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Posts posted by Tam101

  1. The hive comes through! :cheers2: Thank you for those links. I really like the looks of studies weekly!


    ETA: I just showed my history junkie son Studies Weekly and he went nuts! :drool: All I'm going to have to do is hand him his newspaper once a week. The biggest challenge will be limiting him to one a week!

  2. I'm not finding very many resources out there for State History. Specifically, Washington State History. I see SOS has a full semester course, but I was hoping for something that we could weave into SOTW3 when appropriate. I'm not against getting a good book and doing our thing. Also, if everything goes as planned, we'll have an extra few weeks at the end of the year to slip in some tribal history.


    Just curious as to what others do?

  3. I would just pick and choose through 1B but do all the word problems. I'm not near as impressed with the first grade level as I am with the other levels. I would mostly hurry through to make sure she gets it and move on to 2A. If you need to move slowly through Grade 2 - so be it.



    I started my son with MM2 in first grade and he did fine. I wouldn't consider him mathy, but when I looked at MM1 I felt he already knew the material. We have just moved slowly through the levels, by 5th grade he should be leveled out and starting MM5.

  4. I used the teacher text for WWE 1 and 2 and my son did both levels in 2nd grade. I bought the workbook for 3 and only did about half of it. It felt slow and redundant for my son. I'm not going to use the workbook for 4. After testing I suspect he'll end up at about the halfway point in 4 and we'll either move on to Writing Strands or Writing with Skill when he is done. If you plan to go through WWE quickly you don't need the workbook. Of course every family and child is different.

  5. For repeating you need to put the number range in curly brackets. i.e. Lesson {1-85} then check the days of the week you want the lessons to appear on. For WWE I did Week {1-36} Day 1 and checked Monday, Week {1-36} Day 2 and checked Tuesday...ect


    I don't use MUS, so I can't help with that specifically. I use Math Mammoth and it doesn't have sequentially numbered lessons, so I'll have to do it one lesson at time. Same with SOTW. I've been cutting pasting from the table of contents in the pdf's or online samples for those courses.

  6. I'm trying to decided if I should buy the printed version, take it to Kinko's or print-as-I-go and would like to hear what others have done.


    I have a black and white laser, will I miss the color?


    How much, approximately, does it cost to have it printed and 3-hole punched?



  7. The AG has maps for each chapter so you can incorporate some geography, review questions, sample narrations, lots of coloring pages, craft ideas, recommendations for additional reading, page# corralations for King Fisher and Usborne encyclopedias, the occasional game, review cards (which we glue onto our timeline)...I'm sure I'm forgetting something. We enjoy it and my son loves the maps!

  8. Did A & B in 2nd grade and half-way through C I chucked it. It was busy work, my son's spelling wasn't improving, he was feeling like he wasn't "smart" because he couldn't pass the test at the end of the week, I was frustrated, he was frustrated...ect. Now he keeps a spelling notebook and we review the common mistakes he is making. For example he often has trouble with the OU vowel combination, so now he knows to watch for that! It has improved his spelling so much and he feels more confident.

  9. I've only changed curriculum once. Spelling Workout wasn't teaching my son how to spell. The workbook format was just busy work and at the end of the week he would miss up to half the list words. I dropped it mid-year and went with a notebook/phonics style. He is learning to spell from the words he needs to write and is now, more often then not, correctly spelling new words as well as familiar ones. ya!


    On the flip side, he complains and grumbles about math, but he is learning, so I am not going to switch math programs. It's exercising his brain and I think he doesn't want to work that hard.:glare:

  10. My son was reading before K as well. He did two years Spelling Workout, but by SWO-C I had to admit it wasn't working. I did teach him phonics after he was reading and we revisited phonics as spelling last year. But he still sight reads even with this knowledge and it didn't help his spelling! Half way through 3rd grade I bought him the Tricks of the Trade spelling notebook. It's main focus is spelling by syllables. Combined with what he already knows about phonics it has helped tremendously! After using it for a while it starts to isolate the mistakes he makes and see him really paying attention to those areas now.

  11. I recommend translating from the answer key to Latin as well, I think Mr. Linney recommends that too. We would also go back a few lesson for review before moving on to the next lesson and chanted the verb endings until they were memorized. My 9-year loves GSWL as well! It's such a simple straight forward approach. He (we) have learned a lot this year.

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