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Crafty Mathy Mom

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Posts posted by Crafty Mathy Mom

  1. No, there are limits to how much of a work you can copy and still fall under the fair use doctrine â€” it definitely would not include an entire book! There are four factors that must be taken into account in determining whether an act of copying is "fair use." The two most relevant here would be how much of the work is being copied and whether the copying negatively affects the publisher (e.g. costs them a sale).


    Here are the general guidelines regarding the amount it is fair to copy:



    And the copying cannot deprive the publisher of a sale:



    Furthermore, photocopying of consumable works, even for educational purposes, is strictly forbidden:


    I'm pretty appalled that a department chair would be so woefully ignorant of copyright law. I would recommend that you print out this publication from the US Copyright Office that explains the law, with particular respect to educational uses, and give it to him:



    Here is a paragraph that specifically addresses photocopying by college students, from the Copyright Clearance Center:

    Thank you. I just forwarded the documents as well as the paragraph from The Campus Guide to Copyright Compliance. As of now the dean (over the department chair) has said to allow the copying of the lab report pages for now. Oy.

  2. What would you say in this situation?


    A college student rented  a consumable lab manual and wants to copy the pages that need to be turned in. I said that such copying would violate the copyright of the lab manual. The labs are in a workbook type format. I was willing to allow the student to write the answers on notebook paper and/or graph paper as required. This was not acceptable to the student, and now my department chair is involved. His interpretation is that while I am not allowed to make copies for a student, the student is free to copy the entire book for personal use as long as the copies would be for only that student. 


    Is his interpretation correct?  





  3. December 30-January 5


    Monday: Mexican rice chicken casserole thing made with leftover turkey, sliced apples

    Tuesday:  Mac and Cheese with hamburger and spinach

    Wednesday: Hoppin' John Soup, collards, cornbread

    Thursday: Loaded baked potatoes, leftover soup, salad

    Friday: Buffalo or plain chicken wraps, broccoli, oranges

    Saturday: Leftovers

    Sunday: Lasagna, salad, garlic bread

  4. Cantaloupe, especially when it's a little overripe. :ack2: I have to make an effort to breathe through my mouth in the produce section when cantaloupes are in season. I even had a big fight with my mother over serving cantaloupe in the fruit salad at my wedding. She won because she was paying for it.


    I also have trouble with refrigerated lettuce. It gets a smell after storage I can't describe or stand. No one else can smell it.

  5. First :grouphug:. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


    Unfortunately I have known 3 to die from pancreatic cancer. Two were young fathers who were in their 30s. They lived about a year and 2 years from diagnosis. I know little about the details.


    The other was my mil. She was 72 when diagnosed. Her only early symptom was a vague pain in her side. It took about 3 months for her PCP to order a CT scan then it was another month until surgery. By then it was stage 4. Mil was a very obedient patient and did chemo and radiation, and she was absolutely miserable. After the treatments were declared unsuccessful, she was classified as terminal. Hospice was a God-send. I will never be able to say how wonderful they were. The hospice nurse was the one who advocated for morphine patches when the doctor thought them unnecessary. The last week of her life, she was in a semi-comatose state. Mil was able to die at home surrounded by her family. It was about a year from first symptom until her death.

  6. My advisor messed me up my junior year. Chemistry majors were required to have 2 300+ level maths. My advisor approved Calculus III and Advanced Statistical Methods. When the department head returned from sabbatical, he wouldn't let me graduate with a BS unless I had two different math classes. I had to drop out of the honors program my senior year to fit them in. My senior year was brutal, but I ended up with a double major in chemistry and math. It's been a blessing though. I wouldn't have my part time job if I didn't have that math major.

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