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Everything posted by vkay

  1. I have the answer, I just can't get there myself. I'm just not functioning upstairs today for some reason.... Abe, Barry, and Carlos have 256 marbles altogether. The ratio of Abe's marbles to Barry's marbles is 4:3. Barry has 14 more marbles than Carlos. How many marbles does Abe have? The answer should be 108. What would be the mathematical way to approach this?
  2. I too have autoimmune arthritis and low vit. D. I was feeling the way you are until I fixed the vit. D. My arthritis is there still but the fatigue and down in the dumps feeling is gone. Are you also taking 1,000 IU daily on top of the 50,000 IU once a month?? Are you sure your vit. D has been elevated? Once you feel up to it, starting exercising makes a person feel better as well. It can be as simple as a daily walk. Some other 'pick-me-ups' that I like: give yourself a pedicure, manicure, new hair cut, new outfit, clean your house and organize some drawers, get a dvd of an old show that you use to love....etc. Just make sure you have some "me time". Even if it's only 15 min/day at first. HTH :grouphug:
  3. It's been awhile since I've done levels 1, 2, or 3.......so I have forgotten what they expect. For skip counting: yes, what we did was if they knew the counting REALLY well, then we would do that one only 1 -2 times a week. Others everyday if practice needed it. Same goes for the clock & money practice - daily only depended on their ability. But never go more than a week...they lose stuff in their brain if you do that. :D For the worksheets - I do remember now that I also had a rule of one side being fine - as long as you didn't miss any. If they missed only 1 maybe turn it over and do the one that's just like it. More than one wrong, they needed more practice and did the other side. Anyway, this combination helps the day go a little faster. I do think that everything that Saxon is teaching is very important and shouldn't be skipped unless you are confident that they have that skill down cold.
  4. Ouch. That would be tough. I currently have a Saxon K, 6/5, & 8/7. Starting in 5/4, Saxon becomes a lot more independent. Those earlier years would be tough to teach siblings so close in age. When my older two where younger, I would schedule their math times separately. I tried to schedule the younger dc's Saxon during something that the older dc could work on while needing little interaction from me. ETC, handwriting, spelling pages.... that sort of thing. For my oldest dc, I would work on Saxon with her while the younger dc just had a break time from school. There is usually more to cover as they get older, so having a break while we did Saxon worked out fine - they didn't miss anything. I'd say the most important thing to get out of the meetings is the skip counting. Maybe you can incorporate that into your day at a later time. While driving or fixing dinner maybe?? Maybe lighten the load of what's expected out of you during class time? Maybe the meeting books can be done completely outside of your normal classroom day??? Work with one dc at breakfast, one at lunch, and one at dinner? Then only have the lesson and worksheet for the school time - much more manageable. ?? just random thoughts on how I might tackle that problem.
  5. Taco Bell. I guess I'll be the one to shatter your image. ;)
  6. You have a ton of responses that I haven't read, but I'll just put in my 2 cents quickly for what it's worth. My dh and I are firm that we would NOT want this and do not believe they should marry before 25. It's a mix of brain development/maturity and economic reasons. We will be discouraging this as much as we can, but they're adults by this age and can do what they want. We will be encouraging living together as an alternative. --yes, I know: Some of you now look like this: :w00t: maybe I should duck down now... :leaving:
  7. I do not know what to do if it runs without water, but the problem of yucky stuff coming up in the sink is usually when you've run the dishwasher without clearing/running the garbage disposal before you start it. HTH
  8. :iagree: If she is doing you a favor of any sort, then she is being very generous......and not just with her gas. :D Shoot, it's hard enough to take our own dc on a 6 hour road trip, let alone someone else's!!
  9. We use Saxon for all of those things. They cover each one quite nicely.
  10. No, I don't mind the grammar approach. We sort of like that topic here. I just know that when I told my dd that we'd be trying Latin again - she let out a big moan! I just want to make it a good experience this time. I just saw another thread that covers this same topic. The dc are the same ages as mine, and she was looking for it to be 'not so dry'. I think I'll dive into some of her old posts to investigate further. I've never looked into Cambridge Latin - I'll definitely check that one out since you're enjoying it. Thnx...
  11. except I'm in the 'just starting the decision' part of the process. I think that I'll follow some of your old threads. I'll probably find my answers there. :D
  12. I've avoided Latin until now. I really love the concept and did try about 2 years ago with my oldest. We used Prima Latina and dd really didn't like it. It scared us away, but I don't want to give up. Is there a good choice for starting a 4th and 6th grader in Latin? Maybe one that isn't too dry and boring??? :bigear:
  13. This one that I was referring to is a calcium and magnesium tablet. They are pretty tasty and I get TWO a day. LOL
  14. :lol: I think that's worse than my vitamin. :tongue_smilie:
  15. You look forward to your chewable vitamin !!!!! (seriously though - that's sad isn't it?!) :)
  16. :seeya: Hi Jami! We were in Austin for 1 year before settling down in this area. Some of my favorite things that you might want to try: Dave & Busters (the one here doesn't compare), Rudy's - yum (again, the one here doesn't compare), and of course you're so close to all of the attractions in San Antonio. Also, if you happen to live in south Austin, there's a GREAT Tae Kwon Do place there - it was very well run. PM me if you're interested in that at all.
  17. Yes, I am close by! That makes me feel better about tornadoes. :D
  18. Maybe I'm getting my terms mixed up since I'm relatively new. I'm next to Keller and I call Keller and this area the "DFW" area. Is that not correct? :bigear:
  19. We were originally from CA and liked it ok enough. Then my dh had to relocate to MA for work. We spent 4 years there and HATED it (80% for reasons due to weather). Then my dh retired and we were in the unique situation of being able to choose anywhere we wanted to live............... While we were in MA, many relatives relocated to TX. After visits to TX and other states, we decided to choose TX. That was 4 years ago and we couldn't be happier. I just don't mean I'm happy living here, I mean I'm practically "giddy" to live here! It's strange really, and my family and friends who don't live here are a bit tired of me gushing over it. So I've learned to tone it down.......but since you asked :lol: <<deleted>> Ok, I just typed away like a looney, gushing about how much I love TX. I realized that I can't post it for all to see. My sanity might be in question if I do. So let me just say in Reader's Digest style: It's the weather, the people, the atmosphere, the mixtures of people (much more diverse than its stereotype gives it credit), state pride, cute honky tonk touristy things, restaurants, shopping, a certain city's townsquare!, it can't all be explained. It's almost as though people ARE happy here and you can feel it in the air around you. I don't know. All I know is that I'm not moving out. :D I'm not too far from Flowermound. It's a lovely area. DFW is HUGE and has something for everyone. We do have possible tornadoes though, and the winter weather is better in Austin. That's another great area. We initially tried to make it work there, but just couldn't. It's a bit more rural than what we like, but it is pretty. Texas is so big, that no matter your tastes (rural, city, suburbs, etc.), you can find it here.
  20. :iagree: The end of the Saxon books are really meaty and shouldn't be missed. Instead, breeze through the beginning lessons until you hit a problem, and then slow down.
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