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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. If you talk to them and take their materials they will come back!


    I either hurriedly tell them no thank you and don't take literature. Or listen politly and thank them for coming by adding that I'm of a different belief while handing the papers back. At that point they tell you take them and read them and may ask if they can return at which point I say no. They are nice people and take rejection well. LOL

  2. We are starting Dr. Q's Life science, FFL-2, WWE-2 and SWO-B. We will have met our goal to finish first grade language by Christmas. This means I should have him fulling up to Grade level by the end of 3rd grade at least! I have no delusions that we'll finish 2nd grade by June, but we should be able to finish it and 3rd grade by the end of next year and I'll have him caught up in Language! Yay!! Our language program was weak last year, a lot of FLL1 he already knew, but there was enough to build on that I'm glad we did it and he definitely needed SWO-A(which we have been working on since summer).


    Next year I'm going to put him in the recommended level of science and I'll be happy if we can finish all four book STOW by the end of elementary school.

  3. I'm not sure how I would count days since we do at least something everyday, even if it's only reading and piano practice. We are on about week 18, we started the first week of Aug and have taken about a 1 1/2 weeks off, so based on a 5-day week that would be 90 days. Why do I have to make things so complicated! :lol:

  4. I'd say at least another 4 weeks, maybe 6weeks or longer depending on the breed and size of dog. We didn't bring our Shelties home until they were 10wks and 13wks. Even at 13wks I was taking him out twice at night.


    As adults my dogs wake me up every morning at 7:30 no matter what time they went out last, which is usually sometime between 11-12. They are better then an alarm clock! I think it's more their tummy's waking them then needing to go out though!

  5. I haven't read all the reply's too many! LOL


    We do Santa to certain extent. Our kids never believed him to be real, or the Tooth-Fairy, but we still go through the motions. The Tooth-Fairy visits even though they always knew it was us and Santa leaves us a family gift, normally a board game we can play together.

  6. I'm 43 and half...wow! Let me get over the shock for a moment...Ok...


    Anyway, I see you have a good spread there with your kids. I only have two, but they are 12-years apart in age. I guess for me I started homeschooling about the time when I needed something new to catch my interest and then about a year ago I discovered Facebook (late on that bandwagon). I'm starting to realize though that I spend way to much time on the computer and need something else. The best thing I could do for myself right now is to take advantage of the exercise equipment I have upstairs! My body is getting weak and flabby and I have no excuse. What about a gym membership for you?

  7. Great ideas! My son likes an Orange Julious now and then.


    6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate

    1 cup milk

    1/2 cup water

    1/4 cup powder sugar

    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    1 cup crushed ice

    Blend until smooth!


    We play the "Marshmallow Game" with math. Use small marshmallows as manipultives and you get to eat your answer! You can also do it with handwriting. Each correctly formed letter gets a marshmallow or an M&M, Raisin...ect

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