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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. Here is mine. I can't do our updates until Sunday evening, since the weekends constitute the majority of our work! :tongue_smilie:

    Basically, to sum everything up, we've finally moved from learning through life to using the curriculums I bought months ago! (Of course, we'll still be learning through life, but.... somethings just are better taught this way! :D)

  2. WELL.

    THank you all for your thoughts. I'll keep them in mind next Sunday... you know, when the time doesn't change and mess up my alarm clock... :tongue_smilie:


    In case anyone is wondering... I think we'll probably start with the 11:15 service. I don't want to send DD to sunday school until I decide whether we will be staying at that church or not. She takes awhile to warm up to new situations, but once she does, she gets very attached. (2 years ago I left my nanny job and she still asks about the kids I watched!!) If I like the church, we'll switch to 9:15 so she can do sunday school.

    Children's homilies make no difference to me either way. I think it's important for children to be with family and worship together. :001_smile: (And, I may be a little paranoid, but I have a huge problem letting her leave with strangers. Sunday school will be hard enough for me.)

  3. I love Elemental Science. I bought it at the beginning of the year and have just gotten around to using it, but I can already tell that we will definitely be continuing with the next level next year. We are using Intro to Science right now. Each unit is laid out with a introductory exercise, suggested library books, a couple experiments, and a nature walk suggestion. I'm not sure how the other levels are laid out, but the one we are using has suggestions for both a 2-day and 5-day schedule.


    My 5 year old is loving the program so far, and is actually applying what she's learned to other situations.

  4. DD and I are going to be trying a new church out tomorrow morning. This will be my first time going to an Episcopalian service.


    On the website, the church lists two different types of services. The "Holy Eucharist Rite I" and "Holy Eucharist Rite II". What is the difference?


    From the church website:

    8:00 AM - The Holy Eucharist Rite I - The service provides a quiet, contemplative environment following the Rite I Liturgy with its ancient prayers and beautiful language.

    9:15 AM - The Holy Eucharist Rite II - This service utilizes the contemporary form of the Eucharistic Liturgy. The celebration is accompanied by the music of Peter’s Voice or Lindisfarne, with the organ providing support. Childcare is provided in the nursery. Godly Play, Sunday School Classes for all ages, and Adult Forums on a variety of topics follow this service until 11:10 am.

    11:15 AM: The Holy Eucharist Rite I - This is a High Mass featuring a full choir, hymns, anthems, and sung prayers, providing a full, reverent, and solemn expression of worship.


    If I love Catholic services... which should I go to? It sounds to me like the 11:15 service will be the one. I don't necessarily have a problem with contemporary services, but... being as I'm trying an Episcopalian church first specifically because of the similarities to the RC Church....


    Thank you!

  5. I voted other.


    I dusted half of it yesterday and remembered I hate dusting so I stopped.


    The part I left looks really bad compared to the clean so it'll get done before bedtime.


    :lol: This is me with all types of cleaning. Somehow when I "clean" I always end up making even more of a mess and then halfway through get discouraged and/or run out of time and shove things in whereever they will fit.

  6. Yes, this makes me think of Catherine the Great on tour and how her ministers used staged middle class folk to line the roadway as stand ins for the peasants, because their plight was so horriby unacceptable it might have moved her to change.....


    :iagree:In the grand scheme of the economy, yes, lower costs of 'other' items do balance out rising costs of food for some people. But of course, for those of us who struggle each month and can barely provide the necessities, lower costs of all the luxery items that we are never going to afford does nothing to balance OUR economy.

  7. DD was having a hard time recognizing two digit numbers also... and then came up with her own strange way to learn them.


    Speed limit and interstate signs. For the longest time she repeated the digits (such as five-five) and I would say back to her fifty-five. Now she's just saying the numbers on her own. (And when we are working on double digit numbers, she recognizes certain ones much quicker- 13, 25, 35, 45, 50, 55... the speed limits and name of the streets we drive on most! :tongue_smilie:)


    Obviously this wouldn't be the best way to learn the numbers, but it may work as a little reinforcing tool.

    (And as a side-note, she learned her single digit numbers the same way, we'd just separate out the numbers, so two 5s instead of 55.)

  8. The only way I would ever do one is if it was something my daughter really, really wanted to do. I don't see a lot of value in them, but I would support my child if that's what she wanted (and if bribing her with another activity didn't work). Even if WE kept level-heads about it and went into it as a fun thing, there are so many mean, nasty pageant-participants and their parents and I wouldn't want my daughter exposed to mentality.


    :iagree: I have a DD who really wants to do pageants. We have friends who have done them and she caught part of the Toddlers and Tiaras show ONCE for like, 5 minutes!! (at a friend's house. I'm surely not watching it. :tongue_smilie:)

    I'm not necessarily opposed to doing one of those all-natural ones. My worry is that it would lead to getting more and more involved. I'd rather expend our efforts (and money!) on what I see as more productive activities (like dance, soccer, etc.)

  9. Well, if you were a member of the Church, I would say to go ahead and start the annullment process. There are funds available to help those who can't afford it. I'm not sure if you can get access to these funds without being a regular attender though.


    The one statement that concerned me was that you would like to receive communion at weddings and such. As a Catholic, you would have to go to confession before taking communion again, and then attend Church. Since we are obligated to attend Mass each Sunday, missing one means you should attend confession before taking communion again.


    One thing to consider is that if you do start attending a RC Church again, you will be expected to live chastely with your husband until you can have the marriage convalidated. I know someone who was told that until her first marriage was annulled and the second was recognized by the Church, she shouldn't have relations with her husband. That was a step she couldn't take, you will have to decide if it is something you (and your husband!) can handle.


    If your husband is willing to attend, your family could attend Catholic Mass for awhile to see if it truly is where you belong. There are often people not receiving communion (visitors, non-Catholics, those in RCIA, people who haven't been to confession...etc.) , so you wouldn't stand out. Then you could reassess how you feel and if you'd like to go through the annullment process.


    But... as others have said, talking to a Priest is almost always a good option. You could really get a feel for your options that way.

  10. Well. From the very first day I found out I was pregnant, it was, for me, God providing what I needed. At the time I was using drugs, drinking heavily, and just doing nothing good with my life. I was also told that I would never have children of my own. DD, who by doctors accounts shouldn't be here, was my savior.


    And not a specific instance but, for the last 2 years, DD and I have been living on less than 12K a year while I finish school. Things have gotten extremely tough. I currently owe my babysitter and my landlord money. But... God always pulls through. Sometimes my parents come into extra money and are able to help. Sometimes I find a babysitting job or two to cover extra expenses. Sometimes my grandfather calls and asks if I need help. Once or twice I've sold things that were of no use to me for significant amounts of money (well, significant enough to make a difference!)


    He really is good.

  11. For reading I think it is better to start with one and then move to the next. Once you know how to read in one language the skill sort of transfers. You need to learn the vocabulary and such of the new language, but skills like blending are the same.


    DD is learning how to read English and how to speak French. I'm waiting until she is solidly reading in English before introducing the second language in print.

  12. MD here also and.... :glare:


    History is one of the reasons I decided to homeschool. I love history (clearly this is why I'm a history major, intending on becoming a history professor!), and the way it is (not)taught in local schools is just sad.


    As a PP mentioned, I can't understand how children can learn about the important events without knowing what led up to them. For example, how can one come to a true understanding of WWII without first learning about WWI, particularly the outcome.


    Also, I dislike the focus on local, state, and even national history, without putting in a larger context.

  13. We have two. Both have been hanging on hooks on the back of the bedroom door for the better part of a year. They NEVER get used.


    That's what hoods are for. Besides, if you carry an umbrella, then what do you do with it? Lug around a large wet piece of plastic? No thank you.


    Then again.... last time it rained here and we had to go out in it, DD and I puddle jumped through the parking lot. Ended up walking through the grocery store with our pants soaking wet and looking like drowned rats but... DD loved it! :D

  14. Me, too! Because of this, I guess I expected the same to happen for DD, who is almost six, but no. We're progressing through phonics slowly but steadily. She's not reading much on her own yet.


    I don't ever remember not being about to read. There are pictures of me reading the newspaper at 3 years old, I used to read it to my grandfather. I also never expected that DD would actually need instruction. Plus, since I didn't get the phonics instruction, it is a very difficult subject for me to teach.

    Luckily, DD seems to be getting it nicely, but we are still waiting on that aha! moment. :tongue_smilie:

  15. I'd love to be a professional student. Staring down the end of 7-9 more years in school, I often feel like I AM a professional student. :tongue_smilie:


    But, if I were doing a degree just for fun I'd do.... well, exactly what I'm doing now! History. But I'd take every history course there is.

    Once I got that, I'd go back and get another degree in French, Spanish, Gender/Sexuality studies, Religious studies, and second language acquisition/linguistics.


    (My major is history, and I have a triple minor in French, Spanish and gender studies, so I really can't complain. I LOVE my classes, and only wish I had more time to take even more!)

  16. I want to say no, but honestly, if I could afford it (and there was a good school near us, which there is) , DD would probably be in private school. Homeschooling is a struggle for us. I *love* teaching my daughter, and in my dream world I'm a full time homeschooler, BUT, (and there's always a but!) as a single parent who is also going to school full time myself, I struggle with things like time management, staying on top of everything that needs to be done, and finding/paying a babysitter. (Although, if I can afford private school I could afford the babysitter, which would take that stress off....)

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