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Posts posted by nukeswife

  1. We have only been hsing for a couple of years but have found that Saxon is our favorite math curriculum.


    We also tried Horizons, McRuffy and TT5.


    Horizons moved on too fast. McRuffy was nice but my kids grew tired of the games, TT5 is working ok for my 3rd grader, but he says it's more like a game. He asked if we could try Saxon 5/4 (he used Saxon 2 last year) we're going to start in on Monday.


    My dd was using Horizons K after a bad start with McRuffy. McRuffy is a nice curriculum but she didn't care for the games and all the cards. We switched her to Saxon after a trip to the local curriculum store (we're lucky enough to live right by one) and she looked through quite a few things, Saxon, BJU, Abeka and one other I can't remember. She liked how Saxon looked and she remembered her older brother liking it. We've been using it since Jan and she couldn't be happier.


    I think we'll just stick with Saxon as it seems to fit us best and I enjoy teaching it.


    But now that I've said all that...


    That's just our family. So even though it's our favorite it may not be the best or favorite of others.

  2. If I remember what I've heard correctly this isn't an intersex person. "he" is a woman that felt like a man trapped in a womans body and took steps to change that.


    So like many other posters have said this is nothing miraculous, it's simply a woman, who was going through steps to become a man that has gotten pregnant. Not newsworthy IMHO.

  3. Another vote for Klean Kanteens


    I bought 3 18oz and 4 12 oz ones for me and the kids. We use them for water, juice, milk, soda the whole gammut.


    We love them, even my 2.5 year old, he doesn't go anywhere without his cup. We have the sports tops for all but the little guy who has the avent sipper lid adaptor, hopefully soon he'll be switching over to the sports tops. We also have the built NY sleeves which is a must as the bottles themselves get really cold.


    I just wish I would have switched sooner. We tried the SIGG bottles a while back but didn't like them as the narrow neck made them hard to clean without their special brush, also if a milk one gets left a bit too long the SIGG's wouldn't come clean enough and stunk. We have had a milk klean kanteen go past prime and just tossed it in the sink of hot, soapy water and voila clean as a whistle, no stink. We also toss them in the dishwasher and they do great.

  4. My husband bought a hybrid civic about 3 years ago and we love it. We have the minivan for when we all have to go somewhere but if it's just him going to and from work or me out running errands while he's home with the kids we use it.


    I don't know if the Prius's have gotten bigger but they most certainly weren't roomy when he got his civic. They were much smaller. In a pinch we can fit all of us in the Civic (there are 5 of us and the 3 kids are all in boosters or a convertable car seat) The trunk space in the civic is decent. When we lived in FL we were 2 hours from Disney and I was easily able to fit 2 large suitcases in for the kids and I.


    We also have the dashboard display for milage and we get anywhere from 43-49 mpg depending on where we're driving and the weather.

  5. I always order mine from 1800 Petmeds. Drs. Foster and Smith is a bit cheaper but last time they sent my order via Fed Ex Smart Post and it took almost a month to get here from WI. I grew up where they shipped it from and my parents still live there, I know even sending something regular mail will get to me in VA within a week at most. I was able to track the package and it actually sat in a Fed Ex distribution center for 10 days. I know this is a problem with the shipping company but I won't give my business to a company that thinks that's the appropriate shipping company to use. When I order from 1800 Petmeds it always have my things within 5 days.


    Just my .02

  6. What kind of website are you referring to. If you mean one similar to the "weekly reports" then that's simple. Most of those are just blogs. Blogger.com is very easy to use with their basic templates. I'm not a computer genius or anything but with a little help from an online friend I was able to learn enough about HTML code to be able to use their template and tweak the background and header pictures etc.



  7. This is also one of my pet peeves.


    Usually they are opening a new lane because the other lines are getting long and people are having to wait to long in said lines.


    So why shouldn't the person who's been waiting the longest and is actually "Next" in line get to move to the newly opened lane. Sure if I'm that next person and I've already unloaded most of my items, or if I see someone with only a few things or someone with kids on the verge of meltdown I'll offer up my spot. If I'm not "next" I too will let the person in front of me who is next know that a new lane is opening up and give them "dibs".


    I just don't understand why those just walking by think they should win the "new lane opening" lottery, especially if the cashier specifically says "NEXT in Line" She/he means NEXT, they didn't say "Someone" they didn't say "Anybody who happens to be ready to pay for their items and just walked up" they said NEXT.


    Also after growing up in WI, I don't think it's a WI thing to not think anything of it when someone just goes to that line even though there are is a line of those that have been waiting. I know where I grew up you were expected to let the person that was next in the currently waiting line to move over.

  8. Well it's not one I use but one I hear alot,


    When I tell my ds who's going to be 9 in a month to clean his room because it's a mess, his reponse in his best yoda voice...


    "Slimy, Mudhole, my home you speak of"


    One of my favorites is from an old Cary Grant movie "Mr. Blanding's Builds his Dreamhouse"

    When Mr. Casander says


    "That'sa no rock, That'sa ledge"


    When ever we're digging outside and hit something unexpected that's what my dh and I say to each other.

  9. I dont' have any. I always thought I would want one, but then from the time I was 18-22 I worked at a nursing home and I saw what can happen with tats as the body ages. Some don't end up looking so pretty :tongue_smilie:


    That kind of changed my mind, oh and the fact that what I would want would be pretty expensive.

  10. I love the white boxed shelves... where did you get those?? Everyone’s rooms are so nice..... Now I want to convert! lol


    They are from Target. They also come in a light wood color as well. I really like them I just wish the cubes were slightly larger so that a binder can fit in them standing up, but we make due by just putting the binders on top instead.

  11. Are the cube bookcases from Ikea? Can you stack them if you wanted? I love your dry erase board! If we had our own place I'd make a whole wall just dry erase.


    Nope not Ikea. Target $39 bucks each on sale and yes you can stack them if you want. They also come in a light wood tone if you don't want white and they sell fabric "baskets" that you can buy to put in them if you want for things like manipulatives etc. My "white board" is just a $10 tile board I had cut to 4' X 6' to fit the space I had. I then bought some little things from the hardware section that hold the screw heads so they are in a little recessed dimple. I then just screwed the board right to the wall. Luckily the people we rent the house from told me to go for it as they have a gallon of the paint they used in the garage for touch ups when we move.

  12. Well being a military family we move a lot. DH and I have been married almost 11 years he's been in for 13 and we've moved 11 times since we got married. So we always unpack, of course we have the benefit of the navy always paying for movers to come in, this is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse.


    I think it would just be a pain to have to dig for something you thought you wouldn't need. You know how it is, you pack something away figuring you won't need it for a long time and low and behold you need it right away.


    Just my 2 cents.

  13. I guess the reason won't be there anymore but I don't see us stopping.


    Our initial reason for hsing our oldest was a horrible 1st grade experience with a teacher that sucked the love of learning right out of him. We then realized that being a military family and all the moving we do made hsing a great choice to insure the continuity in our kids education. My dh will be able to retire in about 7 years which means we'll be able to settle down, by that time our kids will be starting their Junior year in High school, their Freshman year in highschool and 5th grade. I'm guessing we'll just keep going as it would be one of those situations where we'd gone so far why stop now.

  14. We're secular hsers and I agree with the pp that it can sometimes be very frustrating to find secular materials. Especially for Science which isn't a textbook.


    We started out hsing because of a terrible time my son had in 1st grade, his teacher definately shouldn't have been teaching kids that young. We have since found out that homeschooling fits really well with our lifestyle. We're a military family and we move usually every 18 months or less so to be able to just pick up where we left off is great. It makes the continuity of their education so much better. I also love being with my kids and can school all of them in half the time that my oldest used to spend in school. I also like that we can take time off when it fits my dh's schedule. It's nice to be able to take a month off when he comes home from 6 months or longer at sea.


    We're definately not religious people. My dh and I were raised Catholic and we are no longer practicing, we don't attend church. My kids religious exposure really comes from any school books that may have religious content and from talking vegetable, yes I mean Veggietales. :001_smile:

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