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Posts posted by Lilymax

  1. My husband and I often say that our bread machine is the best $5 we ever spent!


    (Yep, I paid a whole five bucks for a barely-used on on Craigslist. Definitely check there before spending more!)


    These days, we use it more as a dough-maker than for loaves of bread. Our homemade pizza crust is amazing, and today my hubby used it to whip up a batch of whole wheat bagels. Tomorrow, I'll use it to make brioche dough that will become our annual King Cake for Mardi Gras.


    Like the others mentioned, I like knowing what goes into our food. But I do still buy regular whole wheat loaf bread for sandwiches. My kids prefer it to the homemade stuff for sandwiches.

  2. As the wife of a government employee, the whole thing ticks me off, too. DH has already gotten word that he'll be one of the ones furloughed. We're barely making it as it is, so I'm hoping it doesn't happen.


    We already know he won't be getting a raise anytime in the near or distant future...we don't need anything else to worry about.

  3. I was on Lovenox for a few months my last pregnancy and I never could figure out how not to bruise. I always injected into my "spare tire"...still had that when preggo...but I had bruises the size of tennis balls. I probably rushed it (rather, DH did, as he was the one who gave me the shots) because it burned so badly going in.


    You have my sympathies! But as someone else said, it's definitely preferable to developing clots!

  4. I don't have visions that specific, but I have three sons and have always felt like I was supposed to have a daughter.


    I'm 42 and DH is 44. He doesn't want any more kids. I would love to try for just one more...even if it's a boy. :) (I love my boys!) I still feel like someone is missing. DH talks about getting a vasectomy, but won't make the appointment. I refuse to have my tubes tied, even though pregnancy is very hard for me. I keep asking God to take away this desire if it's his will that we are finished. It's still there. I don't know what to do with it. I pray that if God has another child for us, he'd make it clear to my husband.


    I would love to adopt a girl, but DH is really adamantly against that. Truth be told, I couldn't see our relatives loving an adopted child as much as our birth children. Which is sad, but true.


    Anyway...just wanted to say that I understand that feeling that you "should" be done, but your heart just doesn't agree.

  5. I am still breastfeeding my 17-month-old and plan to continue at least til he's 2, if not longer.


    I weaned my older two around year old, but let them have a bottle til they were two. Neither used a pacifier. I don't believe that an older baby loses his desire to suck when he turns 1, or maybe not even 2. And though sippy cups involve sucking, I don't think a hard plastic spout feels as nice as sucking on a bottle or breast.


    But that's just me. As far as teeth go, one of my sons has perfect teeth (took after me) and the other has awfully crooked teeth and an overbite (took after his father). Since both had the bottle til age 2, and the one with the perfect teeth also sucked his thumb til he was 6, I think genetics has a whole lot more to do with how their teeth turn out than what they suck on as a baby.


    Oh, and because we've always had to supplement my baby with formula, he still gets bottles, too...with formula, not cow's milk.


    In a nutshell, do what you know is best for your baby! :)

  6. I rarely run a fever for long, even when I'm very sick. But a couple of years ago, I had a respiratory virus where I ran a 101 temp for, oddly enough, eight days in a row. Ibuprofen or Tylenol brought it down, but as soon as it wore off, it jumped back up again. The doctor said it was just one of those things.


    Feel better soon!


    Georgia (also partly raised there and family still lives there; uneducated bigoted racist "Christian" hypocrites, lack of diversity, red clay, you couldn't PAY me to move back!)




    Well, we aren't ALL bigoted, racist "Christian" hypocrites... ;) Nor uneducated, thankyouverymuch!


    There's definitely diversity here, but admittedly, it's in pockets, not quite the melting pot feeling you get in say, San Francisco or NYC. Personally I despise the black/white racial tension that still exists over Atlanta. It's just ridiculous here.


    And red clay is some wicked stuff, but thankfully, it's not everywhere. We have lovely sandy soil in our backyard now.


    Not trying to sell anyone on Georgia, but there are lots of things to love here, too. My favorite is four distinct seasons, without a terribly harsh winter. Summers, though, I could totally do without! They're brutal!

  8. *also watching this thread*


    My doc just prescribed zoloft for me but I haven't started it yet.. I'm just nervous about it. For one thing, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and there's no 'official' studies (from what I can tell) as to whether it's truly safe during pregnancy - doc says it's a 'risk/benefit' situation, but I don't know. I don't know if it would be worth the "tiny risk". Of course, my husband and kids would like to see me stop crying for no reason, throwing dishes, not caring whether or not I even have a shower. Among other things. I just don't know if it's worth trying this drug...


    I haven't had time to read the other replies, but my OB took me off Zoloft during my last pg. She said that though the risk of heart damage in the fetus is small, she knew me well enough to know I'd never forgive myself if we were one of the unlucky ones.


    It was a rough time...there are some that are safer than Zoloft for pg, from what I understand. In retrospect, I wish I'd found one instead of going without anything. I was really, really tough to live with, I'm afraid.


    I'm on 50 mg. of Zoloft and have been for several years. It just levels me out. The only side effects are decreased sex drive, and possibly, weight gain. I'm already overweight, but it sure is hard to get it off. I forgot that the Zoloft might be contributing to that. Oh well--I'd rather be fat and happy than thin and angry all the time.


    Good luck!

  9. That occurred to me, but I thought you all might be too "desert-y" or too close to Asia. :) I would like to hear what she thinks of Australia. :) She's too funny. hehe


    LOL! It leaves quite a lot, actually, including Australia, which I have only ever heard fabulous things about!


    It also includes most of the USA, South America, most of Europe, especially the UK, where I lived for a year and adored it.

  10. Arizona, or any place desert-y


    Florida or anywhere along the Gulf Coast. BTDT and hated the prolonged heat, the humidity, the hurricanes, the BUGS!


    Canada (too cold)


    France (too expensive and too snobby)


    Anywhere in the Middle East, even Israel, though I'd love to visit there




    Mexico...come to think of it, all of Central America, too


    Africa, Asia, Antarctica (yes, I'm obliterating whole continents! LOL)

  11. I didn't have time to read the links above, but I know this can be a sign of having a seizure disorder. My sister had this and had been having mild seizures in her sleep for years, but didn't know it until she had a strong one that caused her to severely bruise her tongue and she woke up unable to see in one eye. She's now on meds and doing fine, but another friend of hers who has seizures also had the cigarette smoke "aura" thing that came before her seizures. Definitely worth checking out, IMO!

  12. No advice either, except to say that I am right there with you. I'm at my heaviest non-pregnant weight and need to lose quite a lot. Most of the time it just feels overwhelming. Because of PCOS, most of the programs out there provide little results, except for extreme low-carb, which just feels like entirely too much to take on.


    I know I need to take better care of myself, so I can be here to see my grandchildren. I'm 42...if not now, when?


    I know all of these things in my mind, I know what it takes to lose weight, and I know that I can't give up. And that is the problem, or one of them: I see results so slowly that it's hard not to give up.


    I wonder if we all don't just get tired of it after a while? I went on my first diet at age 11. So I have spent 3/4ths of my life dieting and I am just sick of it. I know what to do, I just don't want to do it anymore.


    I am trying--TRYING--to readjust my mindset so that I just eat healthier, move some every day and focus on better health instead of losing weight. It just gets so old, doing the right thing and never seeing the kind of results I want to see, weight-wise.


    Ugh...sorry to have made my response about me. But I do know how you feel. I just hope I'm not stubborn/stupid enough that it takes a major health crisis to get me back on track. I just get so tired of being "on track".


    But the alternative is not all that appealing, either! LOL

  13. My side of the family is fully supportive of it. They love that we're homeschooling. It's great knowing I get NO flack from them about it.


    My in-laws are divorced. MIL seems neutral about HS, but that's how she is. If she were a country, she'd be Switzerland! :lol: I'm not sure the woman has a strong opinion about anything. She's never said anything negative about it.


    My FIL, and that whole side of the family, thinks it's awful of us to deprive our kids of the school experience. FIL says that it's not good for boys to spend that much time with their mother. Considering that he was a total absentee father, with five kids from three different women, all of whom turned out terribly with the exception of my DH--his opinion holds little weight with me. Thankfully, he's drifted back out of our lives again and we have little contact with the other relatives on that side (for other reasons).

  14. I tried looking this up online, because I've heard that if the liquid in a hot dog package is cloudy, you shouldn't eat it. But I can't find anything about ham.


    This is a pre-sliced small Smithfield ham, expiration date Feb. 16, 2011. I noticed the liquid looked cloudy, but it didn't smell off.


    It's been slow cooking in the crock pot all day. I just sampled a slice and it tastes a little tangy. Could the brown sugar I sprinkled on top give it a tangy flavor?


    I'm probably just being paranoid (from a nasty case of food poisoning years ago) but would you eat it???

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