for the rest of my life....

  7. Why can't you ever tell how big Clifford the Big Red Dog really is?



    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtOO8JnsAce4NUJipXQHXXBMfOHPAL4455rdaEalDyZX7Q6qFnCw He fits into his dog house


    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_-MbdMhj5eh__G1f9q3z47RGVOhMPi10E3rNhr_l2KRQ2cZNb He doesn't fit into his dog house and Emily Elizabeth is as big as his toe.


    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShtdn7VSWbKKdfWob29YDXkqPOr1I_8wRQTes4cmwJbS71o7ZQ He's smaller than the neighbor's house (and Emily Elizabeth is as tall as his knee)






    but as big as the Fire Station?






    Issues of scale really bother my boys. In the Redwall series, a squirrel kills a wolverine and a mouse kills a bobcat and a badger wields a mouses sword - to name a few.

  8. Yes, we did this as a service project with our co-op. Some bags we were able to hand out the car window at stop lights to those holding signs. Others we left under bridges where a homeless person had made camp (no one was there). In every case the bag was gratefully received.


    We made one bag with food items and one with toiletries and then packed both inside a larger ziplock.



    Mini-flashlight with batteries



    Pack of Baby-wipes

    Hard Candy

    Soup in pop-to cans


    packs of Lance crackers

    granola bars

    cups of applesauce

    cups/cans of fruit (like peaches or something)

    juice boxes

    bottle of water

    beef jerky

    small bars of soap


    boxes of toothpaste

    small bottles of lotion

    small deodorants


    portable hand wipes

    small kleenex packs

    spoons/napkins (for fruit and applesauce

    track and Bible



    Here is a list from a local group http://www.churchinthewoods.net/howtohelp.htm

  9. I don't know about the medical side, but here are a few ideas of things to take for the comfort side. I accompanied a friend for her treatment several times. Have you seen where you will receive the treatments? It may suprise you.


    The cancer center I experienced was set up like a large lounge, in a gentle U-shape with the nurses pod in the middle. There were big lazy-boy chairs in two rows facing each other (maybe 40 or so). Each chair had a small, padded folding-type chair for a companion.


    You need to take a notebook/computer to record everything that is told to you. If you have someone coming with you, this is a good job for them.


    Some things that were nice to have:

    comfy blanket

    buckwheat neck pillow (also used for lower back)

    a rice heater buddy (that you microwave, and it gets warm)

    lavender sachet (if smells make you nauseous)

    hot, homemade soup in a thermos

    something sweet, something salty

    a book of prayers (we read from the valley of vision, a collection of puritan prayers and devotions)

    music with earphones

    somthing to keep you hands busy (knitting or such)

    Most important, an attitude that welcomes the medicine and doesn't fight or fear it. You want your body to accept the meds.


    Something that was unexpected but logical is that people tend to make their appointments for the same time each session. That meant that by the third round, we made chemo friends.


    adding my :grouphug:.

  10. :grouphug:


    Age of Opportunity by Ted Tripp (a non-confrontive, mentoring approach with teens.)


    Also Mark Hamby speaks very movingly of reclaiming his relationship with his sons after years of abusive, punitive parenting. (I am not in the least implying that this has been the case in your home.) He moved to a grace based understanding of faith and family. I'm sorry for your pain.




  11. This book was recommended to a friend of mine when her first child died from Group B Strep at birth: "Empty Arms," bu Sherokee Isle. http://www.amazon.com/Empty-Arms-Coping-Miscarriage-Stillbirth/dp/0960945660


    If she's Catholic, there's a ministry for infant loss. http://www.elizabethministry.com/Miscarriage_Child_Loss.html


    One thing I've learned through talking with so many moms who've lost children -- use the child's name, and talk about him. She's thinking about her baby constantly. You're not "bringing up" something she's forgotten; you're offering her a chance to talk if she wants to. So many people feel uncomfortable and never mention the child again, and this is hurtful to many moms.


    Hugs to your friend,




    This is so true of every type of death..........

  12. Okay, I called my agent. He said it would be "detrimental" for me to file another claim at this point since I just had 2 claims. One wasn't even our fault. It was hail damage. Before that we hadn't had any claim in 7 years.


    My co leader also called her insurance. They told her that the damage wasn't covered. So there it is. I guess I'll be paying myself or living with the damage. If I push her she might pay, but I guess that wouldn't be fair, since its my vehicle. But it makes me so angry to think about because she always thinks her way is better and she wanted the stupid car turned around. I would have been happy to let the scouts carry their junk from where it was. It wasn't that far, and they are middle schoolers. It would have been no big deal.


    Lesson learned.


    So because her insurance won't pay, she doesn't feel any responsibility? That is poor.

  13. That's what I was wondering, as I'm getting what looks like live footage.


    Maybe it's a giraffe decoy! Like when a celebrity goes into the hospital to have a baby and she sends a lookalike in a baseball cap and a pillow under her shirt to the front door, then sneaks in the back. Perhaps this is Faux Autumn! Clever.


    I don't know; maybe if you have been watching all along you are still in the feed loop, and new watchers are closed out? At the top of the screen, there are two tabs - one for live, one for archived footage. Hate that we are missing the big event. I could have counted it for science credit!

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