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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. What a beautiful story, thanks for sharing.


    Thank you for sharing. I wish you continued health and happiness! Good luck on the kidney compatibility.


    Thank you both. It is a beautiful story to me, but of course, it's mine, so I'm bound to think so! :D My best friend and I have been through so much together. I pray everyday that I will be a match, and if not, one will be found (and soon!)


    But really' date=' shouldn't we all take a long, hard, look at ourselves? Don't we all have issues that make being friends with us difficult? Don't we hope that people look past that and become friends anyway? If we didn't friend people with problems......we wouldn't have any friends.


    I still think that this is very, very sad. And I'm sticking with the fact that there are AWESOME people who suffer from mental illnesses. And our lives are better, if we allow them to enrich it. [/quote']


    Well, I definitely agree that there are awesome, amazing, wonderful people living with mental illness. And for those people who can deal with it, I agree that at many times, lives will be enriched. However, in order to get to the enriching part, there is a lot to deal with that would be in the decidedly non-enriching camp. I know that I've made many people cry, and that is not something I'm proud of.

    I think.... that there are just certain people that are *meant* to be in our lives, and (God, the universe, whatever) will make sure they are there. Those are the friends that will stick together through it all. But, there are also people (wonderful people, I'm sure!) that are just not meant to be my friend. Whether it is my issues, their issues, or just non-compatibility, so be it.


    But I do think that someone who starts out by saying they will not be friends with someone based only on having a dx of mental illness and is not even willing to *try* is missing out.

  2. Well. Yes.


    and no.


    I've struggled with mental illness most of my life. I *know* I was a drain at times on my friends, but they were... amazing. Especially one friend in particular. She was the one who found me with an empty bottle of pills, the one who talked to me for HOURS when all I could do was cry and took me to the hospital, the one who wouldn't let me drive when I had self-medicated with whatever I could get quickly and cheaply, the one who kept me grounded when I came up with new *brilliant* schemes that would make everything better (sarcasm there!) All this while she was dealing with her own marriage falling apart and her own (serious) health problems. Drain probably doesn't even begin to describe what I was for her. But still... she stuck in there. Without her, I shudder to think where I would be right now. If I could do that for someone else, I would. Without question. As much of a drain as I was on her back then, our friendship is extremely solid. (And, as a side note, I'm about to be tested to find out if my kidney will be a good transplant for her. :tongue_smilie:She saved my life... I hope that I can save hers)


    The key words there though were "if I could." I would certainly befriend a person with mental illness, but the friendship would not be allowed to intrude on my family. My daughter would not be negatively affected by it. If this person needed more than I could give them, I would continue to be their friend, but I would have to have some boundaries.

    (All this changes if it is a current friend who develops mental illness. I guess I'd just be more cautious going into a friendship with someone who had established mental illness, but once I care for someone I will go to extreme lengths for them.)

  3. 2) Details. This paper is to be done in Turabian style. Any "style" is a challenge for me: I am a big idea person, not a detail person. In addition, all my papers so for for this institution (I am almost done) have been in APA style due to my degree plan.


    If you have any questions about this, I'd be glad to help. I'm in history, so all of my papers are written in Turabian.


    I'm sure you have it all figured out, but just figured I'd put the offer out there in case. Depending on sources, sometimes it can get a little confusing. :tongue_smilie:I am the go-to person in all my courses for help with formatting and citing, and sometimes I still find myself flipping through the official book.

  4. :grouphug:

    As of Wednesday, I had re-written a paper twice already. Wednesday afternoon I decided I hated it, headed to the library and stocked up on some new sources, came home and worked until 4am only to.... hate it more. :glare: Put it down, went to sleep, woke myself up at 5am and a lightbulb had gone on. :D Worked my pa-tootie off and flew through the pages to get it in at 11 that morning!!


    So, I agree, (if you have the time!) step away and get your mind thinking of something else. Even if just for a short time.

    Hope this copy comes out better for you!

  5. FOr me, it hit me around my 30th birthday and I just started to feel like a grown up. Before that I really felt like a phony, wondering why everyone couldnt see I was just a big kid in an adult body.


    This is so funny. I can always count on the Hive to be timely. Just this evening in the car, driving down the road child-free, with my music turned way up loud, I was wondering when I'd start feeling like an adult.

    I'll be 26 this year. It's nice to see others who feel the same way! :D

  6. Hm. Something to think about. I hated sending her to bed like that, and really *love* our evenings together, but I had had enough. And she wasn't necessarily so worn out she was misbehaving, just flat out being a... well, brat!


    The trouble here is that she doesn't really HAVE a bedtime. Depending on the day we've had, what the next day will be like, and how tired she is, bedtime can be anywhere between 8 and midnight. When I see that she's getting tired, I tell her to start preparing for bed.

    So... I send her to bed every night. It's not a punishment. Of course, tonight she understood that it was a punishment (and kept apologizing, and asking me to forgive her. She's so sensitive!) But I really think it was the loss of the next chapters in Matilda and Little Prince and snuggling with Mommy that was felt most acutely.


    It really was just one of those days. My, um, womanly friend came to visit today. Wouldn't be too bad, except for the fact that she was here for 45 days straight, left for a week, and is now back again. Plus today is my long day of classes, and in between I was making phone calls to doctors and dealing with all sorts of craziness. I had asked DD to *please* give me just a couple minutes of relative quiet to relax... (after we had already been home for awhile and spent some time together.) and of course.... she chooses tonight to act out! :glare:


    (I did go in the bedroom before she fell asleep and told her that *of course* I loved her, and I did forgive her, but that she was still going to bed because she had disobeyed me after I expressly warned her.)

  7. Just because I'm wondering, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it.


    If you send a child to bed for misbehavior, do you still read to said child?


    DD was just being a handful all evening. She wanted to turn on music and I told her no. She asked again, I said no. She asked again, I ignored her. Again, I told her to stop asking. Again, I told her if she asked once more she was going to bed.


    And... dontcha know it, she asked again. I sent her to bed. She's more upset about missing our reading time than she is about going to bed. I guess there's the punishment... but I feel like I've punished myself also. :tongue_smilie:I love our reading time!!


    Now that I've typed all that out... I guess it would be silly to punish a child with bed, but reward them by reading to them.

  8. While I'm thinking about bringing some stuff for selling, I also don't want the used sale to take my time there! I'm going mainly for the speakers, and the wine. There will be wine, right? :)


    I would bring used books for selling, but only if I don't have to man my table to sell. Or maybe there would be a dedicated time for selling, that wouldn't conflict with any talks?


    :bigear: Will you be bringing any French-language materials? That, combined with the speakers, could be enough to get me there. :D

    I just had to have a friend bring me back Harry Potter in French from her vacation in Martinique. S&H is so expensive sometimes! :tongue_smilie:

  9. I wouldn't say I "cater" to DD, but... I do let her pick dinner pretty often. Not in a, dig through the cabinets and we'll eat whatever you pick out way (although, I'll admit I've done that too... :tongue_smilie:) but I'll give her choices and let her pick.


    Tonight her choices were hamburger helper or tacos, and she wanted tacos, so... that's what we had. She almost always gets at least one choice each meal, whether it be which meat, or which vegetable, or what other side....


    Then again, with just the two of us to feed, it's just as easy to cater to her preferences as it is to cater to mine. And I feel like she eats better when she's allowed some input.

  10. The shows I will watch if they're on and I am in the mood to watch TV much to my secret shame:

    -Hannah Montana

    -Wizards of Waverly Place

    -Good Luck Charlie


    :tongue_smilie: Well... I wasn't going to admit it but...


    I love these shows too. Plus iCarly, and Suite Life on Deck. I tell myself I only watch them because DD does but..... :lol:

  11. :seeya: Another single parent homeschooler here.


    Our biggest challenges are time and money (any surprise there? :D)


    I have always been a single parent, and get no child support or other help from DD's father. He has never even seen her. We live off of my financial aid and help from my parents. Buying school materials eats up most of our "fun" money for the entire year.


    WRT time... I'm a full time college student, with a major, 2 minors, and part of the honors program. Juggling my own education with DDs is pretty exhausting.


    Another challenge is just finding support. I am constantly feeling like I don't fit in to any group. (Deja vu, I just said this on another thread :tongue_smilie:) I'm not a particularly social person, so it doesn't bother me SO much, but it is hard to make friends/acquaintances.

  12. Apparently, everyone cares. I'm waiting for it to show up on Perez Hilton.


    Hey, at least then we'll know we've made the big-time! :tongue_smilie:


    Not really. I had hoped clicking the title would lead me to a tasty discussion about pork products. Then I read the body of Sarah's post and remembered there is something going on between one group and another but I don't care enough to figure it out.


    Bacon-wrapped something-or-other, anyone? ;)


    I've pretty much stayed out of it. I read the samples and came to my own conclusions about whether or not it would work for my family, and have otherwise avoided the controversy. I didn't even realize it had gotten this big.... bacon-wrapped anything sounds pretty good to me! :D


    Wow, Sarah, you are having a banner weekend. Before you know it you will have perfected the art of the rational response to ridiculous circumstances.


    HOLD ON! I didn't think such a thing existed.... :lol:

  13. You definitely don't have to go in order. DD actually enjoyed the first few sheets, she loved matching them up and finding out which rod cooresponded to which number, but then we spent another 20 minutes just played with the rods outside of any lab sheets or specific goals. Have you spent time with the rods yet? There was a site out there with a Miquon pre-Orange booklet.... (off to see if I can find it..)


    Okay. I don't have it in my favorites anymore, but maybe someone else out there has it. It was put together by another homeschooling mom (??) and has games and activities for the rods.

  14. Does anyone else play? I just found this game today and... boy am I addicted! It's the perfect game- scrabble, on my phone, and on my own time schedule. I think I have 9 games going right now, including one with my mom 3 hours away. :D


    It would be fun to play with some boardies.... :D

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