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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. I don't have a "policy".... I make decisions based on the specific context, and my child's age.


    Of course, at this point (5), I am fairly strict. I don't think I'd ever be happy for DD to watch/read anything with gratuitous violence or sex, but at a certain point I'm sure we will be watching things for educational value where those topics play a role.


    Regarding sex in movies and books, I won't be trying to keep DD from it completely. It is a part of life, and I think knowledge promotes a healthy sexuality as an adult. I don't want my child(ren) to see sex as the "forbidden fruit," ripe for rebellion.

  2. DD isn't quite there yet, but once she is reading fluently, the plan is to have lists of "good" books that I'd like her to read. If she reads a book off that list and either narrates or writes a short report, there will be tickets or stickers on a chart or something to show progress towards a prize.


    DD has always loved books, so I don't think I'll have to worry about her reading. But since I want to allow her (mostly) free reign over her choices, I do want a way to encourage quality literature, at least occasionally, over easier stuff.

  3. I over-use hyphens, parentheses (habitually), asterisks for *emphasis*... and ellipses.


    This. :D Casual conversation at its finest... I think it's because on the boards, it is near impossible to "hear" the tone in someone's voice, and punctuation and such is the one way to emphasize, de-emphasize, make side notes....


    (Plus, I spend most of my time writing formal research papers... I love the freedom to write how I think on the boards. :tongue_smilie:)

  4. Another vote for the Kumon, DD loved those. They are good quality, and include all sorts of different types (numbers up to 30, Uppercase letters, lowercase letters, mazes, telling time...)


    Could you print up some pages and stick them in a binder? DD loves it when I do that for her. There are all kinds of sites with free printables. She has a binder to take to her babysitters with all sorts of stuff that I've printed. For that work I do the stuff she can do on her own, so math reviews, mazes, phonics reviews, handwriting practice....

  5. I don't have any advice about specific colleges, but I looked at going into law school at one time. I was told (by a number of people, including practicing attorneys and professors), that the best majors for law school applicants are philosophy, history, english... those majors that promote writing and researching, with philosophy being the number one. Also, law school admissions are almost entirely numbers driven, so your DS should major in something that he will do extremely well in.

  6. Though we have a teacher, the Suzuki violin books (and probably others) do have a lot of information about grip/posture etc. Just FYI. :001_smile:


    Thank you! I'll have to check this out. :D I'm really hoping to be able to afford actual lessons next year, it all depends on whether I work this summer or not, but DD wants to learn violin *so* badly, so I figured it was worth a shot.

  7. I use real names, first only. I haven't found a real reason not too. Honestly, I'm more concerned about a random snatching from the store than someone tracking us down on the internet.


    Then again, DD and I don't live at our permanent address. We have an apartment near my school, but use my parents address as our official address. (Financial aid and all, and since we will only be here for a short time it never made sense to switch.) So even if someone did look for us, they'd never find us.


    Although... sometimes I wish I had used fake names for more privacy. More as a cover from family who may be trying to find anything than strangers though! :tongue_smilie:

  8. I took nicknames into consideration when picking DD's name. I just didn't want to have to fight it for her whole life.


    So I went with Jenna. My thinking was short name already, no problem right? I have an uncle who INSISTS on calling her Jen or Jenny. :glare: My best friend is Jen, and I really don't like Jenny, so I correct him every time. She's 5, and he is finally getting it. (And this is an uncle we see fairly often, lived right around the corner from for 3 years and now see every other weekend or so.)


    If you really, truly despise a nickname, I'd seriously consider before using the name. Unless it is a name you really, REALLY love, do you really want to have to constantly say "No, it's....."

  9. I think of using The Violin Book next year with my DD5. It is supposed to be good for teaching a child how to play the violin at home. Overall, it's gotten pretty good reviews.


    Many people do say that it is important to have a teacher because of things like grip, stance, etc. but you could possibly work out a once a month lesson or something with a teacher to back up what's being taught at home (and check for developing issues). I have a good friend who has played violin for a long time who will be able to do that for us occasionally.

  10. Even though money is really tight around here, I generally go for ease-of-use. DD is just 5, but I gravitate towards open-and-go, and she is even set up to do some independent work. As she gets older, she will become more and more responsible for her own education.


    But that is just because of our particular situation. I'm a single mom, right now in school and eventually will be working. If I *had* the time, I'd probably put more effort into doing it cheaper.


    It doesn't sound like you have a whole lot of time either, with little ones running around!! Do you really think it will get done if you don't get the extra workbooks? Could you just put the money aside and try it for a few weeks without the books, and if it doesn't work buy them?


    Are you set on using this particular program? If so, I'd do what you need to do to make it work for you, whether that is buying the extra books or putting in the time to pull it together.

  11. Well, RegularDad will probably be wearing a Dream Theater t-shirt. ;)


    As for pins and buttons, that sounds good, but they're kinda small, aren't they? I'm thinking something bigger. Like togas. If we all wear togas, we'll have No Trouble Whatsoever Finding Each Other. ;)


    Just sayin'.


    It's like one of those convention things.... we can all dress as characters from the period of history we are studying next year! :D

  12. Like you, I have thicker than average, sort of wavy hair and a long face. What has looked good on me in the past is a cut that is longer at the front than the back (the back is usually cut to the hairline), layered more at the back than the front. I'd have it cut such that I could put my parting on either side. Scrunch dry after washing or use a diffuser dryer if you've got one. Then use one nice clip or slide on the thicker side.


    I like this. My hair started out like this, but since I always parted it to the same side and always tucked the one side behind my ear, it is now cut shorter on the one side. It is a very asymmetrical cut, but I love it. It is so easy to care for!

  13. In the interest of full disclosure: we are a family with more technology than two people really need. I do limit DD's time on all the various screens though.


    I think I would worry more about controlling the types of music than the frequency. Maybe it is just because I almost always have music on, and find that I actually work better with music on. DD also seems to have a natural inclination towards music (and unlike me, talent for expressing it! :D) We often play music in the background while we are playing, cleaning, working, eating.... I second the idea of a docking station so that the ipod becomes a shared family experience as opposed to one member blocking out the rest.


    For the times when DS would like to have a little privacy, which I don't think is a bad thing at that age, can I suggest getting a good pair of headphones? The "ear bud" ones, like the ones distributed with the ipods, are the most damaging on ears. The best thing to go with (after speakers of course) are some noise-cancelling headphones, which drown out ambient noise so the listener doesn't have to turn the music up so loud.


    I also don't (generally) allow DD to walk around in public with headphones on, mostly because I feel it is a safety issue for her to hear me. (The one exception is when we are on my school campus, where everyone is wearing headphones and I'm always walking right next to her! :D)

  14. :iagree:


    I couldn't even click on the 'garter snake' thread.... :confused: Seriously, I have a bona fide phobia of snakes. I have worked hard w/ de-sensitization to get to the point where I don't have a panic attack...I can now look at pictures in a book if mentally prepared. So yeah- the thought of a snake like that loose anyway near me...




    If I lived in NYC I'd be... gone, gone, gone. The closest I can get to a snake is reading the word, and even that gives me the shivers.

    When I was pregnant I had seen one on TV and had nightmares so horrible that night my aunt woke me up and thought something was wrong with the baby.

    Not even interested in de-sensitization. Nope, no way, no how.

  15. Yup, I did know about the discount through HSBC. I'd heard about Discovery Streaming, but since seeing Satori's progress with Elementary Spanish... :D I'll be spending probably half that on a good Spanish program anyways, may as well go for it!


    I read some old threads that said the "older" content was through plus, which I obviously don't need. There is the upgrade option, but if I shell out 130 for the basic, I won't have another 200 to upgrade to plus for awhile. Since everything I can find suggests that Elementary Spanish is available on basic, I guess I'll start there and hope for the best!

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