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Posts posted by peacefully

  1. Caries (one r) is the medical term for tooth decay.


    We actually use xylitol throughout the day as a sugar substitute. We don't use that much because we don't do many sweets around here, but I figure that we are probably getting a couple of teaspoons (1 teaspoon sugar is a little more than 4 grams). Like I said, I'd rather just have the xylitol without the other stuff that is included in many xylitol products.

  2. :grouphug: I wish I had resources to point you to, but I just wanted to share a BTDT. Ds stammered quite a bit. SLP says it's technically not a stutter, but there were times that ds just could not get the words out and he struggled so hard just to start his sentence. His issues had to do with language processing and not apraxia (as far as I am aware), and it is now so much better (he's 6). It sounds like your therapist has specific ideas about how to help your dd. I'm sure that she's going to get through this fine. And you too, mama. :grouphug:

  3. Just about. We ask that the kids roll it around on the surfaces of their teeth before swallowing. There are tons of xylitol products, but they usually have all sorts of crazy additives that I'd rather that my kids not ingest.


    There's also MI Paste for recalcifying, but they based their product on some other research that the minerals in cheddar cheese were remineralizing teeth. We are using MI Paste, but only because dd won't tolerate cheese.

  4. Good for you for going the remineralization route! We are trying to heal some childhood caries for my dd3, aka the Juice-aholic and Calcium-avoider. We don't have juice in the house anymore, and she is gradually becoming more cooperative about taking the supplements and foods that will help her remineralize. It's a process...


    Also, if you haven't tried it yet, we also treat with pure xylitol at night to reduce the population of Staph. mutans and fellows. Dh and I use it too, and I can say that you definitely wake up with a cleaner-feeling mouth. The studies on the dental use of xylitol are very encouraging. (Dh is a doctor, and we are very good friends with a biological dentist. These two are research fiends.)

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