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Everything posted by osps66

  1. I will send you a recipe but in the mean time add prayer about what to do for schooling. "This too shall pass"
  2. I will need to look this up, but I know there is a natural remedy to getting rid of lice so as to avoid the chemicals of the commercial brand typically used. I'll have to get back to you...
  3. Soft cover has a better price and then I use a fabric cover to protect the book
  4. i am relatively new to this site. I don't have 50 posts to the forum but am able to see adverts that i listed for sale. I don't know if there's a connection between the 50 posts and others being able to reply to me. Do you know and will you explain please?
  5. to continue your conversation...so when you talk about another person quoting you, does that mean they simply read your advert or they are interested? i mean, is that where they able to let you know if they are interested in buying?
  6. I finished reading a book last week that has been on my shelf for just over a year. I wanted a little down time and began reading. I thought it would be like the four other books I've started and haven't completed, but I couldn't put it down. Then very chance I had for the next four days, I spent reading this adventure book. Adults and students alike can enjoy this one. If you have some time, pick up The River by Michael Neale. Happy reading!
  7. I am a new member and was wondering why we have to post to the forum before contacting another member and each time we post an advert. Just wanted to understand the logic behind it thanks
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