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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. I'd fight that.

    Pee smell can be removed - esp. dog pee. With cats it's trickier. It's usually not the carpet that's the problem, but the underlay & occasionally the actual subfloor. The carpet & underlay can be treated with enzymatic cleaner & it will remove the bacteria which cause the smell. The subfloor can be treated with a primer (BIN is one good brand) which seals in odors & is often used after fire and flooding restoration.

    best wishes




    You can get an enzyme cleaner at any pet store and it will remove urine and any other organic spills.

  2. Okay, I have to whine... REALLY WHINE... some more.


    It is not fair!!!!


    Why do I have to fight so hard? Why do I have even more to do when I am sick? Special diets, medicines to remember, to mix, tea to brew.


    I just want to go back to being a kid, laying in bed, reading books, watching TV, waiting for mom to check on me. I just want to go back to the hospital and have them take care of everything.


    THIS SUCKS and it feels like it is never going to end.



    (((hugs))) Sorry to you're having to deal with all this. :(

  3. All the time!!! Especially on my Facebook status! My friends must think I'm an idiot and ruining my child by homeschooling, since I can't put a thought together.


    I should re-read this about 5 times, but I'm in hurry this morning and should be getting off the computer, so excuse me if doesn't make sense! lol

  4. Dd is fine, my mom is fine, and I'm eating chocolate and trying to destress from this day. :D






    Glad everything turned out well! And thanks for not taking my post as an attack. It surely wasn't meant that way!! Sounds like your mom is at a point in her life where she is realizing that her own choices have left her out of the loop and she's finding it hard to get back in. I'm glad she took the right steps today. Hope the rest of your visit goes smoothly! :grouphug:

  5. My 2 cents


    I think you should have canceled having the other woman over. She is there every week, your mother is only there for two! My MIL comes to our home every Wednesday to do bible study with my son, when my mom is town she graciously backs away and lets us spend time with my mom.


    My other point is I think you set your daughter up. You know your mom, you know she is easily offend, but yet you sent her in there to tell Grandma, "I don't want to spend the day with you I would rather stay and be with so-in-so that is here all the time." I'm sure your daughter worded it better then that, but who wouldn't be offended! I'd be crushed if my grandchild did that and I'm not easily offended!


    I think you owe both your mother and daughter an apology.

  6. It sounds like the whole situation is very hurtful for your mother and I think it would be really hard on her to have you side with your recently reunited sister. I would respect mom's feelings and try to have a separate celebration with your sister.




    If I'm reading this correctly...your mom has her husband's daughter over on Sundays, besides being a reminder of her husband's first wife, she also has a difficult past with his daughter...


    If that's the situation, I give your mom credit for putting her husband first regarding Sundays. If she's not ready to do thanksgiving that should be okay. She seems to be trying and it must be very difficult for her.


    Maybe you could have a casual get together on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.


    Speaking with your mom seems important but will probably go over better if no one's trying to force Thanksgiving on her.


    If I read this all wrong...sorry! I do hope this all gets resolved for you!




    My husband doesn't get along with most of his sibs. Bad blood from when they were all kids and other stuff as well. One thing I've learned from my IL's interactions is holidays are the WORST time to try and resolve family dynamics. Just makes for miserable holidays!!

  7. I thought all these years of boys being picked for teams because who they were, not how they played, were over. I thought the boys would be evaluated on talent and not on what team they came from.


    I was wrong.


    My son didn't make the list to tryout for the team he wanted at school and another boy did. My son is so much better than this boy (other people tell us this, it is not JMO.) People tell us my son is such a great skater, puck-handler, thinker, worker. "No one has a bigger heart for the game." And yet he got passed over for a boy who plays for a better team. And the kid is a poor sport.


    My son played this boy's team. My son faced 47 shots and let in 7. Five were on power plays. This boy faced 5 shots and let in 1. His team won the state championship a couple years back (this boy wasn't on the team then.) The next day the boy told DS that he s*cked and the day after that, this boy got picked to tryout for their high school team (the highest level team. There is more than one team.) And DS didn't.


    DS has worked and worked for years and I finally thought he'd get a chance to play for a strong team. I just hope he'll get on one of the other teams.


    This is a vent. I'm feeling so icky about it right now.


    Preach it! My daughter played high school sports and the politics made us red in the face every year! Luckily, she didn't run into the same prejudice in club sports and is now playing in college.

  8. From November 8-December 14! I know I shouldn't complain, it's going to be bigger and better when it re-opens in the new location, I just don't know why it's taking so long! :confused: A couple weeks to move the books I could see, but whoa, almost 6 weeks! I'm going to have to go to the downtown branch between those dates.



    :auto: <---me driving to the library every week.

  9. Jazzyfizzle, My dogs are Shelties too. They are the best dogs I've ever owned. I'll never have another breed!


    My dog(s) got the fleas after spending a week with a Sheltie Breeder while we were on vaca. I gave them the pet store drops on the neck before taking them, I think it was Hertz brand. It's seems to have worked for one dog and not the other. I saw another flea today on the one. Think I'll bath him again, ugh, washing all that hair isn't fun! His skin dry's out pretty easy, so I think I'll skip the Dawn. I'll have to check the pet store for something milder.

  10. I'm battling fleas too. *sigh* Baby powder works well, gets into their exoskeleton and suffocates them, or something like that! Douse the pet and carpet with it and vacuum everyday. I put flea powder on both dogs and there bedding, but you're only supposed to use it once a week. I seem to have it under control with this method. Like someone else said, don't use scratching as an indicator because the bite could itch for days.

  11. I use Math Mammoth as well, I'll have to check out Science Jim! I'm on the hunt for something different. Don't care for Unit Studies by Gwen, they are free download. The one on Dolphins is boring my son and me, the Polar Bear one seems to be heavy on Global Warming.


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