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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. I think likes could be given as a special gift.  You get 50 likes so if you really liked someone's post and you wanted to give them more than one, you could hunt down 50 different posts they made and like them all.  That would be special right?


    Another thought, if a person really liked something said and they had already*hored all their posts, they could try and barter for someone else to use their likes on the post they wanted to like.  For example, hey Quirky, I'll like 5 of your posts if you like _____persons statement for me? 



  2. Question:  How many likes can you give before you can't give anymore?



    When I read this I thought:

    Love isn't love until you give it away...... 


    For our purposes here:

    ***Likes aren't likes until you give them away....


    Which then led me to thinking about this:

    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

    But the very next day, You gave it away....


    ***For all of us Like *hores .....

    This morning, the hive gave you more likes,

    But within 5 minutes, You gave them away...

  3. Just have to add to the list of Christmas songs and dislike.  Although, I do like the Muppet version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas", It hasn't even been twelve days since the radio stations started playing Christmas songs and I have already heard this song at least 20 times.  This is a great song to play 12 times so the 12th day falls on Christmas, in my opinion.


    I put my toliet paper over. 


    I can't look at roadkill.  The sight of blood doesn't agree with me.


    I love white Christmas lights or blue and green christmas lights together. 


    I think I might be able to live on buttered bread alone.  I might end up looking like a loaf of bread, but that is a small price too pay. 

  4. Sometimes the choice is a bit more dramatic. I choose to, ummm, let 'er rip. :tongue_smilie:


    :lol:   It is good to get in touch with your inner child.  Burping, farting: fake or real, loud bathroom noises all fall under that category. Do you add lots of sound effects when you do that?  Because if you haven't tried it, do try and let us know what the response is.  ;)

  5. Cell phones:  I hate when people are talking on their cell phone in a public restroom.  To flush or not to flush that is the question? Won't the person on the phone hear hear the flush?  I flush.   Besides that dilemma, I just think it is gross.  Germs...think of all the germs...

  6. Elf on the Shelf gives me the creepola's 


    I don't decorate than redecorate my house.  I will put out snowman for Christmas and a Christmas tree.  Tree comes down in January, but other items have been known to hang around until Feb or March.  I mean snowmen happen in winter so it isn't all bad right? 


    I hate it when I see boxers outlining someone's rear end because someone can't manage to pull up their pants.



    I don't make my kids wear winter coats.


    I don't wash my bedsheets every week. 


    I hate that if you have a different opinion or belief than the Christian mainstream, you are judged and quoted scripture about your wrongnesss for that difference. 


    Just because I am a women, doesn't mean I want to hold your baby or work in the church nursery or do crafts.....It also doesn't mean that I can't appreciate how the male body looks nude.  I think their should be more statues of nak*d men like David by Michelangelo. ;)


    Please, if you invite my family for dinner,  put. your. dog. cat.  animal. away.  No, my kids do not feel safe while your animal jumps up to grab food out of their hands.  No, that isn't cute or sweet.


    Just because I am a stay at home mom doesn't mean I have spare time on my hands and I just don't know what to do with myself so I can help with your latest project or whatever thing you need someone to do that no one else wants to do. 


    I hate Christmas shopping because of all the crowds and how people just keep running into you again and again because they are on their phone, they have so many packages they can't see where they are walking or because they plain just don't care. 


    If you decide to wear a th*ng, please make sure that I can't see your sparkly stuff hanging out, especially if you are pregnant. 


    I like Razzle's

    I love to shop at Ten Thousand Villages

    I like Tito's Vodka and seven up

    I put my shopping cart in the corral

    I sometimes wear shoes in the house and sometimes not



    Whew...that's it for now....

  7. I check for bedbugs.  (My exterminator said to lift all the covers off so you just see the bare mattress and look at the edging on it.  If it looks bloodstained, it means bedbugs.).  If there are glass drinking cups, I clean them.  I wipe down the phone, remote, and lightswitches.  I also put suitcases on hard surfaces and check the deadbolt.


    Some great things I have never thought of before have been mentioned in this thread! Thanks Ladies!

  8. Things she's said to me in the past:


    (in a thank you note) - "I opened the gift and thought "oh yuck" but it really wasn't too bad.  Thanks."


    (the last time we saw each other when I went back "home"):  "I came in and thought "who is that old lady" then I realized it was you."


    So, no, I don't want to engage her in conversation about it!  She's nice in her way but has very limited social skills at least as far as family goes.



    Whoa... :grouphug:  :grouphug: People can be unbelievably hurtful.

  9. My mom and dad both are narcisstic.  My mom passed away a few years ago.  In her way, she loved me.  However, I realize now that I have children, the way she loved me was so contingent on my conforming to her wants and needs and being who she thought I should be.  The walking on eggshells because you never really know what to expect, has made me really tuned in to situations and things most people don't even notice.  Two edged sword there.  I used to repeat every conversation I had and what my mom said verbatim.  It was horrible to realize that I was doing this as a protective measure because I had no other control.  I thought I was losing my mind because the conversations and accusations would be so wacky and cruel. Thinking that if I would just do, or say or be the right way, the madness would stop.  Fact is, no one would believe me about my mom.  She was a soft talking, Godly and very sweet women in others eyes.  She was very good at the veneer she showed others.  She knew only to say cruel things when other witnesses weren't present.  I was too fat, which I wasn't. I talked to loud, which I sometimes do but mostly when I am nervous and feel like I am walking on eggshells.  The house had to be quiet.  Too much ruckous or laughter or frivolty, we would get in trouble.  My mom had health issues so everything revolved around her perceived and some real health issues.  I was often told by mom dad that I had to be careful that "I didn't wear her out".  She called me names that were hurtful, and told me the only guy who would want to marry me would have to be someone who was deaf.   Searched my room whenever she wanted.  She told lies about things she had done and placed the blame on me (took out a credit card in my name and spent over $500.00 when I was at college.  The college I was at was in the middle of nowhere, the nearest mall being 45 minutes away.  My dad took her side and I had to pay the bill). 


    Now that she is gone, I deal with the fallout.  My relatives believed what she told them about me, I'm extroverted, I'm loud, I can't ever sit still, I am way to sensitive....the list is extensive. It is a long journey toward healing and coming to terms that I really do know who I am, even if others in the family will never see the real me but see the picture of me my mom created.  I also realize I used to attract narcisstic friends like a cow does flies.  After I moved out, my friendships were progressively healthier.   I dealt with my mom when she was alive but limiting contact to about 1 time, no more than twice a month.  If we had more contact than that, it was like a hurtfest where my mom would open fire about all the ways I was a failure.  




    Good luck! 

  10. I think home made applesauce is delicious and the store bought stuff is gross.

    But really, I would ask your SIL what she's looking for (store bought or home made).

    And then, if she wants home made but you don't think you'll have time to make it, just tell her.

    :iagree: I have yet to find a store bought brand that tastes like homemade.  However, if your family hasn't had homemade in the past, then don't start now.   It could become a new tradition that you would be in charge of. ;)

  11. I can't believe she pays for it when it's already half-eaten. Why would anyone pay for half-eaten food?

    :iagree:   I mean isn't it a well known fact that if your child consumes, say the entire cookie or donut or piece of fruit, you don't have to pay for it?  I mean, ya gotta sample before you buy right? ;)

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