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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. I feel like mil is a bit off the last few weeks. Part of this is from her hearing - it has really worsened recently, so when she repeats what she thinks we said to her to clarify it is often not even close. (Which can be hilarious at times!) But tonight she came up to me because she can't remember how to see the channel guide. Except she was holding her phone out to me. I was confused, so I asked her if she was looking up somewhere on line what was on tv, which would have been kind of shocking for her to even try to do, lol. But she thought she normally checked what was on tv on her phone, instead of the actual tv. When I mentioned I'd never seen her check what is on tv on her phone, only on the channel guide on the television, she looked confused for a moment and then looked shocked and upset, obviously realizing how bizarre this was. A few minor things like this have happened recently, but this is the most striking one. She has had a few minor falls within the last few months with slight bumps to the head, and has been perfectly fine after them, but maybe there is a cumulative effect that could be causing this? She suffered a major fall a few years ago with a few brain bleeds, concussion, broken neck, and was completely loopy in the hospital and rehab, and then normal once she got home. What actions would anyone recommend? MRI? Neurologist? Dementia screening? She absolutely needs hearing aids, but money is very tight and I don't know that she would wear them, and she will definitely lose them or step on them, etc. 

    • Sad 9
  2. We started my son at age 10, he's 24 now and will most likely be on them for life. After reading this thread I'm realizing that he should probably be on a higher dose. He's a big guy, and on 20 mg, still dealing with some anxiety although not the level he was dealing with when we started this. I just wanted to mention that after seeing the consequences of delaying meds with a family member, I'm so glad we didn't hesitate. This teen family member has listened to negative comments about these types of medications for years, and now when his parents finally agree he needs them he is unwilling to take them. It's very sad and scary seeing what he is going through. 

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  3. Did you self-administer the Epley maneuver? It is much more effective when done by a doctor. I had been doing it myself and not getting much relief, maybe about 20% better. I finally went to an ENT specialist and when he did it it knocked it right out. There are some hospitals that have a mechanical chair thingy that does the Epley maneuver, don't remember what it's called, but apparently it can work better for some people. 

    Edited to add: there are quite a few physical therapists in my area that can perform the Epley maneuver, may be worth calling around...

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  4. 18 minutes ago, saraha said:

    Did you discover your love for Cincinnati chili at skyline, gold star or empress? OR is there another chili parlour I don’t know about?!?

    There was a Skyline right next to our hotel. I did try Gold Star once, but since the Skyline was right there I only remember eating that. It's been on my list of things to make at home but I never remember to actually make it.☺️

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  5. 5 minutes ago, saraha said:

    There’s a couple of brands that are slightly different. Gold Star and Cincinnati Recipe Chili mix. Cincinnati chili is definitely an acquired taste. 😆

    I've definitely acquired it, lol. I ate it every day when we were in the area for a week before the pandemic.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, saraha said:

    Brown a pound of hamburger, then add half a can of tomato paste, packet of Gold Star Chili seasoning and 5 cups of water. Bring to a boil, then dump in one box of pasta. Boil stirring for 9 minutes, add more water if needed along the way. Spoon into a greased baking dish, top with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake till cheese is melted, then top with a sprinkle of diced onion and oyster crackers. Serve with a bottle of tobasco sauce. It’s like Gold Star’s 4 way chili spaghetti, but done up as a casserole. I know Cincinnati chili is a regional thing though. When we made it for our Wisconsin family, they were like hmmm, interesting. But everyone I have made it for around here LOVES it.

    So the Gold Star Chili seasoning is a Cincinnati chili? Oh, I have to try this!! I love Cincinnati chili and this sound nice and easy! I probably won't find the seasoning in NJ, but Amazon has it.

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  7. Chicken pot pie and Chicken and Dumplings. I won't link the pot pie recipe because I'm too lazy to write out the changes I've made, but it's from Allrecipes. Maybe I'll do that later. This is the recipe I use for chicken and dumplings: https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a9790/chicken-and-dumplings/. I only use bone-in skin-on chicken breasts for this recipe because that's all my family will eat. Obviously they take more than 20 minutes to cook. Also, I only use Goya Masarepa corn meal. It was the only thing I had the first time I made it, and the dumplings were amazing!! I used some other kind of corn meal the next time and it wasn't nearly as good. Lesson learned! I also made a really good strawberry shortcake that has since been requested by a few people for their birthday cake. I even got an amazing from dh - he's the cake person, not me. I really don't enjoy cooking nowadays because standing in a kitchen is very hard for me to do, so I don't make these often and dh helps with all the vegetable chopping.

    DH makes so many amazing things but he's most known for his pizza. The second Saturday of the month is known for being pizza night around here. He does thin crust cheese, pepperoni, meatball, Hawaiian, artichoke heart/asparagus/mushroom and whatever other combo he can think of. He also does Chicago deep dish and Sicilian. He mixes it up every month. My sister usually brings a new type of shot or drink, and someone else brings dessert. It's a fun night. Family members often stop by looking for his chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies. 

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  8. I don't like to drive long distances, so I'd let the son drive unless he was a terrible driver, and take the back so they can talk. This is how my mil handled it when she was driving, and my mom too, if we were going somewhere in her car. My preference most times is to only drive with dh as the driver, because I don't know how there haven't been more accidents the way most family members drive!

  9. Cannoli filling is one of my favorite things! I worked at a bakery in my younger years, and there was always a huge mixing bowl full of cannoli filling in the walk-in fridge. Sometimes I'd fill a small paper coffee cup with the filling and munch away. They should always be filled fresh! I love the chocolate dipped shells, but as long as they are crispy I'll take either one. Ok, now I want a cannoli.☺️

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  10. On 2/11/2023 at 5:28 PM, gardenmom5 said:

    The guys who do free yard clean-ups.  They usually pick one that is really bad - they post them as "advertising" of what they can do, and how much of a difference it can make.  They've also helped those without means be able to avoid fines because they can't clean-up their yards.


    I like this guy for carpet cleaning


    he recently got a "vibrator" to put the carpets through before he cleans them.  One had *a lot* of dirt come out of it before he even started washing it.

    I watch those, too. Also, car detailing.😁

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  11. I have an odd mix. I only watch YouTube for 30 minutes before bed, not every night, but occasionally I have a binge night. Most of what I watch is for pure relaxation purposes. Here's a sampling:

    Bob and Brad - whenever I have pain I head here

    Dr. Brandon Beaber - neurologist MS

    Aaron Boster, MD - neurologist MS

    English Heritage - I especially love the  Victorian cooking videos with Mrs. Crocombe

    MS Workouts - I guess it's obvious I have MS 🙂

    emmymade - I just love her personality! 

    Jenny Can Cook - easy bread recipes got me through the pandemic

    Townsends - love seeing how cooking was done in the past

    Steve1989MREInfo - he eats MREs from all over the world, even really old ones! 

    Maison Olivia - relaxing cake/pastry/drink making videos

    Shu and Tree - dog grooming - the dogs all end up looking similar but it's oddly relaxing. 

    Nami's life - I'm a bit jealous of her ordered life lol

    Yoga with Adriene - I think I found her channel from a recommendation here

    Safiya Nygaard - silly videos, like mixing every lip gloss from Sephora, visiting a cheese theme park in South Korea, etc... I like her quirky personality.



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  12. I have experienced that for years and years. I had one comment from my sil about sitting on the couch eating bonbons like Peggy Bundy that I almost lost it over lol. But even recently, my uncle called to talk to mil, and asked what I was up to, and when I replied working, he was shocked. He never knew I've been working with dh since I left my previous job before I gave birth, 25 years ago. We have 2 businesses, and I've been involved since the beginning. I don't know what he thought I did, but maybe he thought my MS diagnosis kept me from working? 

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  13. The picture of the man holding his dead daughter's hand - I just can't imagine. I've avoided watching the news after seeing the video of a building collapsing - it's just so upsetting to watch. I hope everyone got out before the collapse. And there are so many collapsed buildings! The death toll will be staggering.

    • Sad 3
  14. I had the same issue. I bought this to use in between vacuuming: https://smile.amazon.com/Fuller-Brush-Electrostatic-Carpet-Sweeper/dp/B01I0BTT2U?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1

    It takes less than 5 minutes to use on a large room and it's a perfect chore for younger kids. The brush needs to be cleaned often if there is a lot of long hair in the house and I end up using scissors to cut it off the brush if there's a lot. I haven't had a vacuum issue since I bought it.

  15. 1 hour ago, kbutton said:

    An air purifier is a good idea--you could make one of those Corsi-Rosenthal boxes that people made for Covid if that's cheaper. They move a ton of air. If you have forced air heat, I would run the fan continuously for a while and then change the furnace filter after everything is cleaned up. If it's in the ductwork, getting those cleaned would be a good idea.

    Do you use microfiber rags? They tend to pick up everything. If you have something like a Bona mop, you can use a clean head to dust the walls. Or you could put a microfiber rag over a broom to do the walls.

    Also, maybe a lint roller would get some of it up on smaller or more delicate surfaces.

    You might need more of a shop-vac type of vacuum, but if so, be sure to use a bag to catch all the particles. I bet someone would have one to borrow (and maybe a carpet cleaner to borrow).

    It sounds so messy, but I am glad you were prepared! 

    I think I will get some microfiber rags - good idea! I can't stand the way they feel so I don't usually buy them, but I've been wearing gloves. I was able to borrow my bil's smaller shop vac that has a filter. Ours is too big, and I didn't realize it didn't have a filter! I'm glad I had a mask on lol. I've been meaning to get a mop like the Bona - I'm tired of using a Swiffer WetJet, so a good reason to upgrade. Thanks for the helpful suggestions! 

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  16. We seem to be having a bit of bad luck  lately! We had our range hood catch fire a few weeks ago, and last night we had an outlet catch fire. Luckily it was in our basement off the kitchen and we were able to get to the fire extinguisher quickly. I did not realize how much residue can come from a fire extinguisher! It's a fairly large room and my work area is in a back corner nook, and everything is covered in a fine dust. I'm considering running out to get an air purifier. We are wiping down all the walls and ceilings, vacuuming, mopping the tile area, but there is a lot of stuff in this room - papers, books, knick-knacks, my tree is still up, etc. I may have to have someone come in to do the carpet and furniture, or rent a machine as money is tight right now. I'm a little overwhelmed! But thankful we didn't have a big fire! And insurance won't cover the cleanup unless it is from smoke or water damage from extinguishing the fire. If we waited long enough to need the fire department we would have probably lost the house, the way the air gets pulled up the stairs in this old house. Anything else I can do to? At the moment we're just going through the room breaking it into small sections. We're checking every outlet in the house, and getting an extinguisher for every floor! 

    • Sad 2
  17. I'm glad that we removed our dog from the big uncaring animal hospital and took him to our normal vet, who handled it beautifully. I would consider having a vet come to our house in the future, but I love, love, love our vet, so probably not. He took us in immediately, gave dh all the time he needed (I had to wait in the car, I just can't handle being there for that...) and was always so gentle with our dog. That was the first time dh met him as I always handled vet visits, and he was very impressed by how much he obviously cared for our dog. He sent a lovely card with our dog's paw prints a week or two after. I don't regret not going in, but dh absolutely has to go in, so put some thought into how you feel about being there. Also, if you would like paw prints, ask if they can do that for you. I wished I had asked, so it was a happy surprise when the vet sent them. We didn't feel we needed to have his ashes, but it was important to my sister when she put her dog down, so maybe think about that option. I was surprised by how hard it hit dh and I with this dog. He was truly the best dog we've ever had. We're still very much in mourning coming up on two years now. Seriously, it's as bad as losing my parents, and the same for dh. Many people can't understand that. 

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  18. I've found them very accommodating in our state. I would be able to get my son out of jury duty easily if he were summoned. I was able to get an exemption for jury duty while I was homeschooling ds because of his special needs and being the primary caretaker and educator. I'd give them a call and see what they say. 

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  19. We've used Quickbooks Online for years, and I am getting more and more annoyed with it. I don't use them for payroll, so I can't speak to that, but we've seen support deteriorate over the past 2 years, and especially in the last 6 months. They used to have excellent support. Little issues keep popping up with no resolution in sight, and the price increase with no added benefit is really frustrating. They've put more into the advanced version, which is too expensive for smaller businesses. Freshbooks is the one I plan on checking out next when I have some time, but we are in the process of updating a legacy accounting system and will probably end up using that when it is ready. 

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  20. I started watching it because one side of the family comes from that area and it came up in a search for info on the area. I was hooked on the first episode. I love all the different characters, the setting, the social issues of the time, the births, excellent writing and acting. One of my favorite shows ever. 

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  21. On 1/18/2023 at 12:33 AM, Grace Hopper said:

    Do you have a side gig writing ad copy? 😂

    Holding you and @dsmith responsible for what I’m about to add to my Amazon cart. 

    The Jockey website has 20% off with code JOCKEY20. Free shipping over $59 but free returns I think. Sometimes Macy's has a sale, too.

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  22. I recently ordered a few packs of Jockey Elance Breathe hipsters, and when I opened them up all I could think was granny panties!! They definitely run big. I decided to see if they would shrink, so I washed one pack, and they didn't shrink at all. I tried them on and realized they are the most comfortable undies I've ever worn in my life!! They are super soft breathable cotton.😍 But I'm so unused to wearing undies with full butt coverage that come up almost to my belly button, I won't let dh see them on yet - I do NOT feel sexy lol. I highly recommend if you are having night sweats though.

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