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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. I haven't read Matilda, but I'm not surprised either. My son and I read The Twits and George's Marvelous Medicine by Dahl a couple years ago and they are in the same vain as the quotes you posted. My son on the other hand saw the humor in it and wasn't bothered by it, but they did make me cringe a few times.

  2. Ugh, the baby being born one is popping up all over the place now! I had to close FB because my son is in the room. You should be able to click the x next to and say hide this post, but if your wall looks like mine that's a lot of clicks before the kids see! I've never seen it anything this bad on FB before.

  3. Most likely you clicked on something and it started adding apps and "likes" to your profile. On the right hand side of the page click "account" then "privacy settings" at the bottom of that page go into "Apps and websites". Under the section Apps you use click on "remove unwanted or spammy apps" and get rid of everything you don't want. THEN go to your "profile" on the left under your picture click "info" scroll down to "Activities and Interests" click "edit" then "show other pages" and get rid of anything you don't like. Change your password for good measure!


    You really have to be careful what you click on. It's normally something like "this man took a picture of himself everyday for x number of years." One just flashed across my wall about watching a baby being born, but it looks like my friend deleted it. Like I said you click on them and propagate. Should be easy to clean up, it's more of a pain then anything.

  4. I haven't read the responses, so sorry if I double up. Washington state does not give $ for curriculum, but a HS student can take classes in PS even across districts. So, they could take a business class at one school and band at another. I understand that is a paperwork nightmare for the schools and they fight you on it, but it is possible. They can also play sports, but I believe they would have to play at their home school for that.

  5. I wouldn't have them start over. MM is intense! Make sure you aren't expecting them to do too much in one day. I have my son do half or less of the problems and no more then two pages of problems a day. I started off full force with MM, expecting him to complete every problem and entire sections in a day. Things got much better after I started highlighting the problems I wanted him to do. Also, with my son, I've noticed that he starts retaining the facts after he starts applying them. I could drill and drill math facts, but until he started doing more complicated addition and subtraction (and in our case multiplication this year) the facts didn't stick. Once he had an application for them they stuck.

  6. I would throw in a lot of Christian phrases and lingo as breaking this commandment too. "God told me to..." "The Lord is leading me to..." "The Holy Spirit directed us to..." If you do something or decide something and then stamp God's name of approval on it in order to make it spiritual and above questioning, this breaks the commandment more than an OMG.


  7. I used to mix it up a bit with MM and then switched to just doing the next page because it didn't seem to be working for us. BUT at that time I was making him doing every problem! Now I go through and highlight the problems I want him to do, usually every other one and have him do 8-12 problems a day. I think I'll try mixing things up a bit next year. Thanks gals! :)

  8. We use the our formal dinning. It is only used for eating during holiday's when we have family over so I don't have worry about clearing off daily. At the end of our school week I put everything away on the bottom shelf of the hutch and vacuum and it's a dinning room again. On nice days we will go out on the deck or throw a blanket on the front lawn.

  9. I'm terrible about keeping books! I have two boxes of picture books that are so full I can't close the tops flaps! I love children's books and they were such a part of my kids younger years I just can't part with them. My oldest is 21 now and figure someday she'll get married and have kids. They'll get used again. ;) I have a boxes of curriculum and papers from my son too. I'm really trying to convince myself I don't need it any longer.

  10. I hate to say it but the WWE workbook didn't work for my ds. The lessons themselves are good but my ds hated working with the excerpts from the books that he hasn't read yet. So what I think I will do is get the WWE textbook itself and use passages from the books that he has already read.



    We experienced the same thing. The workbook felt really redundant since we are using SOTW and FLL, so I ditched it after about 8weeks. Now we are back to using it and will finish the year with it. I'm on the fence about buying WWE4 for next year. :confused:

  11. I'm about ready to pull the trigger on this curriculum for next fall, 4th grade. I've looked at the sample pages and think it will be a great fit for us. We will have finished Getting Started with Latin this year, which we do orally. My son ISN'T a workbook kid and learns better by either reading or oral discussions. He is a reluctant writer, although that is improving slowly. He is a stickler for proper pronunciation. I want a translation/grammar focus. Because of all that I'm thinking of skipping the workbooks and getting the audio CD.


    Do I need the workbooks? Will he be missing out on anything without them or are they just for extra practice?


    What about the audio CD? Is the fact that it is British cause any concern with pronunciation? Ok, now that I typed that I'm thinking that is a stupid question and the answer is no! LOL


    Or convince me that I should be looking at something else! ;)

  12. I'm in the same boat with my son! He takes forever to get through math! I've tried a couple things last fall I scheduled 45 mins for math and expected him to get as much done as he could. Fail! He started resenting the timer and wasn't get enough done. Now, I break each section up into 1 or 2 lessons and expect him to finish it. Sometimes it takes two hours! I also don't have him do every problem typically just every other one unless he needs more practice. My son is actually good at math, but can't stay focused on it for some reason.

  13. My daughter is 3rd grade and this is the first year we've done spelling. I looked at B (2nd grade) and C ( 3rd grade). The C level looked too hard, but the B was pretty easy at least at first. So I got the B book and we are doing almost 2 lessons a week. Once a week I have her do the writing exercise from one of the lessons. That has been the hardest thing. I plan to finish B by Christmas and then we'll see how we go from there. AT some point, I will not go so fast when she struggles with the words.




    My son blew through A and B in 2nd grade, this year with C he had to slow down. He isn't a natural speller and is scoring in the 80-87% range on all the quizzes. Anything below 80 I have him do more reviewing with Spelling City and retake the test. At this rate he'll be lucky to get through C this year! :tongue_smilie: I think we need to take a break and review phonics before moving on.

  14. Speaking as a reading teacher, there are 220 Dolch sight words that make up between 50 and 75% of the words used in reading. I am a huge phonics proponent, but I have always taught the Dolch 220 list alongside any phonics program that I have used. By learning the sight words, a student gains a great deal of confidence in reading and thus, does not become frustrated as easily.


    I agree that many of the words can be sounded out, but there are also many that do not follow the phonics rules.


    IMO, use your phonics program but add the sight words on the side. There are many games on the web that can be played using the sight words. Have fun with them and before you know it, your child will have them mastered.


    This is how I taught my son to read. We did sight words along with phonics and still review phonics (mostly for spelling purposes now). It's not for everyone, but I started him with phonics alone and quickly figured out that wasn't going to work with him.

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