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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. My son isn't a TV watcher so that is never a problem. He'll watch a bit of PBS or Sprout in the morning, but always turns it off on his own. The computer can't be used until school is done. We don't have a set amount of time, just until either dh or I think it's time to get off. OR I need my computer back. I guess we are pretty lax, but it hasn't been an issue yet. If it ever became one then we would set a limit. We don't have and won't be getting a game system!!!

  2. We had/have lots of favorite picture books. Where the Wild Things Are and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs have been family favorites for a long time we were so happy about the movies!


    My son loved all Pigeon books at that age by Moe Williams. Also by Moe is Leonardo the Terrible Monster.

    Tumble Tower

    Night Lion

    Jolly Pocket Postman

    Dinner at Panda Palace

    Tracks in the Snow

  3. I don't normally shop Black Friday. I'm just not a get up early and fight the crowds type of person plus I don't enjoy shopping anyway. Why torture myself?! BUT this morning I had to drop my daughter off somewhere and I desperately needed socks! I had to throw away another pair yesterday and knew that this local chain was having their annual 1/2 off sock sale this morning. I bought 3 packs for me and one for dh plus a pair of slippers for dh.

  4. Yeah, I've been reading about this same thing this morning. Threw me for loop for sure. I found something that said that Oceania was renamed Southern in 2000. I would guess it was at the same time that they started calling Australia by Oceania (they must just be trying to mess with us at least pick a new name and leave the oceans the same instead of moving it!)


    BUT this is what Wikipedia says:

    New Zealand is not on the same continental shelf and so is not part of the continent of Australia but is part of the submerged continent Zealandia. Zealandia and Australia together are part of the wider region known as Oceania or Australasia.


    So technically Oceania isn't a continent but a region.

  5. 4 cups fresh cranberries

    ¼ cup water

    8 cups sliced peeled apples (5 large apples)

    1 cup sugar


    In a covered saucepan, simmer cranberries and water for 20-25 minutes or until tender. Press through a sieve or food mill; return to the saucepan. Add apples; cover and simmer for 35-40 minutes or until apples are tender, but retain their shape. Add sugar. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  6. As an aside, are any other old moms troubled by the FLAT HAIR that people are sporting with these clothes??? If you are going to wear chunky plastic jewelry, sweater dresses, and leggings, please invest in some hair spray and possibly a spiral perm.




    Add me to the been there done that! I wouldn't mind dressing that way again, but I would really need to drop this extra 20lbs I'm caring first. I'm not fat, but I have too much in the hip and tummy area for this look.

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