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Everything posted by Xuzi

  1. This thread has me wanting to make a jaunt down to Powells this weekend. :D
  2. Just like they did a few weeks ago with the "monster storm" that was supposed to roll in. :tongue_smilie:
  3. I'm not procrastinating, I'm recharging my batteries. :D
  4. Cracked wheat is just partially ground wheat. You can crack it in your KA. :) I cook mine similar to rice. 2c. boiling water + 1c. cracked wheat for 15-20 minutes.
  5. I add cooked cracked wheat to my ground meat recipes. When I add it to, say, taco meat or sheppherd's pie, I can hardly taste a difference. I haven't tried it in meatloaf yet, but I think it could work, so long as it wasn't replacing too much of the meat. :)
  6. Oh you'll looooooooove SLC!!! I should probably amend my post and say I could never live in Utah -unless I could get a place in downtown SLC. Gorgeous, clean, friendly city. :)
  7. Utah. Probably shocking to hear, coming from a Mormon. I lived there for 9 months in college, and still have family there, and I enjoy visiting and always have fun, but the super-saturated-with-Mormon-cultural is a wee bit much for me. I like my religious diversity. :p California. Born there. Raised there. Left there. Never going back.
  8. "When Bears Attack" (or the story of Elisha and the unwise boys) :lol:
  9. :lol:The bolded part is a joke my family often makes (irreverently :tongue_smilie:) at that story. There's another gorey scene in the Book of Mormon where two men -the last men standing in their entire battling armies- duel it out by the sword. One man has his head lopped off, and then the last standing man passes out from exhaustion. But I won't post that here. :tongue_smilie:
  10. Well, if we're going with passages that kids think is "awesome" :D here's one that just about every LDS child LOVES to read from the Book of Mormon. When the opportunity arrises to act out a story from the scriptures, this is the one (in my experience) that is most often chosen, at least by the boys (it involves a bunch of people having their arms cut off ;) ). Alma 17:19-39
  11. From my (admittedly not comprehensive) understanding there is. There's Bibles that have more books than others, some are different translations (I believe the Jehovah's Witnesses have a translation that's unique to their denomination?)
  12. Ya, that's why I said in the OP that I was excluding the Protestant Bible, as I figured that would make it clear that I wanted Apocraphal references. :confused: ETA: Perhaps I should change the thread title. I realize now how it might be offensive.
  13. Which is why I specified "Protestant Bible" (there aren't any Protestants that use the Apocraphal books, are there? is there a more correct term I should use to distinguise the Christian Bible that contains the Deuterocanonical Books, and the one that doesn't?) And ya, "duh moment" for me about the Torah there. :tongue_smilie:
  14. COULD A MODERATOR PLEASE FIX THE THREAD TITLE TO READ "YOUR FAVORITE NON-PROTESTANT BIBILICAL SCRIPTURE" ?? THANK YOU. :) (using all caps to make this sentence more visible, I'm not yelling. ;) ) Just an idea that popped into my head today. I see Bible versus all the time here on the boards, but I rarely see any from, say, the Koran, the Torah, or the Apocraphal books of the Bible, etc, and I'd *love* to see some. I know I should just go to my local library and check out the books for myself, but I'd love to know what our resident Orthodox/Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan (do they have sacred writtings?) favorite scripture versus/sections/sayings are. Any excerpt from any book of any religion's (non-Protestant Bible) Holy Writ is welcome. :) (and please don't be offended by my excluding the Protestant Bible, I'm really only meaning this to be a thread to share scriptural writtings of some of the minority faiths on these boards that aren't often seen [at least by me]. I myself believe in the KJV, so I'm already very familiar with it, and am looking for a taste of what other religion's experiences with scripture are. :) )
  15. I'm going to be in Utah in May for a wedding. I'll be in Park City, but Utah County isn't too far out of the way. :)
  16. Now HERE'S a statement I can get behind! :lol:
  17. "I feel fine! I feel haaaaappyyyyyyyy!" [/Monty Python]
  18. Where is that thread for funny board posts?? :lol::lol:
  19. Bullying sucks, doesn't it. :( I got a bad perm in 3rd grade and was called "Medusa" from then on until I finally switched schools in 6th grade. Kids can be so cruel. I think the best thing you can do for him though is let him know you've got his back. Seeing the adults in my life not do anything to try and help better my situation is what hurt the most (there was more than just name calling going on). If he knows you won't stand for the behavior it'll make it easier for him to endure and stand up for himself when/if necessary.
  20. About 90% of the time I have to ask, or tell him specifically what I want him to do ("Straighten up the kitchen, please" gets some garbage thrown away and some dirty dishes into the dish washer. "Could you wash the dishes, empty the garbage, and pack away the leftovers, please?" gets it about 80% done. :tongue_smilie: )
  21. Thinking about this topic a bit more today, and it struck me where some of my hang-ups in regards to SOF's may be coming from. When I see a Christian co-op touting the "All Christians Welcome!" sign, and then having a SOF that excludes me, and when I hear some say that they don't want Mormonism being legitimized as a bonefide Christian denomination, it makes me feel like me and my kids are someone other Christians are trying to "protect" their kids from. Like we pose a danger or a risk to them. It brings back painful memories of my elementary days when I would make a new friend, and then a few days or weeks later wind would get to my new friends' parents that their little Jimmy or Jainey is playing with a Mormon, and that would be the death knell of the friendship. I heard many times as a kid "My parents don't want me playing with a Mormon." It caused me a lot of heartache as a kid, that my faith, which from an early age I *loved*, somehow made me an unacceptable playmate, and somehow "unworthy" of having friends (because it happened a *lot*), and it was never explained to me by my ex-friends what exactly it was about my faith that was dangerous. As I got into HS it didn't happen as much, and I made friends with Catholics and Proeststants and atheists, but I grew up always being a bit leery of mainstream Christianity, and it wasn't until a few years ago when I decided I needed to try and break through that mistrust and I joined a MOPS group (which had a SOF that you signed saying you understood the beliefs of the group, without being required to agree with them) that I started trying to understand mainstream Christianity more, and was able to discover some of the beauty within that side of Christianity, and let go of some of that mistrust. But SOF's that are meant to keep my family OUT still rankle at those last bits of mistrust I have within me. I realize that many of those groups don't mean any offence towards me or my faith, and really just want to meet with like-minded individuals, but when it feels like it's more to keep me and my kids OUT than to draw people of a certain faith IN, it stings a little bit.
  22. WATCH IT! It's awesome! :lol: Also the one where they drive from San Francisco to the Bonneville Salt Flats, and are "not allowed to be entertaining" because of the visa the US gave them. :lol:
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