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Posts posted by nukeswife

  1. Thanks for the encouragement and tip. I just ordered tonight so I won't have it for a few days, but I think I'll enjoy having the 2 packets for the kids as I'm sure my son will move along a lot faster. I also thought, after reading their site, that you needed to sets so that the kids had their boxes of cards divided into the different sections for them as they most likely won't be at the same spot. I guess I'll see when it gets here.

  2. My son has been using SWO this year and used Evan moor the year before. He was in PS K and half of 1st and we did a lot of remedial work on phonics. He's doing better and is currently in 3rd grade. He's still struggling with some words in Magic Tree House and 3rd Grade Detective type books and a lot of times just mixes simple things up. I decided to give All About Spelling a try because I think it will help a lot in both spelling and reading. Currently with SWO he's only getting 9-10 words right on the end of week spelling test and it's been very slow going. I decided to buy levels 1 and 2 of AAS and we'll start at the beginning even though I'm sure he'll zip right along in the beginning. I also bought an extra packet for level 1 since my dd is finally starting to blend but it's also been a struggle. I figure I'll use it for her as well but we'll just move slower.


    I did already buy SWO B and D for next year and if AAS works out I'll most likely have those up for sale on the Swap board.


    Thanks for listening to me ramble.

  3. I can't speak much to engorgement as it never seemed that bad for me. I have bottle fed all three of my kids. I was on medications for asthma that wasn't around for long and they didn't know what effects it may have on my kids so I chose not to breastfeed for those reasons.


    As for mixing up formula, you don't have to just make one bottle at a time. You can make up enough for 24 hours at a time. The half hour rule is if the baby drinks out of the bottle but doesn't finish it. You can leave it out for 30 minutes but if they don't finish it by then you have to toss it. I used either Carnation Good start or Walmart's Parents Choice formula. They are essentially all the same as the industry is pretty regulated as to what they must have. Those are the 2 we found our kids to keep down the best. As for heating the bottles and steralizing the water I didn't bother with the steralizing because I used the Playtex nursers with silicone nipples (which do great in the dishwasher) and the drop in liners. I used our tap or filitered tap water and all 3 kids did well. Since I would mix up a 24 hour batch in the blender or the magic bullet blender we would just keep the bottle in the fridge and either microwave and shake well or set it in a bowl of hot tap water for a while.



  4. I just replaced all of our siggs with klean kanteens. The Sigg bottles are aluminum with a coating inside but the opening is definately not large enough to fit a regular ice cube in, I also was unable to find a bottle brush (other than the one they make) that could fit inside to clean it. We have 3 large Klean kanteens and 4 small ones. My youngest uses it with the avent sippy lid adaptor and the older 2 kids and I use the sports cap. We had problems with our Sigg's denting and the caps breaking if we dropped them. We've had no problem with the Klean Kanteens if they are dropped. We also got the BUILT insulators and they are great. I love that I can snap it around the stroller handle so they don't get lost. We use them for water, milk, juice and soda and have had no problems. Even when a milk one was left out and spoiled it came clean with a simple hot soap and water wash. When this happened with one of my SIGG's I had to toss it, we couldn't get it clean.

    The Klean Kanteen also has a good size opening so you can easily put ice in and they can be cleaned with any bottle brush you can find in the baby section of walmart or target. My oldest has found that he can put his kanteen under the ice dispenser of our LG fridge and there's no problem the ice goes right in with no spilling.


    I know they seem expensive but to me they are definitely worth every penny.

  5. I grab the first kid who passes my way after I am sufficiently caffienated. I git a hold of the victim and say "Come on you, let's smarten you up a bit" and haul him or her to the classroom.


    I am not kidding. That really is what I do and that really is what I say. They are used to it.


    I get one kid going on math usually. We go over the lesson and then I set him or her to doing the exercises. Then I walk around the house and holler "Where are my scholars?" while children scream, laugh and try to hide. I find one, and haul him or her to the classroom and do it all again.


    Some people have a less chaotic way of starting their day, but this works okay for us. We are kind of chaotic people anyway.



    I love it. :thumbup:


    We're very similar, but we don't start school until after lunch so my "snag and teach" starts with the first one to finish eating. We don't do any subjects in a specific order. The kids each have a weekly binder so after I snag them they take their things for the day out and look them over. Whatever they pick is what we do in whatever order they want. The only thing they have to agree on is doing history and science as they are combined for that.

  6. I can commiserate with you ladies. I will be 34 in July and am currently a 38g. My mom and grandma swore to me that since I had a boy first if I had a girl next they'd get smaller. Well I had a girl and they didn't, I then had another boy and they're nowhere near smaller, maybe flatter because they droop so badly. I so badly want to have them reduced but that's not going to happen until I loose a bit more weight. For now I just have to special orders my "bookshelves" from the Just my size catalog and try not to run unless I have to.

  7. I grew up in the Milwaukee WI area and it hamburger there, no matter what the cut. My dh is from IA and he also calls it hamburger. Although we don't agree on the Soda or Pop thing. To me it's soda, to him Pop. Don't even get me started on the Drinking Fountain or Bubbler thing as I know that's something only found where I'm from. The first time I told Dh I was going to get a drink from the Bubbler, he looked at me like I had grown a second head :001_huh:

  8. I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball! :D



    Also, I've never eaten snails, and I've never eaten lobster, and I've never sailed a boat (or been out on a sail boat), I've never mowed a lawn.


    To go along with this :tongue_smilie:

    "I've never sniffed a stink bug"


    I've never eaten an oyster, I've never traveled outside the USA.


    Edited to add: I have on the other hand run a lawnmower and am the Lawn Master in our house. My dh is gone on deployments to much for me not to be. I really enjoy it. I slap on my ipod and mow away LOL

  9. I'm a stickler for customer service and I've been in many jobs that were customer service related so I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of someone that's not happy, but that's no excuse for being rude and not doing your job. His job was to answer questions and take care of customers wanting to purchase items, not talk to his buddies. Like PlaidDad said if nobody else was there that's another story but you then have to take care of paying or willing to pay customers when they come in. I've found this to be a big trend in the game stores around here. My oldest in only going to be 9 in May so I know what you mean about getting "the look" or snicker about Pokemon games etc, but that's what's age appropriate for them.


    Like I said I think you were mild compared to what I usually do. I'm do my best not to be rude but I will point out to them that there job is to be there to answer my questions and ring up my purchases not talk to their buddies, and their job also involves not being rude or making fun of their customers after all our purchases are what makes it possible for them to have that job in the first place right? Customers don't buy= no business= no job.


    My dh has been known to say "You really want to take care of this issue with me, you don't want my wife to come over here and deal with it" as in the past I've actually gotten an person fired for a major problem with trying to return something (he threw the receipt that was on top of the item in the trash behind him and then tried to tell the manager I had no receipt so they wouldn't take it back because that was the store policy. I told the manager and then made him give me the trash to pull out the receipt which was just on top and had my CC info on the bottom. I guess it wasn't the first time he was found to have done this)


    Anyway I say , RIGHT ON!! Stand up for yourself and demand good customer service.

  10. Never will I eat spam again. I was forced to as a child.

    Never buy anything but Charmin ultra TP

    I won't wash out plastic bags. I do all I can for the environment so I just don't use them unless I absolutely have to and a reusable container isn't an option.

    I also won't give up my dial up.


    Another thing that has nothing to do with the financial aspect is...

    I will never buy bread again. I started baking my own at the start of the year and even though I don't grind my own flour (tried it but it wasn't for us) I still feel that the bread I make is better for us even if I use white bread flour. At least it doesn't have all the preservatives in it.

  11. I'm with you on that. I can't wait until July when my youngest turns 3. He loves dinosaurs and already loves playing with his older siblings playmobil. My oldest got the Coliseum for Christmas and we've gotten a lot of use out of that when talking about romans from our history studies. They love their playmobil things and I like them so much better than lego.

  12. she basically told me that the only thing that was not what she expected was that I married a man whose in the Navy and that's why I live far away from her, although she's happy I did as she always thought that to come visit me she'd have to hop a plane to some remote elephant preserve in Africa or something. She always thought I'd be a zoologist, but said she always thought that because I'd be living in "the bush", as she calls it, that I'd have to homeschool my kids.

    She always saw me as a mom, with 3 kids though and that if I worked at a job other than being a mom it would be something that would be "my life" not just a job I went to and came home from everyday.


    So I guess I'm kind of what she expected me to become, but with a few nice perks, IE: I don't live a continent away. LOL

  13. and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I know my oldest could have gone into LFC A but I chose to keep him with my other kids to make it easier. My youngest I'm sure will just listen while he plays along side. My dd loves music though so I thought this would be fun for her.


    Both kids are itching to start, but we're going to hold off until the start of next year.

  14. I have to say I'm in the minority here and I picked "Revenge of the Sith" but I really wish I could have picked more than one. I love the first 3 episodes, not the first 3 movies released. I love that I now have the background story that always seemed missing. I know most think Empire is the best of them all but I always find that one so long and boring.


    I have definitely become more of a Starwars fan since the release of Episodes 1-3, my dh and kids would say give them all 6 all day everyday though:lol:

  15. and I marked more than one, which you all can do as well.


    I am currently using All, but we have used Bi-o-kleen which is nice but was getting to be a pain to order. I've now gotten some samples of Sun and Earth that I'm going to try when the All runs out. My dd used to have really sensitive skin which prompted us to try Bi-o-kleen which was the only thing we could use when she was in cloth diapers, she seems to be not as sensitive anymore but All is the only mainstream detergent I can use for her.

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