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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


    It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?




    If you are using the instructor text only, do you find the program easy to implement? Is there much planning involved, or do you find it easy to choose on the go?


    I find it very easy. We are on WWE2, for the first 3-days you are using the same text. Narration, Copywork from that narration and then dictation of the same. We just use whatever we happen to be reading and narrating from that day. It could be STOW, FLL, additional history reading we had done that day or something from a book we are reading (we are reading the Narnia series right now). The same for the 4th day, which is narration and dictation.


    Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?


    I'm leaning towards doing the workbook next year for WWE3. For two reason, my son's favorite part of WWE are the scripted sections and our schedule won't be as rushed next year. We did two years of FLL and WWE this year. *phew* We skipped quite a bit of WWE!


    Has anyone started with the workbooks but then switched to the instructor text only? If so, why?


    Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)


    No, It works well with my son and I'm very happy. He seems to have taken a step backward in narrating, but that isn't an issue of the program. LOL


    Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)



  2. Oh gosh, they show up here at least once every other month. I like the line "I'm not going to buy meat from the back of a van." That is classic and exactly how I feel about it!


    I'm much tougher on door-to-door salesman then my husband is. He'll call me to the door to deal with them now! :lol: I need to put sign up that say's "If your not a Girl Scout I'm not buying!"

  3. I let the kids decide. I have right of veto but I'm pretty easy going about what they are in the mood to do. Some days you just don't want to do sentence diagramming first.


    They each have 10 drawers. My only hard and fast rule is that history craft/project comes AFTER the history reading for the day. I also make sure the 8yos work it split up between hard and easy. He can't do all his easy subjects first. :lol:


    The last two days we've done math last and completed it at Starbucks because it is the easiest subject to transport.


    Haaa, I edited this because it sounds like I'm "easy-going" Mom. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I'm the anal-retentive highly organized mom, BUT taking this approach forces me not be so Type A.


    :iagree: I pretty much let him pick. Sometime I'll over-rule him, but mostly I let him pick. Lovin' the idea of doing math at Starbucks!!! Oh yeah, we are doing that at least once next week. And I can't wait for the weather to improve so we can do school outside again. :)

  4. We have been working on Chapter 3 in book 3A for months! It's on memorizing multiplication facts and I really want him to have that down solid, so he is doing one page a day and using other resouces (Timez Attack, Tutpup.com, flashcards) with it. Thankfully, We are almost done. Just the review and test.


    Normally, I would have him do a 3 or 4 page lesson in two days and only do every other problem.

  5. I'm interested in hearing the other discussion. And I'm coming from seeing students in my college classes who have passed higher-level math courses in high school, but the placement test puts them back in basic algebra because although they may have understanding, they don't have the skills.


    I don't have anything to add, but wanted to say that that happened to me. When I got to college the placement test put into Pre-Algerba! After I got over the humiliation and aced the class I was jumped back up to Calculus. I always wondered why the placement put there, but what you said made sense. Or maybe I just rushed through the test. LOL


    I'm always fighting with my son on practicing his math. We are working on his multiplication facts right now. This morning he was asking me how to do double digit multiplication. If I had a dime for every time I told him "one thing at time"... Half the time I feel like I'm holding him back, you have reminded me why I need to force him to build slowly and thoroughly. ;)

  6. I would start with just the light blue grade level. You might find you don't need the individual blue subjects because the light blue series is a complete curriculum. I hope I have my colors right. It also comes with extra chapter reviews and you can print extra worksheets for more practice if needed. Each page has quite a bit of practice on them already, so I usually just have my son do every other problem. I have the Telling Time book, but to be honest the complete curriculum had enough on time that I have never used it.

  7. Someone on this forum recommend Oil Cleansing for you face recently. I've been doing it for about a week and am happy with the results so far. I have sensitive skin that bounces back in forth from being painfully dry and break outs. My skin feels healthier then it has in years after just a week. I'm excited to see if works for the long term. Just Google Oil Cleansing. I'm interested now in No Poo for my hair!

  8. Oooo ... I want that on my wall! :) Does it look good enough to have in a non-school location? We don't have a lot of solid wall space (we have a lot of windows, which I love, but it does take up a lot of wall space for things like giant wall posters/wall paper :tongue_smilie:), so I'm thinking it might have to go in the entry way/foyer area, which is near to our dining room where we homeschool.


    That is a great map! We have a fairly large one (not that big) that came with a National Geographic subscription we had. I have it hanging in our son's room and we refer to it often. If you don't want to paste it to a wall you could put it on plywood or some other smooth wood.

  9. Our goal is to do SOTW 4 days a week-we didn't always meet that goal last semester- and do one section a day. You'll notice that each chapter is broken up into 2-4 sections. I did our schedule for the rest of the year and if we stick to the 4 day a week plan we'll finish by the end of May.

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