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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. On 8/10/2023 at 1:03 AM, wintermom said:

    Unless the attentant put gas in a diesel car. This happened to my mil in NJ. No one is ever going to do that in their own car. The self-serve pumps have different sized nozzles so it can't physically be done. 

    I like having control over who touches my car.

    I think the gas stations near us have separate pumps for diesel, so if the attendant did that it would be because I pulled up to the wrong pump. I'm trying to remember seeing pumps where they do both - maybe on the highway? And I think most attendants would look at my car and ask me if it really took diesel, unless maybe they were new to the job. I believe it is legal to pump your own diesel in NJ. 

  2. I know how to do it, but I don't have to, living in NJ. I'm very happy to let someone else do it for me.😁When we are traveling, dh fills it up. I really don't like the smell of gasoline, and some brands give me a headache. On one of our longer trips it felt so nice to fill up back in NJ and have our windshield washed without asking, for 15 cents less per gallon at that time. Our local gas stations are small, 4 - 6 pumps. The lines aren't long unless there's a storm coming, so I rarely have to wait for a pump if I time it right, and I have two gas stations right down the street from me. I hope NJ never changes! Most people I know feel the same. 

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  3. My mother-in-law always said she would hate to get hearing aids, but now she can't wait. She misses so much in group conversation, she looks so lost. Her brother gave her $2000 to put towards them, but until she sees the audiologist we have no idea how much it will cost. The only thing we're worried about is her losing them. My father-in-law constantly lost his hearing aids. He purchased new ones shortly before he died, but either the hospital or rehab lost them.😠 They were over $4000 and maybe she could have used them.

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  4. We have one 2nd floor room that has the stairway to the attic, and all of the air gets sucked up there, or maybe pulled down, not sure. Anyway, this room is my son's hang out room and it was very hot even with the air conditioner. We initially hung a tension rod with a heavy sheet in the doorway, and that helped a lot. But the sheet gets wrapped around our legs going through the doorway. ( Our bedroom is in the attic, so we are up and down a lot.) I was going to purchase heavy blackout curtains, but I thought the same thing may happen. We finally purchased a vinyl accordion door for that doorway, and it's been awesome! I don't know if that's something that would work in your space or not, but it's nicer than the sheet was or heavy curtains would have been. 

  5. I couldn't work in a restaurant dealing with raw meat, especially chicken. If I'm cooking chicken at home, the disinfection process takes me a long time, so in a restaurant I'd go crazy! I wasn't like this before I got food poisoning from chicken at a restaurant. I couldn't do any job that involved poo, vomit, blood and/or bodily fluids of any kind. I couldn't do any job that involved being in a hot room or outdoors in the heat - I basically need to stay in a cool, not humid environment all the time or my body doesn't work. 🫠And nothing that involves public speaking!

    Thankfully I work from home in a temperature controlled environment that doesn't involve talking to many people.😁

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  6. I got tired of listing free things, and even selling things. People are PITAs!! We live on a busy street and will put things out with a big FREE sign. I've recently rediscovered our local thrift store and have been bringing a lot to them. I like that they have 20 different charities they support, and we can choose who gets the money from our donation. They also take toys, which is very rare. 


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  7. We have one Turkish restaurant near us that I love for the same reason. They're very expensive, though, so I treat myself once every few months. I love their soup and bread, and I was able to find simple and easy recipes for both online, so I make them quite often. I'm not low fodmap, so I don't know if the soup is or isn't. 


    I usually add one peeled potato to the soup to give it a little more body. The squeeze of lemon at the end is a must. I make it a generous squeeze!


    The bread has an egg wash, and I'm still looking for a good substitute for that. I was going to try aquafaba the next time I make it. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. What's been driving me crazy is different doctors using different payment/health info portals. I have two elderly people living here, and their doctors all use different portals. I'm the one that has to handle this because the 2 elderly folks are not tech savvy at all. One of them can barely use the portable phone lol. We have most regular bills on autopay. If it's not on autopay I have reminders on my Apple watch to pay certain bills on certain days of the month. I also have them scheduled in my planner. 

    • Like 2
  9. 13 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

    LDN has done more for me than any diet. 

    It helped almost immediately for my thyroid (Hashimoto's), but I wasn't seeing any benefit for MS for a while. It took about 6 months before I really noticed any difference, and it came on so slowly that it wasn't very remarkable until I sat down and thought about the changes.

    • Like 1
  10. I did level 2 for a while. I did have less fatigue, but I can't say it helped with any other MS symptoms. I also lost weight, about 20 pounds. I kept the protein low - at about 12%. It bothered my stomach a lot at higher amounts. I also did more like 7 cups of veggies. Luckily 2 cloves of garlic counts as one cup of sulfur veggies! Now I'm transitioning to OMS, especially after my brother died of esophageal cancer. I've also been taking LDN, and after 7 months my fatigue is mostly gone, as well as the nerve pain in my left leg. I barely have any spasticity also. In fact the last 2 weeks I've been logging about 12,000 steps a day while we are emptying rooms for painting and renovations, so lots of lifting, going up and down stairs, etc. Heat intolerance is better, too. 

    I know there is some controversy with Dr. Wahls about one of her treatments -  I think she was on one of the chemotherapy-type drugs? I don't remember... Some think that may account for her improvements, not just diet. I was turned off when she started charging for everything, and doing a lot of affiliate marketing, selling supplements, etc. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. I haven't read all the replies, and don't know the laws in your area, but where I live it would not be legal to build a tiny house on a property with an existing house, but we are in the suburbs, 25 minutes from NYC. In our area mother/daughter set ups were popular but I'm not sure if they are still around with the current real estate market in our area. We used to think that we would buy a 2 family some day for us and our s/n son but two-families are a hot commodity here. My neighbor and a family member co-owned a two-family in town, and it is really run down. They sold as-is for over $600,000, to real estate investors. It was listed at $450,000. But maybe a 2-family or mother/daughter set up would be more feasible in your area? 

    • Like 1
  12. I'd stay right here in Northern NJ. I'm a Jersey girl, what can I say! But my second choice would be coastal Maine. I just wish it were more affordable and less conservative in my town. I like the convenience of where I live - everything is close by, but I'm in a smaller town without a highway running through it. We have decent gun laws - I think we're the 2nd strictest state. Coastal Maine I've only visited during the summer through late September, so I don't know what winters are like, but the people seem super friendly. There's just something about the sound of the lobster boats, and looking at the water that I find so relaxing. If I had the money I'd at least own a vacation home on the water! 


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  13. So far it looks better out there this morning, but air quality is still bad. I've been using a KN94 in the rooms I don't have an air purifier in, and barely going out. Last night I got very out of breath on my third flight of stairs to my bedroom. That hasn't happened since I had Covid. I do take NAC every day, so hopefully it was a one day thing. And the migraine - ugh. I don't take any meds anymore because they are so rare nowadays. I'm going to try 1/8 teaspoon ginger - just saw that on Nutritionfacts.org. When we went out yesterday evening I did see a lot more masks than earlier in the day. 

    Stay safe everyone!

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  14. I was just out (Northern NJ) and it amazes me that nobody is masking. Just me and one other person I saw. There were quite a few elderly people walking in this, people with car windows rolled down, one person jogging, crazy!!  I'm only going out when it's absolutely necessary. My chest is getting a little tight and I have a headache. And like a previous poster mentioned, it really does look like Mordor! It's getting worse by the hour, too.

    • Sad 3
  15. That kitchen looks very attractive compared to what I'm cooking in every day!! I love having lots of cabinet space, so that wouldn't bother me at all. I would possibly paint the cabinets and replace the hardware. Personally, I'm loving the dark blues I've been seeing in magazines lately, and brushed nickel is my favorite for hardware. Maybe a more colorful backsplash - it need some color somewhere in my opinion.

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  16. It was 4 am and I was starving. All the hospital had available was jello or a sandwich of some sort, don't remember. I took the sandwich. 3 bites in I almost threw up, so that was the end of that. I couldn't tolerate anything for a few more hours but I was absolutely ravenous!! I had a full breakfast when I could finally handle food - eggs, ham, toast, hash browns, tea, OJ. 

  17. Is she able to do large print word search puzzles? I buy them all the time for my mil and elderly neighbor, and Amazon has some really nice ones. Mil has really bad arthritis in her hands and neighbor has poor vision. The two of them sit in the dining room every day for over an hour doing them. They also play Yahtzee - they make larger dice, and I scanned and enlarged a score sheet that I can print out for them. I've even seen a dry erase one that was a decent size. They play this most nights. 

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  18. 9 hours ago, Quill said:

    On the subject of work-related providers: Quickbooks Pro. I hate that company, yet I have to continue throwing absurd amounts of money at them for the accounting program for dh’s business. I switched to Online last November, in part because they are discontinuing the desktop model, and also because the annual update is like $650; I thought the subscription-based online would be better for the same or similar total annual cost. IT IS NOT. 

    I cancelled the desktop update so I wouldn’t get charged in December for the year when I was changing it anyway. Great, except doing that prevented me from correctly calculating payroll taxes *at all*; it literally disappeared and I could only manually enter payroll taxes based on past payroll and an educated guess. 🤨 Getting up and running with the Online program was inordinately more convoluted than I expected and it is still not completely dialed in. 

    To add to all that, they constantly try to upsell directly in my company overview page. I think their goal is to make it NOT intuitive and frustrating as hell, so you will give the hell up and will subscribe to virtual accountants too. (Which I actually considered, but I am on a QB FB group and saw that someone who is employed as a QB virtual bookkeeper was asking how she should “break it” to a small business owner that her charges for cleaning up books have now totaled $12,000. I’m not paying anyone $12,000 to perfect my digital books!) 

    Also, if you actually need a manual so that you know what the eff you’re doing, you have to buy a “For Dummies” or similar. There is no way to troubleshoot or even just know how it differs from desktop without an unofficial manual. If you call, they try to upsell and a troubleshoot call costs money. 

    If dh were younger, I would be looking for a different system altogether but it’s moot now; we will just keep using and hating QBs until he closes the company. 

    I hate QBO with a passion!! They've removed functionality while increasing the price, and support is impossible to get. They used to have excellent support years ago. Our company is modernizing a legacy accounting package, so I will eventually migrate to that, but I do like the ability to process credit cards from within QBO. 

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