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Janice in NJ

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Status Updates posted by Janice in NJ

  1. Hi Lori. I know I haven't been around for a while. Kids are grown, and I have moved into a career I am thoroughly enjoying. However, with HSing popping up in the news, I thought I would visit to see what you all are up to. I did a couple of searches and eventually landed on a comment you made during a discussion of the Hobbit back in January.

    I dug around on an old hard-drives and actually found those videos. I watched them this morning and can't thank you enough for mentioning them. Happy Times to be sure!

    Hope you and yours are doing well!

    Thank you,


    Enjoy your little people

    Enjoy your journey

    .... even when parts of it are over 🙂


    1. Lori D.

      Lori D.

      Howdy Janice! So very nice to "see" you on the boards again! Love hearing updates about what your family is doing when you pop in and out -- and the links to the organ concerts! 

      Oh, those videos of your grammar lesson on the opening sentence of The Hobbit are fantastic! Wish there was some way you might link or post them on the boards so this new generation of homeschoolers could appreciate that Grammar is not an isolated topic, and what heights homeschoolers can soar to when they dig in to teaching a topic. 😄 

      I just recently linked your "Jane Eyre and boys" thread in a Chat board ("I'm so mad at Mr. Rochester I could spit"), with a lady who was struggling with it, not too unlike you did in your thread. 😉

      I re-read that thread and realized how the boards have changed since we have both graduated all our kids (getting close to 10 years ago for me!) -- your thread led to some great deep thinking and discussion; that recent thread led to a lot of comparing of emotions. 😢

      BTW -- it would be so fun if you wanted to pop in occasionally onto the Book a Week threads with a comment about something you've been reading lately or just wave hello. There are several "old timers" (retired homeschoolers?) who post occasionally there, and it's always so delightful!

      So glad you all are doing well, and have all moved on to the next stage of the journey! Wishing you all health and peace in these unstable times. Warmest regards, Lori D.

  2. Jane,


    I listened and decided to make a huge vat of sauce for dinner. I had the wine with the pasta; dh was present so I wasn't drinking alone. (We waited for him to get home which means that we ate dinner at nearly 9 o'clock. Oh well - gave the sauce more time to simmer, eh?)


    THANKS for asking!



  3. Oh my. I'm behind the 8-ball as usual. You left me a note and asked if I wanted to be "friends" (huh? I thought we all WERE friends. :D Oh. My! MORE to learn!), so I wandered over here. Yikes! There's a lot going on over here in your WTM "world."


    Sheesh! I haven't even figured out/taken the time to load a picture or anything. I'm still just a big grey "?" mark - ALL too appropriate, I guess, eh?


    THAT'S Me a Big Colorless ? Mark!!!!!


    Can I be you?

    You have so many friends! :001_smile:


    P.S. My ds just wandered into the basement to see what I was up to. His thoughts? "When people ask you what hsing is like, mom, you can just tell them, 'It's easy. You just point your kids in the right direction, and then spend your time trying to figure out how to play around on TWTM boards.'"


    Maybe I'm not cut out for this, eh? I'm WAY behind in my studying/prep for next week. I have SO much work to do. I have NO time to figure out how to make friends. YIKES! It's come to this. I don't have the tech chops to MAKE friends. I have to STUDY in order to make friends. :confused: :confused::confused::glare:


    Kidding. Giggling. Slinking off to do BORING things - like read about the War of the Roses and bob-n-wheel-n-gawain-n-english-nationalism....

    How MUNDANE!!!!!


    How incredibly non-friendly. :001_smile:

  4. You are so funny! Dh offered to pick up a hammer and smash a hole in the sheet-rock for me. Tee Hee! I love him so much for trying to be my hero in all things. His patient devotion coupled with good friends in flesh and cyberspace are life savers! True, true help and support.


    Thanks for the giggles!


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