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Ting Tang

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Everything posted by Ting Tang

  1. We began homeschooling last year using entire Abeka core curriculums for three children. This year, I switched my older two (3rd/4th graders) to classical---mainly Memoria Press materials and a Classical Academic Press writing/rhetoric program. Next year, I will be adding our 4th to the mix for Kindergarten. I really like Memoria Press, but there are so many pieces to the curriculum. I know some are just tiny chunks, but it sort of adds to my personal chaos, no matter how much I "organize." Half a year in, and I still don't have my bearings. I considered switching to a more Charlotte Mason approach, and we tried a little, and my son wondered why he had so many different living books to read at once, so we sort of just went back to our Memoria Press. What other classical programs exist that have less pieces but are complete curriculums?
  2. Thank you very much! That is helpful to know for the present! It's hard that things continue to change. I am not sure we thought things would be this bad again.
  3. Dance worries me, too. We didn't do a lot of things when others were. I found a studio that required masking, doesn't let anyone but dancers in, and takes temps. They sanitize, limit class sizes, etc. I know all of that produces no guarantee. They are one of few extracurriculars that seemed to even care this year. I feel like we should just get this process started. I think it is going to be a process with vaccination. I considered putting my oldest into private school this year, and I am glad I didn't, but I suspect he may return to a brick and mortar school next year, so maybe by then he'd just need boosters.
  4. I barely felt my booster---I had a completely different experience with the Moderna booster than my original J&J shot (that made me SICK). I am hoping for the same with my kids. I have a 4 year old who turns 5 this month, so he won't be eligible for a few more weeks. I am getting nervous taking them after reading Omicron spreads even with transient, brief encounters. 😞 We're expecting a blizzard, so I assume this clinic will be indoors.
  5. Thank you! Right now, because of an article I just read, I am scared we will catch omicron at the vaccine clinic I just signed them up for. It said loose masks, brief, transient encounters, etc. can catch you Omicron. 😞 I accept that, except they have zero protection now.
  6. Thank you! I think my bad pharmacy experience boils down to people not enforcing the governor's mandate for indoor masking. Nobody says anything, though most do wear them. I think if you have a condition that prevents you from masking, you don't go up to a lady holding paperwork, a vaccine card, and wearing a KF94 mask, lol. I'm glad to read the two shots can help, though. But I just read now, even brief encounters, loose fitting masks, etc. can lead you to catching Omicron. I see nurses around here wearing not the best masks, so I am again worried about the appointments (I just made three at a school clinic, first time slot available--but kids may be at school). We use the KF94 masks here. 🙂
  7. So, will two shots help if they are recent, or are we still in danger until they can get a 3rd? I guess I’m confused. Do boosters help more because the first two waned after time? Also little guy turns 5 on the 18th, so he can’t get one just yet… plus he needs other shots. How much protection do two recent shots give now?
  8. Oh no. 😞 Of course, even if a child has underlying conditions, it would still be sad to me. But whenever I tell things to DH, he asks, "and what did he or she look like?" He thinks this only affects overweight people and old people, with very few exceptions. And one day I will be old, and I hope others will think about my welfare, too (not that I am young anymore!).
  9. I'm so sorry for her and for her family. 😞
  10. Oh yes, we are free to sign up! I do think maybe they hope the convenience factor will help get more vaccinated. I really wish we could just get them at the pediatrician. That would make it so much easier for us. I thought that was part of the initial plan, or maybe it is just ours?
  11. My kids might have enjoyed that, lol! It looks like most of ours are held where people offer to host them. I'm seeing they don't all offer the pediatric vaccine, though. I see a couple scheduled at schools, so maybe that is an option, but classes are in session. I imagine they're trying to get those students vaccinated. I will check back with my husband.
  12. There is a story, albeit about a girl mouse, Chrysanthemum. She loved her name until she got to school. In the end, the others wanted flower names, too, and the "bullies" didn't perform as well as she did in the class musical. We parents put so much heart into our children's names, and they are meaningful. It makes me sad you gave into other people's behavior. Bullies either grow up or end up with not very good adult lives. I think our job as parents is to protect our children from them, not change (their names, hobbies, etc) them for them. Just my two cents.
  13. What an amazing woman she was; I am heartbroken, too. I think many thought this moment would never ever come. They said she truly believed she would be reunited with her husband in Heaven, who passed in 1981.
  14. I have been confused if even two recent vaccines would help against Omicron, but that is helpful to think. I keep hoping for what you anticipate by August. I've read various things in the works, but sometimes I feel hopeless it will come to fruition any time soon. Our risky time is in Spring/Summer when we take a vacation with our extended family. I'd skip it, but I basically have to go, lol. There is a night in a hotel on our way up and one on the way back.
  15. That was me with my son. 😞 Also, our risky time will come next spring/summer---we stay in a cabin for a week but do a night in a hotel. Everyone (but me) requires an indoor swimming pool on this extended family vacation. So I could get them shots. Will a booster be available by the time we do that? Probably I imagine. The vaccine likely will have waned. Ugh. Obviously vaccinating as many as possible was the hope to end this, but it doesn't seem to be going away, and some will even take one shot.
  16. Oh I'd much rather do that. I see a few clinics being held at schools through the state, but I haven't seen that they are drive throughs. Anything to keep us away from a crowd would be great, lol.
  17. Well, still haven't officially made the choice, but that is what direction it is leaning. And we do wear KF94s, so we try the best we can! If/when the time comes, I will be watching them closely. I just wish my husband was more for it. It would make this so much easier.
  18. I am so very sorry to read these stories. 😞 Did these children have any risk factors, such as weight issues, underlying conditions, etc? Were there cases mild or more severe? And I am so sorry about the flu causing damage. I had a nephew who was hospitalized, and he'd received a flu vaccine. He did not have any underlying conditions. We've dealt with lead poisoning--which is not contagious---but it has caused both physical and neurological problems. Some suggested we not vaccinate for other childhood illnesses, but our pediatrician said to, and so we did.
  19. Oh I hadn't heard that---but it makes sense. The first time they asked me if they wanted to call anyone for me because I felt so panicky and got light headed.
  20. That is reassuring! I honestly cannot believe more schools are not considering it. I understand the emotional aspect of being in school (though mine are homeschooled). It's too cold to open up windows or get outside where I live, which might help. I don't think our local school did much, though, to get kids back in person. At one point, it was on an outbreak list early on.
  21. My oldest son has had so much dental work due to lack of enamel on his teeth from lead poisoning in utero and as a baby (our water got contaminated--he was poisoned through me and then possibly by thawing leaky bags of frozen breast milk in water/bathing). He went through medical chelation, several blood draws, etc. as his level was so high. It is unpleasant, but we did it. We seem to know for adults three shots are needed now, so I guess they just want us to start the process with the first two. It all sucks. And I feel like in my area, my kids will always be at a heightened risk (which is a good reason to vaccinate, but it sucks there will be more of it here. A let it rip mentality, ugh!).
  22. Does anyone have any examples/stories of children dealing with long Covid? That is what worries me. A mild case, but the virus sticking around in the body to wreak havoc. And I imagine that can happen with vaccines, too? 😞
  23. I keep thinking about that, too, efficacy. At some point, I saw studies saying Moderna, for example, was more effective than Pfizer. But that is not even an option.
  24. It's mostly emotional for me--I admit. And I have been struggling with anxiety---I had a panic attack after my first vaccine because I was so nervous I'd just "taken a newer vaccine." I do hate the idea of possibly needing so many boosters so often, especially with these variants, too. And what stinks is we won't be able to change our behavior after they are all vaccinated. We just hopefully reduce risk of severe illness and hopefully long covid from a mild case.
  25. Oh I think an annual shot won't concern me. I just keep reading about boosters in a short amount of time, such as now they are being considered for the 12-15 age group. And then the current vaccine efficacy is waning against the variants. With four kids, some have handled their other shots better than others. It doesn't help that my husband isn't supportive of the idea. And I worry what if one is a rare outlier---my husband will be so upset. And of course, I will be upset if one of our children is an outlier and suffers Covid or long Covid. 😞
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