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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. Sigh.


    No, he isn't a flaming liberal.


    Read his actual words from the actual source.


    He hasn't done anything in particular to make me like him, tho he seems like a nice enough down to earth fellow.


    Where can you find the actual source?  I hate that things get taken out of context.


  2. My inquiring mind want's to know, did it really look like they had been white water rafting in their color coordinated outfits are do you think it was just staged?

    :grouphug:   I would block on fb for awhile.  Sounds like you stepped off the treadmill, and she doesn't know how to step off of hers. 

  3. Since this thread is still alive, I will do my part to keep it alive.   In keeping with the topic, I regularly go to a coffee shop.  They have a frequent user card so they know me.  A few years back, my kids were 7 and 9, after having a particularly harrowing day chasing down a runaway pet, I went to my happy place, the coffee shop.  Upon getting there, I decided to *gasp* leave my children in. the. suv.   I parked in front of the window.  I could see them as I went in. In case anyone wonders, yes, the suv did have tinted glass windows.  I walked right in, they handed me my drink, like I said, they know me.  As I turned to leave, a lady wondered who owned said suv.  In hindsight, I should have ignored question and just walked right out to my car.  But in reality, I stupidly said I did.  She proceeded to lecture me about the safety of children in the car: What would happen if something happened to me while I was in here?  (I was thinking, they would unbuckle and come and see what was going on).  Told me if I didn't want my children, she would take them.  Meanwhile she is blocking the door, I couldn't get around her.  She was an older lady, and there was a group of some other older ladies sitting at a table.  She turns to them and they join, in.  All I am thinking is I need to get the h*** out of there and she has now wasted more time with her lecture than if I had just been in and out. I finally just shoved past.  ( I could still see my kids the entire time this was happening and they were fine). SKL, having just had a stressful situation happen and heaping another on top, makes for a crappy day.  :grouphug:


    Later, I talked with a cop and told her the situation. I was concerned about the legalities etc.  The cop said if the car is where you can see it and it is no more than 15- 20 minutes, there isn't a problem.  If it is hot, leave the windows cracked.  Don't leave the keys in the car. 


    I don't know the women's history and why she was so upset.  But I often have wondered if she had a situation where she did that and had something happen to one of her children.  I wasn't really as upset about the fact that she was concerned but for the fact that she made a scene so the entire coffee shop started participating  and that if she was really concerned, she would have not gone on and on.  Seriously, lecture me as I am walking to my car.  Don't block the door so it makes an uncomfortable situation even more so.  The employees at the coffee shop later told me they couldn't believe what had happened and apologized.    


    I admit, I am a weird person magnet.  Once, before I had children, I was in a fast food place.  There was a lady in a wheelchair doing crafts.  I talked to her about what she was doing.  After about 5 minutes of conversation, she asked if I would like a job helping her get bathed and dressed everyday.  Ah...nope.  I didn't go back to that fast food place again. 

  4. Oh my, you just made my day. :lol:  Now I am thoroughly frightened. :ohmy:  I always did think those troll dolls were secretly a bit sinister. What with those creepy smiles and all.



    Yea..I thought the same thing.  Creepy.  However, I did like those pens with the eyes that had the same kind of hair as the trolls.  I liked to braid and twist the hair while I was learning exciting things at school.  :)

  5. This thread is awesome.   :lol:


    Maybe Justin Bieber's monkey is actually a service monkey?   :smilielol5:



    Perhaps it serves as his brain. He certainly doesn't seem to have one of his own. ;)


    That must be why he was naked.  The service monkey helped him out of his clothes and helpfully gave him a guitar to wear instead  :001_rolleyes:

  6. I really have never thought of that statement in terms excluding people as if I am better than them because I am homeschooling.  I think anyone could homeschool if they had the desire to do so.  However, not everyone should be homeschooling because some people would probably end up in jail because they couldn't handle it.  Or, in my situation growing up, I was never happier than to get out of my house. 


    In regards to bfeeding, can everyone potentially breastfeed?  Yes.  However, what about those people who are taking perscription medicine?  How about those who have done it but haven't had enough milk for the baby?  In my case, I pumped.  It worked for me.  That wasn't even good enough for people.  I would still hear, "The breast is best".   



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