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Everything posted by tuesdayschild

  1. Oh no!!! So sorry to read that Sandy! Hoping it's not developing into an epic nightmarish mess (praying over you).
  2. Book update .. Completed Sip read and listen. The Divine Comedy ~ Dante Alighieri, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (translator), narrated by: Charlton Griffin Classic Chunkster (audio 17hrs 3m) Sip read and listen. I’ve been chipping away at since April 2017, and happily finished it yesterday. The Inferno is my favourite portion of this epic poem, but I’m glad I’ve at least been through the entire work once in my life, and I’m going to listen to just that portion again, another year, sometime. ( Q: counting for a spelling challenge would anyone count the translator (Longfellow), in an epic poetic work like this, as being an option? Or just Alighieri?) I'm actually enjoying this next title as an audiobook, I think I may have quietly ditched it as a read though. Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image ~ Toby Lester, narrated by Stephen Hoye (epukapuka audio) 6hrs 20m N/F Art History I've picked up a lite listen, Grace Lin's Starry River of the Sky (juvenile fiction) which is making for a nice mind rest after busy brain days (work, and, dd's learning requirements this year)
  3. Thanks!! I've managed to find a few books on Overdrive to try. (It's amazing the range of authors we don't get here in our libraries; maybe something to do with the switch from US spelling to British (NZ) spelling, which is very apparent in the children's section. Just a random comment no response needed.)
  4. The forums are freezing up on me, again, today, not sure if this will 'post' or not - liking posts seems to have stopped, still tried though :) - and quoting is running at 'backwards' speed. @Negin So true! Life is too short to read books that don't engage or appeal. @hopeistheword Enjoy your Brit Tripping. I think last year was the most 'fun' I've had in planning, and reading, since I stopped compiling reading schedules for H.Eding my Dc ;) (Mumto2's location suggestions on her goodreads thread is so helpful) Thank you!!!! to those who posted author/book suggestions for us to try. ( @Liz CA @hopeistheword, no, I've not tried those authors. @Robin M I really enjoyed the Thoene's Zion series, years back …… and must revisit them; when (?) my book boxes eventually surface from storage. But have not tried the A.D. series. (Yes, I do like some old fashion and inspirational (not too much romance though) and definitely not preachy in my fiction reads.)
  5. @Liz CA I've had Regency World by Jennifer Kloester sitting in my book basket to read for about 3 years; looking forward to your review of it @Negin I really enjoyed your goodreads review, complete with beautiful pictures, of Nicholas & Alexandra. (ETA: hope the link works)
  6. I’ve dropped quite a few titles in the last few days, I’m trying to have another go at reading Christian fiction for the 10 book challenge – it’s not going well. 😉 Either the writing style is simplistic, with underdeveloped characters, or, the author is using their, supposed, fiction story to preach. I have two of Francine River’s book on hold, she is an author I’ve enjoyed in the past, so all may not be lost in keeping us going. (and thanks for @mumto2 suggestion a while back, I have another Terri Blackstock title waiting to be read.) Completed: Sprig Muslin ~ Georgette Heyer 268pgs (Heyer bookclub read) (3+) As per usual, I skipped past the portions with the creepy, lecherous, Fabian Theale. I think the story really takes off from midway through chapter 13. Each time I go through this book I appreciate, and notice, just how witty Heyer’s writing is. I Will Repay: The Scarlet Pimpernel Bk3 ~ Baroness Emma Orczy, narrated by Johanna Ward 7hrs 24m (3) https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2738522428 A.D. 33: A.D. Series, Bk2 ~ Ted Dekker, narrated by Ellen Archer 11hrs 30m (3) (Christian historical fiction) https://tuesdaysviews.blogspot.com/2019/03/ad-33-ad-series-bk2-ted-dekker.html Currently reading/listening to: Arawata Bill: The Story of Legendary Gold Prospector William James O'Leary ~ Ian Dougherty 196pgs, pub March 15th 2010. N/F NZ hist/biog (epukapuka) A Grief Observed ~ C.S. Lewis (Christian Classic) beautiful, challenging read Sip Reads (update): I’m making steady, renewed, progress through Dante’s Divine Comedy and How the Heather Looks ~ Joan Bodger memoir
  7. And a really talented one too. Perfect! So nice to see books become numbers 😍
  8. But i do want to know 😋 The link to/of Fran Wildes journal is amazing! @Robin M no need to be sorry, truly, i didn't recheck the completed line up before starting; and .... i just gave SUE a shot of OIL and we've got LOUISE. ** Thanks BaWs, I now have a new, to me, cache of authors and titles to go check out on goodreads.
  9. English 😉, and my goal is to try to move beyond the very basics in French and Maori.
  10. Hope the snuggly stays, and you get over the miserable quickly!! (Thanks for sharing what your user name meant on the other thread, i'd always wondered. 🙂) *** Eta. Sorry BAWs, my phone won't allow me to block quote. I darent drown the thread any more than I have. Mumto2. Your comment about big print books made me laugh. So true too!
  11. 2nd languages via youtube (off to search options soon), thanks for that suggestion. 🙃 I seem to still struggle with maintaining fluency in English.
  12. I was going to ask about your avatar but didn't want to derail the thread - so pleased you came back to share!
  13. Clever slip of the tongue to get your user name ... Wyandottes are one of our favourite breeds too!
  14. I thought it was clever: It could read as you being a 5 star _____________ (insert anything you like in there)
  15. That puts a whole different perspective to things! Hoping your glasses arrive soon. (Nice French 'lessons' extra!!) One of my Dc was supersensitive and pre-reading was mandatory for them too.
  16. Saving your link sharing post for my next visit here.... otherwise I get sucked out of BaW early and go rabbit trailing ♥ My dc & I used to LOVE magic school bus books, pleased to see you finished them both 🙂
  17. I have the wrong author for this month’s whodunit: I think I must not have updated a previous planning option 😛 (Kinsey Millhone – Sue Grafton (US). Time for a little reshuffle from spelling Sue to spelling Louise, and to pull some options forward for L, O, and, I . @Mothersweetsand @hopeistheword Lousie Penny is not my literary cup of tea, I had a few goes at different books (ebook, and, audio) and decided to move on to try other new to me authors. Completed: The Girl in the Cellar: Miss Silver Bk32 ~ Patricia Wentworth, narrated by Diana Bishop (3) Reviewed at 03/19 on my list https://tuesdaysviews.blogspot.com/2018/08/miss-silver-mystery-books-patricia.html Closed Casket ~ Sophie Hannah, narrated by Julian Rhind-Tutt (3) I appreciated this book more than The Monogram Murders; however, Closed Casket did seem to take a scenic route before getting the murder solved. I like that Hannah has made Inspector Catchpole adept enough in his own right, he’s not used as a bumbling sidekick to Poriot’s ‘brilliance’. The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place ~ Andy Crouch (4) N/F CC (sip read, started in January) Thank you to the BaWer who recommended this book; I’ve suggested it as a very worthwhile read to a few people already. Currently reading/listening to: Sprig Muslin ~ Georgette Heyer (Heyer bookclub read) A.D. 33: A.D. Series, Bk2 ~ Ted Dekker, narrated by Ellen Archer (Christian historical fiction) Sip Reads (update): Dante’s Divine Comedy, I’ve been in sip, pause n ponder, repeat mode for about 18months with this title, and then seeing how close I am getting to the end, after another delve into it last week, is giving me the impetus to focus on it more and try to complete it before our winter starts. A Child’s Anthology of Poetry ~ Edited by Elizabeth Hauge Sword Dd and I are sharing the reading aloud of this together, were about a quarter of the way through. (We struggled to ‘get’ e e cummings poetry ETA: does anyone know of any sites that can help us with that?) The Fallacy Detective ~ Nathaniel, and, Hans Bluedorn (Dd is re-reading this to us, quick-ish review before we crack open the Critical Thinking Cards packs and start playing the games. The two of us are finding that some of the exercises in this book can easily be more than one fallacy, and they don’t always feel like the best ‘practise’ examples. Abandonded: The Book of M ~ Peng Shepherd, narrated by James Fouhey I figured if the author was investing in f-bombs in the first chapter, impossible to skip on audio, things were not likely to improve swearing wise. My Name Is Nobody: Wilde and Vine Series, Book 1 ~ Matthew Richardson, narrated by Colin Mace. Three chapters in and I still wasn’t interested enough to continue.
  18. Twofold: I hope to become more and more like a "Tuesdays child", full of grace; and, I'm the youngest of 9 children and was born on a Tuesday. (Interesting how many people ask those born into a large family, "Which number are you?" 😋) ETA: @Æthelthryth the Texan (snort n grin, even copying and pasting won't 'bring' up the blue thingy, like it does for Amy's) & @hopeistheword it's a good prompt for me every time I see 😉
  19. Glad to see you made the decision to emerge from Solitude.... and for me to see that others here also only read a few years of Solitude before escaping. Heyer is a good palate cleanser 😉 That is so witty and LOL funny!! (Using your reckoning I read approx 5 years So many of the nifty board features don't work on my phone either.
  20. Yes, I was able to read it. Thank you. I'm glad that typing it out was a good exercise 🙂 That portion bugged me too - obviously not as much as it did you though - and for a few weeks after was seriously annoyed at Miss Read for doing that to a character I liked and was so engaged with. Interestingly enough, in later books, you can see that it works out best for Henry. (Doesn't help in this book though.) With spoilers, Kareni shared this tip last year... so we can type all in black eta: ha! I can't get it to allow me to share how to do it... I'll have another try
  21. Love this! Wishing you the very best. ** ETA: I nearly didn't go and read the Frederica review..... just in case the reviewer was going to brutally dismember a favourite literary friend 😉
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