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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. I am hoping that this is corrected before we get into the higher levels and that I can get the corrections for free since I already bought 6 years worth.


    I've received free updates in the past. When my son was in 1st grade it was updated 3 times and I was able to download the new one each time. Currclick makes it very easy to get updates! For this fall used Kagi, I'm hoping it's just as easy.

  2. My son was easily able to handle FLL and WWE 1&2 last year in 2nd grade. FLL, using the original text, is only 200 lessons. We just had to double up on some of the shorter repetitive lessons. I used the WWE text book and focused on the scripted weeks for WWE1 and then went straight into WWE2, cutting out enough to finish by the end of school year. The memory work in FLL is mostly short poems with a longer ones. I would take them on a case by case bases. If you feel she is getting enough skip it.

  3. I do four days a weeks. Most of our subjects can easily be done on a 4-day/36 week schedule, but I have 39 weeks on the schedule. That gives us extra time for sick and life happens days or take longer vacations. The extra weeks also give each subject a buffer in case we need (or want) to spend more time on a lesson.

  4. my aunt i could understand a little bit (she's in her late 30s)



    Geezz...I hope late 30's isn't too old to understand carseat safety! I have a foot in the grave at 44 and I'm a carseat nazi! :lol:


    My In-Laws refused to take my son anywhere until he was out of his booster. Since I wouldn't let him not ride without it, he never got to go any place with Grandma and Grandpa until he was 7. :(

  5. If it helps, we started 1st grade in August and my son turned 7 in October. We did a 1 1/2 of school before that. Going into first his levels were all over the place. He was reading at about 4th grade, Math he was starting 2nd, his writing was horrible even for a Ker, putting a word on paper beside his name was close to impossible for him. He is going into 3rd now and I'm seeing everything evening out to grade level. We are having to slow down in math so he can wrap his brain around the concepts. I suspect by 5th grade he will be doing 5th grade math, which is fine by me.

  6. I don't schedule by chapters. We read one section a day and do any related activities from the AG. At the end of the chapter we take a day to do any additional reading, update the timeline and take the test from the test book. I came up with 147 day which is just shy of 37 weeks @ 4 times a week.

  7. Since she understands concepts but doesn't have the facts memorized, I would just work with her on that for the next several weeks/months, however long it takes. You don't need a curriculum to do that. Print some drill sheets, she could make her own flash cards, play computer games like Timez Attack. Since you have MM, she has a links at the beginning of each chapter for free online math games. Take advantage of that. Once she has her facts down fairly well, MM recommends 80% to move on, then you could most likely put her into 4th grade math and she won't be any the wiser of your concerns.


    Math Mammoth has worked well for us and I've stuck with it, so hopefully someone else with a vaster knowledge of whats out there can recommend something for you. But whatever you choose stick to it!! Don't keep changing just because she doesn't like math. She may never enjoy it. ;)

  8. Ok, you all are right. :tongue_smilie:


    "Three cards of consecutive rank (irrespective of suit), such as ace-2-3, score 3 points for a run. A hand such as 6-7-7-8 contains two runs of 3 (as well as two fifteens and a pair) and so would score 12 altogether. A run of four cards, such as 9-10-J-Q scores 4 points (this is slightly illogical - you might expect it to score 6 because it contains two runs of 3, but it doesn't. The runs of 3 within it don't count - you just get 4), and a run of five cards scores 5."

  9. 16 here as well.


    I am so pleased to see that people still play crib.


    My granddad taught me, and I have been teaching my ds. I'm a little rusty, but it is nice to be able to play again.



    My sister taught me years ago and I'm teaching my son. We bought a 29 board at a garage sale last weekend. He has beat me every hand so far. :glare: That was his hand and he was going to score it at 4. :lol: I'm sticking with 28 unless someone can tell me you can't score the 3 and 4 runs! ;)

  10. I'm starting Latin this fall with my 3rd grader. I decided to go with Getting Started with Latin and move into Latin Prep in 4th grade. I like scripted text and MP3 lessons of GSL and it should work well with my son. He is not workbook kid!

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