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Posts posted by SpecialClassical

  1. 2 hours ago, Ottakee said:

    When I bought this house I saw the list on Zillow for an open house.  I had always said I would not live in a subdivision in this township but a friend and I stopped because we had time between looking at other houses.

    We pulled up and there was a garage sale but no for sale or open house sign in the yard so we tentatively walked up to ask.   It was the right house so we went around with the kind elderly owner that had built the house himself.

    A few days later I asked for another showing (it was a for sale by owner) and came with a friend and my brother.  As we were looking around the owner offered it to me for $5,000 less than the already very low asking price.

    Third showing I came with my realtors (parents of my good friend) and my daughter.  They invited us in, my daughter sat and watched TV with them while we looked around.  Made a written offer right then (as realtor said it was worth $30,000+ more than asking) and the owner started throwing in lawn mowers, trimmers, Christmas tree, etc.  Before I even asked for anything.

    Super nice elderly couple that wanted me and my kids to have their home.

    This is awesome.  I'm so glad you had this blessing.

  2. 2 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

    Not an all that entertaining or dramatic but... We drove our realtor a little nuts. We asked to see this house multiple times. It was honestly a difficult decision to make. There were a lot of cons about the place, and we were trying to sell *ourselves on the pros. And we were very young and nervous.
    The realtor eventually just started giving us the lock box key and sending us alone. Probably 3 different times while deciding AND another time or two between the accepted offer and the closing. 😮 
    The house was uninhabited, but I still can’t imagine how many rules that broke, especially in a private community.

    Also, I knew what offer I wanted to put in, but dh went ahead and offered more. He was shocked that they didn’t counter. There was no room left for them to counter!!! I still want to kill him over it.

    Dh handles a lot of negotiations at work. He isn’t allowed to negotiate in our family purchases anymore.

    I love that your realtor trusted you, and I always thought it was crazy that you are supposed to make such a large purchase after one or two short walk-throughs!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Seasider too said:

    We once bought a house with the clause written into the contract that we have access one week prior to closing to get some painting done. This was a very reasonable request in lieu of the seller not reducing the price further (which they would have needed to do for any other buyer to get the market value where it should be to make a sale).

    There were friends of the sellers living in the house (for free!) after a relocation of their own, and despite being informed of the date to be out, they Would Not Leave. They’d been in the house for over a year, and the house had been on the market a long time. I guess we should have expected a problem, because they got a little testy when we called for a third showing because it “inconvenienced” them (the FREE boarders🙄). The seller finally had to help them move their stuff and was carrying out the last of it when we arrived at the house after closing.

     It was quite a drama, the sellers were obviously distraught so we didn’t threaten with breech of contract or anything, though we could have. I just couldn’t get over the nerve of the freeloaders who were living there at the kindness of the sellers. Obviously it severed that friendship. 

    That's nuts!  I'm continually amazed at how entitled people are.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, DawnM said:

    This is the family who loved the quirky layout.  

    Downstairs master for parents

    Downstairs office next to master for 90+ year old mother in law so she can be right near them.  She will use their bathroom for showering so they can help her.

    Upstairs works perfectly for their daughter on one side and grand-daughter on the other, so grand-daughter can have a bedroom and bonus playroom.

    Who knew?

    So cool that the layout is perfect for them!


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  5. 2 minutes ago, happi duck said:

    When we bought our house the seller didn't know that the closing was when it became our house.  They had nothing packed and nothing lined up.  They rented from us for a few weeks. 

    Wow!  What did you do? 

    In our case it was prearranged for us to rent our house back  for several days as we fixed up the foreclosure we bought, so I was pretty mad when he did that and then later that day called to ask when we would be out.  How about when our time was up? 🤦‍♀️  

  6. So I mentioned in the other thread that we sold a home and the buyer showed up on the day we moved out, parked himself in our lawn, and watched the move while offering the occasional commentary.  No, they did not have possession of the house yet. 

    The second house we sold to a nice family that expected to move in right after closing.  Except our realtor arranged for us to have 24 hours to finish moving after closing. Apparently their realtor didn’t tell them, so they asked us to move out ASAP because they had friends lined up to help them. They begged us not to clean and just move as fast as possible. On our end we weren’t scheduled  with our friends to move that fast, so it was quite stressful. 

    With that move we bought a house whose seller refused to leave the house for showings, inspections, etc.  He was in the house while his wife was in the pole barn in an RV with their dogs. Our realtor tried to get him to leave for the second showing, but he said he couldn’t leave his animals. Guess he and his wife never went anywhere together. 🤔  When we took possession of the house we found loads of  stuff left in the pole barns and house. During showings everything was spotless. He was moving out of state, so I guess he left what he didn’t want to move and stopped taking care of the property.  Our realtor felt so bad he paid to  have the junk hauled away.  

    • Sad 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, DawnM said:


    Details like?  

    They made the offer yesterday.  They wanted a 60 day closing and not enough down.  We countered with more down, 45 day closing.  We agreed to the new offer today.

    There is more in terms of details. but I am exhausted.  I can post more tomorrow.

    Oh, just about anything.  Like, was it the family that liked the layout as-is, anything that was different than normal in the negotiations... I don’t know.  No pressure.  The whole process is tiring. 

    We have had weird experiences, so it’s  interesting to read about others.  Like the buyers of our house kept cruising by slowly, but failed to show up for their showing appointment.  They made an offer, though.  Then the husband came the day we moved out, sat in our yard, and watched us load up and move. And made comments as we did.  Maybe I should start a new thread. 😊



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  8. On 3/2/2019 at 2:24 PM, Amira said:

    The first few times I posted, on the old old board in 2003, I was firstname in thenstate.  But then I didn’t want to use my first name, and I don’t stay in any given location long enough to use it as part of my name, so I switched to an Arabic name I used in college while I was living in the Middle East.  It’s usually translated as “princess” but I prefer the translation “commander” or “general” instead, not that any of those three words fits me.  But I’ll stick with it since, the Arabic word for “introverted homebody” doesn’t work for a name.  My avatar is a design dh drew that I made into a quilt.

    I’m curious, were you ever AmiraLace?  For some reason I often think of that when I see your name.  Could be I’m crazy, but I thought I would be brave and check. 😊

  9. 9 minutes ago, Heartwood said:

    I've been doing intermittent fasting since December and the hunger the last four hours varies from day to day. I do drink hot tea during my fasting window and find it helpful. It's debatable whether or not that actually breaks a fast. I don't believe it does. You can read opposing views online. Fledge Fitness on YouTube is one who says it's okay. He has a lot of informative videos on intermittent fasting.

    People have also been successful doing intermittent fasting without keto too. It has worked for me, mostly by reducing the time I have for mindless eating, and I'm not a keto follower. Just wanted you to know you have options. 

    Best wishes on your journey!

    Thank you.  Keto is not an option, so I appreciate this.  I did whole 30 and that was too low in carbs for me; I never got to the “regained energy” stage. 

    Tomorrow im going to skip the coffee, and try to get by with tea.

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  10. 50 minutes ago, Lady Marmalade said:

    My fasting window is generally 7:00 pm to noon the next day.  Most days I go to bed by 9:00 pm, and I have a hard time sleeping on a full stomach, and that's what really started me on a cycle of IF.  I try very hard to be finished eating my last meal of the day before 7:00 so that I can fall asleep easily, since I only get a few hours at a time.  I deliver newspapers, so I wake at 2:00 am, go do my route, return home between 4 and 5 am, and then go back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.  When I wake, I drink black coffee.  The coffee I would drink regardless of whether or not it would be "approved". (Several cups, some days more, some days less.)  I suppose it might help act as an appetite suppressant because I seldom feel the need to eat anything before noon.  On the days where I just feel ravenous and the coffee isn't helping squash that feeling, I find myself something smart to eat- a slice of toast with peanut butter or a banana. 

    I don't beat myself up at all if I have a day where I need a few extra calories outside of the window- I listen to my body, and if it's saying Feed Me, Seymour, I'm going to feed it.  If I want a snack between my two meals of the day I absolutely have one.  I find that overall I don't have those highs and lows with regards to overall energy and I guess I never really noticed it before, but I would say that I definitely have had far less instances where I've had debilitating migraines or headaches since I've been following this way of eating.  I can't remember the last time I had a migraine.  I've been doing my paper route for going on two years now, so I've been eating this way for almost that long.  I'm down 45 pounds at this point, and if I stopped here I could be absolutely thrilled.  I do hope to be able to quit my job at some point in the near future, and it will be interesting to see if I can manage to shift my window if and when I am able to return to a normal sleep schedule. 


    This is very encouraging.  I had a couple days when I felt really sick from hunger,  so I went ahead and ate. (Seymour 😂)  But I realized it was because I had too many carbs the night before, lesson learned.  I hope you are able to quit your job soon and sleep through the night. 😊



  11. 11 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

    I do 16/8 and have for over a year now.   It works so well for me.     My 16 of fasting falls from about 4pm  to  8am.   Usually even if I am hungry when I wake up,  just the amount of water I always drink is enough to fill me up until breakfast time.  I do have coffee before breakfast, but I drink it black with just a splash of almond milk creamer in it.  Since there is so little creamer in it,  it is allowed  (in my opinion).  Many days I am busy with my daughter's school or am working out and I don't eat breakfast until closer to 9.

    I’m impressed you can skip the nighttime meal.  I think it would upset my family if I did that.  They don’t really notice at breakfast.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


    My understanding is this:  Anything other than water breaks a fast because it will require processing by your digestive system, liver, etc.  

    Having said that, here is how different things break down when it comes to what breaks a fast:

    - If you are fasting for weight loss, consider anything that raises insulin to break a fast.  This means you could have coffee or tea with a bit of cream in it.  Milk is more likely to break your fast metabolically because it contains milk sugars.  Some also say a mug of bone broth is acceptable, as it contains very few calories but helps keep your salt up and provides a bit of amino acids.  With a weight loss goal, you are attempting to keep insulin very, very low for extended periods of time, in order to re-sensitize your body to insulin and allow more time for your body to call on stored energy.  

    - When fasting for autophagy, protein breaks your fast.  So again, a source of fat in coffee or tea is "ok", but bone broth probably not.  Also, munching some undressed salad greens is probably ok.  But autophagy has become a huge buzz word, without very many human trials to pull from, so this is mostly based on best guesses by doctors.  

    If you absolutely cannot make it, you can google "fast-mimicking diet" to come up with a meal that might tide you over without raising your insulin significantly.  BUT, it will almost certainly be a high calorie meal, so you'd have to be careful and fit it in.  


    Another reason I chose OMAD is that at 5ft1, I just don't get a huge calorie "allowance".  I also have ZERO interest in counting calories.  I am a big eater, and can easily fit in my 1200 or so calories in one meal or one meal + snack.  Rather than trying to count calories out, I just eat until satisfied.  The days I exercise are typically the days I add a snack.  

    This is super helpful! 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Slache said:

    It depends on who you ask and people are kinda culty so be prepared to be yelled at for doing it wrong. I follow the rules laid out in The Obesity Code and his other book that I can't recall the name of this very second. I will PM you my notes.

    Yes, I just got his Diabetes book, and am following suggestions there.  I have noticed this book is more extreme than his videos, so I feel like that’s where some of the cultish adherence comes into it. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

    Interestingly, I am now one month into IF.  I do 20:4 or 23:1 during the week and 18:6 on the weekends.  Here are some of my observations:

    - I feel best when I make lunch my main meal of the day.  During the week, I either have a very large lunch (approx 12pm-12:30) or a large lunch plus some additional protein about 3 hours later (approx 12pm-3pm).  So, either OMAD (one meal a day) or two meals but in a short time frame.  

    I love, love, love, love.  I really didn't have much in the way of hunger pangs if I skipped dinner, but I do if I skip lunch and instead make dinner my big meal.  

    I know everyone thinks IF is crazy, but I feel SO GOOD skipping dinner.  I sleep great, and amazingly, I do not wake up hungry.  Sleeping seems to reset the clock on hunger, so I'm ready to go to lunch the next day with no issues.  On the weekends I do tend to eat dinners because of social events or just to be together as a family... and it leaves me feeling very sluggish and over-full.

    Making dinner instead of breakfast the skipped meal has some advantages.  You can read about it with the google terms "early time restricted feeding".  There's a lot of circadian rhythm data supporting an earlier eating window.  This may help you with your hunger pangs.  It could be your body's natural rhythm prefers food earlier in the day.   If feels nice to go to bed and not be actively digesting.  

    I know, six months ago, I was all gung-ho keto.  But what I found was that it was not going to be sustainable for *me*.  I'm bad at saying no in social situations, and moreover, I don't want to need to in order for my (hopefully sustainable and easy) diet to be successful.  With keto, a cheat meal or day means no ketosis for 48 hours or so.  With IF, I find it much easier to just plan desired "feasts" into the IF schedule.  They are no longer cheats, they are just the feasts to counter the fasts.  So if I know I'm having pizza out with girlfriends on Friday night, I skip Friday lunch and make dinner my OMAD instead.  The next day, I just go right back to the routine of lunch being my meal.  I felt like I was doing keto to get to some goal, but would not be able to use it past that point.  IF feels way easier.  

    Results?  I'm pretty happy.  In the last 20 days, I've lost almost 4 lbs.  This is pretty neat, considering I am only 5ft1in tall and am already in the normal BMI range (I started looking for weight loss ideas when I got to a half pound from overweight on the BMI chart).  If you are heavier, you should lose faster.  My loss trend is to lose during the week (OMAD), then flatline on Sunday and slightly high on Monday (due to the looser IF schedule Sat-Sun).  

    I have not really seen convincing information that women should limit their fasting window.  I would be happy to see some if someone has some journal articles.  

    Thanks for sharing your experience.   I also sleep better while fasting, much better.  My migraines have been fewer as well.  Like you said, in social situations I have a hard time saying no or get frustrated that all the skinny people have their plates full and I’m eating 1/4 of what they have.  I’m hoping IF will give me some freedom, although I’m not sure I could eat that much anyway. Ha! 


    2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:



  15. Lisa Marie, I haven’t heard of 14/10, so that is really interesting.  I’m afraid I would overeat if I had to manage 3 meals.  Too many opportunities for carbs that aren’t healthy.  I’m going to keep this in mind, though.  Maybe I could do it for maintenance.  

    JennyD,  that is a bummer. It’s a lot of sacrifice for no results.   I did it for about 2.5 weeks and gained weight!  Now I’ve become more strict with what I eat and I’m cutting out my low cal “crutch” coffee in the morning.  I’m hoping in my case I was just doing it wrong. 



  16. If you’ve done 16/8, how long does it take to stop feeling hungry the last 4 hours?  I do find it helps if I eat healthy fats and a low amount of carbs my last meal before the fast, but I’m still hungry.  I am doing this for weight loss and for diabetes prevention, so I’m willing to stick with it, but it would sure help if I know how long.  I already know it’s gping to be more than a few days. Lol

  17. I am wondering if anyone knows of a service that evaluates high schoolers’ writing assignments. I’m on my third high schooler, and it has never gone well when I evaluate their papers.  I really don’t want to continue on this path with him getting resentful and offended. Thanks for any suggestions.  

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