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Ting Tang

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Everything posted by Ting Tang

  1. I feel like every homeschool curriculum is a workbook curriculum. Am I not looking in the right places? It doesn't have to be classical per se. (Also, I was just looking at Royal Fireworks Press, and I am a little turned off by how many pieces it appears to be---kinda like with Memoria Press. Maybe they are both different.)
  2. Interjecting... I was just looking at Royal Fireworks Press/MCT. Like Memoria Press, it looks like a curriculum with a lot of pieces. It looks somewhat interesting. Just not sure if we're not liking MP or we'd like that any better. Has anyone used both?
  3. I haven't been seen in a long time, either. 😞 I'll have to find out if there is a safe way to do this.
  4. Thank you so much for sharing. Well, I got the "yawn" really bad with Paxil. Apparently yawning is a side effect with that, and it was a low dose. I certainly wouldn't want to be in a worse situation. These are good thoughts, though. I think another issue is living with someone who doesn't see things the same way. We will never see eye to eye on this whole pandemic thing. 😞 I honestly believe he is trying to catch omicron, and then I read about little kids getting bad fevers, and it scares me. That adds to my stress.
  5. Thank you all for your very thoughtful responses. I think this is what I need to do right now. I know mental health has been a big concern with the pandemic, and I already know for myself, that I have the perfect personality to make it even worse on top of how bad things feel for everyone. I am wondering if a primary care doctor would be willing to prescribe it over the phone or via a telehealth visit?
  6. A pill won’t make the pandemic go away, but I have been struggling with anxiety, stress to the point I feel tension in my chest a good part of the day,like a panic attack. My body aches, face hurts—I wear a night guard for grinding and get Botox to relax my facial muscles. I tend to have this personality to begin with. When I was in my 20s, I tried Paxil but went off it right away. No counseling will fix me right now. I will be better when this is over and can return to normal stress. I think I’m anxious, stressed, depressed, etc. Have any of you tried medication during the pandemic?
  7. Thank you so much for sharing. And I can only imagine what you are going through now with Covid and the Duchenne's journey. I have donated in the past to that cause and know it is very rare. ❤️ Hoping there are some miracles on the horizon. I'm worried my husband is just going to be less careful because he reads how mild Omicron is. 😞 I just read about how poorly the vaxxed/boosted Governor Jim Justice is feeling. 😞 I will certainly take a look at the JH website!
  8. My MP stuff frequently slides off my shelving, lol. I just noticed we missed three topics in "Timeline." ha ha!
  9. Is there a boarding facility? I'm about to get my in-law's dog for a while. Our puppy is going through her first heat, so I am diapering a dog right now (I will get her fixed but wanted to wait until she was at least 1 year old). It's a lot. I get it. I think that is very, very rude and you deserve compensation!
  10. I wanted to share an update of the Covid positives from last week in my family: Sister-in-law who got positive results on way to have her baby was vaxxed and recently boosted---completely asymptomatic. Husband and baby tested negative. Dad--in/out of hospital and rehab facility, has colostomy bag and several complications from cancer, smoker for most of his life: tested negative yesterday. Had a cough controllable by cough medicine, felt tired and slept for a couple of days. He was only able to get one vaccine dose last spring. It is a miracle he is feeling so much better. I know not every case will go this way, but it offers me some hope.
  11. They are monitored by their pediatrician because neither were deemed symptomatic or problematic. Unfortunately, their main pedi is gone for a few months. I did check in with theses and was told it wouldn’t “hurt.” But still, I worry.
  12. My oldest had a BLL of 82, and it continues to cause problems. There’s a “natural” camp in the lead poisoning community, so maybe that’s where that comes from? Anyway— I think the isolation is detrimental. We cannot go on like this. They have each other, but we do get on each other’s nerves, lol. I think your DH is right about getting it more than once, but hopefully the severity will start to be less. Sorry you’ve been through the lead issue, too! Thank you for sharing that yours did fine with the vax. That helps!
  13. Based on what I have read, it appears that way (there were reported seizures from 10, 3 had seizure disorders), though I do think the problems caused by Covid are rare but still more than the vaccine. The trouble is some believe the adverse events are underreported from the vaccines, and there is where the skepticism from others comes, even if it is not true. My oldest two have a history of lead poisoning. The second oldest with lead also has an asymtomatic hole in his heart with slight arrhythmia. My third eligible for the vaccine has a very minor tear in her heart, expected to heal, that cause a hardly detectable arrhythmia. Some say vaccinate with lead, some say do not. We did for the other vaccines. Both my older two do have issues from the lead, so when husband wonders about long term effects (even if there doesn't seem to be a reason for them to occur), it definitely affects my ability to make a clear decision. I do think I would feel more at ease with a different type of vaccine, or at least knowing they had some protection from omicron. Aside from dance for my daughter and the boys going nextdoor, my kids are basically hidden from the world. But with omicron, there is still a good chance we will still end up with Covid. Argh. I am rambling. My sensible self of course sees the reason and logic in vaccine over virus.
  14. Thank you so much! Yes, our riskier time is summer, too. And I keep thinking their vaxxes will have waned and we might not be eligible for boosters. On the other hand, we’re in a surge now.
  15. I think some things don’t make sense. Maybe everyone should be tested weekly and not just the unvaccinated? I’m iffy on vaccine mandates, but I always hope they are intended for the public good. Mask mandates, I’m good with, but I think people need better masks. Maybe the government should send those out. Kinda late now, thorough. 😔
  16. I canceled the appointments for now. Thank you everyone. Maybe I’ll feel more at ease when new versions are available or novavax comes. I’ll keep getting mine, though, for sure.
  17. At this point, I care most about long Covid and mis-c. But I agree—vaccines in mine will not save the world. I am so torn, especially if I have to put up with things I’m not comfortable with.
  18. He always asks about the potential for long term side effects, and he thinks the vaccine is killing people, based on personal stories he has read on his forums from real people and his sources. I’m not entirely comfortable with making the choice myself because it is so new, but I am also not comfortable co-existing with the virus in ways he prefers to enjoy life. He said he wanted to take risks in his life. His parents also go about their lives and eat in restaurants, so I feel we are more likely to get it from them than the other way, despite her health issues. I have a four year old who turns 5 in a week, and I’m not sure about him, either. The three older ones are 10, 8, and 7. 😔 I wish novavax was here.
  19. Thank you everyone for the support. I’m unsure of what to do. He reads forums where men say this is a cold, and I’m reading mommy forums elsewhere where women are describing the worst sickness they’ve had. 😔 He follows Peter McCullough and Robert Malone. He got upset I wouldn’t watch the Joe Rogan show;instead, I looked for an article regarding Malone’s quotes and knew what the whole thing was about “mass psychosis formation.” So I’m stupid because I don’t really want to spend hours watching these internet shows. To be fair, I don’t watch the ones that would be opposite to those, either. I’d probably be more gung ho if this wasn’t a Pfizer vaccine as I’ve read Nivavax has less side effects, but it’s not even an option. I truly appreciate the support!
  20. My husband and I have barely been speaking because we see this virus completely differently. We follow different sources. He thinks it is exaggerated, created, etc. I follow the newspaper, local hospitals, and local health department. I read a few headlines on the Internet. I've been shopping via the Internet and curbside pickup exclusively. Today, he came home with lots of groceries from a trip to Walmart. He's now visiting with his dad with three of our kids (in-laws live nextdoor), who has just been in a hotel and back and forth to the hospital as my MIL had her cancer surgery. I took my daughter to dance and felt very nervous about that today. They take the precautions they can---limit the building to students, take temps, require masks, etc. He would say I am a hypocrite for taking our daughter to dance, and I didn't really feel great about it anyway. When my husband did get vaccinated, it was for his mother. He said that. We were excluded from that sentiment because we will likely survive the virus when we get it. It hurt my feelings. He thinks I am a sheep and am living in fear, which I have read him say about me. I have appointments to get the three older ones vaccinated tomorrow, but I don't really want to do it because it wasn't a joint decision, and he is against it. I think it is okay when people disagree on things, but I am not sure how you compromise on this. Today I heard him turn on a video that said, "take off your mask...do some yoga." I guess it was making fun of the whole thing.
  21. Yes. On the other hand, we've had NO covid positives. We've tested for colds, and they all came back negative. We are so sheltered, I wouldn't doubt that we have yet to be exposed...
  22. Well, you know I've had the same thoughts! We are going to tough it out. I tried "switching it up" a bit in October, but my son was weirded out. For the sake of stability, we are just going to stay the course. However, I am definitely going to do a lot of soul searching for next year. I hyped MP up so much. I want my children to be mini college students, LOL. I guess they're not, ha ha! I know color and illustrations can be distractions, but I think they help my kids. Or at least letting them color in black and white photos...lol Science is...kinda an afterthought sometimes, but one child loves that he has memorized the brightest stars. The other loves that he can draw constellations with ease. I got a subscription to an astronomy magazine to help the rest of our year, a planisphere, etc. My main gripe is all the "pieces" I felt we needed....or that we might be missing out on. My son even took a break from classical writing. He doesn't need to do all the Fable lessons I decided. He can do enough, grasp it, and move on. For lit, we are doing a winter intesive they offered for $10. After that, he is just going to read good books. We are going to do some Roald Dahl and others he got for Christmas.
  23. Well, we were using the revised versions, and I didn't care for the old versions for the next grade levels---things got put on hold due to Covid on their end. What I like about classical is the writing, reading entire novels instead of snippets, and the whole idea behind it----but I really don't like the black and white, repetition, and predictable materials. Unfortunately, they materials with Abeka make it hard to just pick and choose, especially from language arts.
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