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Everything posted by joie

  1. Thank you, everyone. I guess your responses answered my question. Am sold.
  2. Has anyone used this curriculum? Particularly the Famous Men of _ series? Would appreciate your feedback.
  3. I started my 12yo ds with cursive, can't honestly say if there were or weren't any benefits. All studies I've read pointed to cursive having benefits. Maybe you can check out this site http://peterson-handwriting.com/ it has a wealth of information, can be overwhelming. I do have a 6yo ds who I started with printing. I will eventually teach him cursive. Maybe it's my mentality but there's just something about knowing how to write in cursive. If I get resistance from him then I suppose I will adjust accordingly. One thing for sure, he will at least know how to sign his name in cursive. I can't imagine seeing his John Hancock in print. :eek:
  4. I heard from a friend whose children go to public school that they were no longer teaching cursive. Interesting. "So, how are they supposed to sign their names?" She said they just print them. Huh. Personally, that will look really childish to me. But hey, if that works for 'em. However, I do think it's faster to write in cursive it helped a lot during my note-taking years in college since I had such a hard time remembering all that shorthand stuff. lol!
  5. You might want to check out Lively Latin. Though idk if she can work on it independently. It has the usual worksheets, plus some art work, and the history of Rome. There might be some other things that I'm missing but can't think of right now. Her website has links to games to practice vocabulary. I think her website offers a free mini course. http://livelylatin.com/site/index.php Good luck on your search Joie
  6. The way I look at it, if they ask then tell them casually that you're hsing. Same manner as you would if the kids will be going to a private/public school. Make it not a big deal, just another normal, regular option. I think we really should start thinking this way. This is how schooling started anyway, why is it such an eyebrow raiser now? When I decided to hs my then 5 yo, the only person I discussed it with was my dh. As far as I was concerned it wasn't anyone else's decision. It wasn't until my parents/in-laws asked me where my ds was going to school did I mention hsing him. I would have done the same if it was a choice between public or private. You may end up having those "eyebrow-raising," "eye bugging out" looks from people, when you do just reciprocate with the same look.:D Joie
  7. SWR -4 yrs (although there were times when I considered replacing it) Rightstart Math - 5 yrs.
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